Chapter 1

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"Come on V!" Shouted a cute little 4 year old boy.

"Coming Kookie!" The 6 year old shouted back.

They were both at the park. That's where the two had met and became instant friends. The two moms smiled as they watched their sons. Who were currently racing to the swings.

The two called each other by their nicknames. No one ever really called them by their true names. So neither did they. After about an hour of playing. The moms called their sons. They whined and cried. Asking for something to remember their new friend bye.

V's mom smiled as she got out a camera. She asked the boys to stand side by side. They happily did as they grinned and gave each other a side hug. V's mom snapped two pictures. One for V and one for Kookie. The moms decided to go sit back on the bench for a minute to let the two boys say their good byes.

"I'm going to miss you." Whined V.

"Me too." Pouted Kookie. Kookie was thinking to himself. 'How do I make sure he never forgets me?' They each had a picture. But to Kookie it wasn't enough.

Then Kookie got an idea. Kookies dad is in the military and Kookie remembers that whenever he would leave. He would tell Kookies mom. 'If I don't return. Please be happy and don't forget me.' Then he would smile at her sadly and kiss her lips. 'I should do the same thing!' Kookie thought in excitement.

"V! Come here!" Kookie called out to the 6 year old in excitement.

"I am here!" V called back. They shouted at each other in happiness even though they were only about a foot apart.

"No! I mean come closer!" Kookie shouted back. V shrugged and went closer until Kookie said stop. When Kookie did say stop. V was directly in front of him. Looking at the 4 year old in curiosity.

Kookie then took the older by surprise as he pressed his lips against his. Pulling back rather quickly out of embarrassment. By now, both boys were blushing like crazy. While the moms did nothing but coo and squeal over their adorable sons.

"W-why did yo-you do tha-that Kookie?" V stuttered. Kookie blushed more as he wrapped his arms around the elders torso.

"Because, I don't want you to forget me." Kookie whispered in his ear. V lightly chuckled at the younger.

"Never." He promised.

After that day. The boys saw each other more and more after the moms exchanged numbers. But one day. The boys stopped seeing each other. They never had a reason. They just... stopped. Well at least Kookie had no reason and was confused when he stopped seeing his best friend. While V... had started to notice a slight change in Kookies personality.

He figured that Kookie would be popular and he didn't want to be left behind. Silly for a 6 year old, huh? Well that's just how V felt. So he stopped seeing him and never gave anyone a reason. He thought he would never see Kookie again. Even though he was upset he figured it would be for the best. Or so he thought.

10 years later:

The cute little 6 year old who had went by the name of V. Was all but forgotten. He still kept the picture of him and Kookie. It was thumbtacked to his wall by his bed. He would smile at it sadly every night before he went to bed. Now 15 year old Taehyung was a 10th grader.

Little did he know. That Kookie, now Jungkook. Had just entered the same High School as a Freshman at age 14. Jungkook had also not forgotten about V. But he does regret letting him go without a fight and not ever getting his real name. They were ok. Except they had lost a dear part of their childhood.

Taehyung still had good friends though. One in the same grade as him by the name of Jimin and who was the same age as Taehyung. And one who was already sixteen but still in the same grade as them by the name of Hoseok.

Jungkook had made friends too. They went by the names of Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi. Jin and Namjoon were dating and both 10th graders with the same age of 15.While Yoongi was a Freshman with Jungkook. With both of them being 14. Even though Jin was younger than Namjoon. He still acted like the mom. He was in charge of keeping the 3 trouble makers out of trouble.

(AN: for the sake of the story just go with it.)

The 2 groups already didn't get along. Back in middle school. The youngers heard rumors about the olders and believed them immediately. The only one who didn't believe it was Taehyungs brother, Yoongi.

But Yoongi chose to stay out of it. He didn't want to be caught up in the middle of their argument. Even though Yoongi was younger. He already promised himself that he would protect Taehyung.

You want to know the funny thing about all this? The only younger who actually acted younger and a bit timid was Jin. While the other 3 were actually pretty fierce and could be very protective. While the 3 olders were actually pretty timid. That's why. While it's only 1 week into school and Yoongi already had to beat the crap out of someone for picking on Tae.

The principle herself had already told Yoongi 'I think it's sweet you're sticking up for your older brother. As long as that's what you're doing. You won't get in trouble' Yoongi had thanked her but didn't tell Taehyung.

Yoongi was super excited for his brother. It was Taehyungs Birthday in just a few weeks. Meaning he would get his necklace.

The 2 tried not to mingle at school. Sometimes even taking separate routes on the way home after school. But Taehyung needed his little brother and Yoongi was always there when ever Taehyung needed him. But that was getting more and more frequent. They soon just didn't mind. They both knew that their groups would figure out sooner or later that the 2 were very close brothers.

But, they can't dwell on that now! Right now, the Min family had a Birthday to plan!

'No one better hurt him' Yoongi always thought bitterly when ever he would see someone walking up to Taehyung.

Yoongi's only weak spot was Taehyung.

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