Chapter 23

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(Quick note: Flower Picture represents Jonghyun. We all miss him dearly. Rest In Peace baby. You did amazing 😭❤️)

"What should we name her?" Jungkook asked as he was now cautiously stroking the Actually very friendly wolf pup.

"I don't know. You name her whatever you want. I got her for you." Taehyung answered.

Jungkook examined the pup. She was pure white with gorgeous golden eyes and fur as soft as silk. She was still small but also pretty big. She would defiantly grow much more. She was only eight months old after all. She was born March tenth. The day after Yoongi's Birthday.

"How About Hope? I know it sounds cheesy. But she's so beautiful. Just like how I hope our future will be." Jungkook muttered without realizing what he said.

"Our future?" Taehyung asked. Not sure if he had heard right. Jungkook glanced over with slightly red cheeks.

'Now or never. Before you back out again or something else happens. Just tell him you coward!' Jungkook coaxed himself in his head. So he gently put Hope down and took Taehyungs hand. Leading him over to the couch. Sitting down and pulling Taehyung into his lap. So that Taehung was straddling him.

"Yes our future. I've wanted to ask you for so long now. Will you Min Taehyung be my boyfriend?" Jungkook asked with nervousness clear in his voice. Taehyung smiled at him gently.

"Of course I will." He grinned and leaned in. Their lips met for a few seconds before they pulled away. Love clear in their eyes.

"You do know we still have school Monday right?" Taehyung chuckled making Jungkook groan in annoyance.

"You Just had to bring that up now. But it's Saturday! What do you want to do?" Jungkook asked His now boyfriend.

"Yeah About that. We should probably go get Hope some stuff for Monday." Taehyung answered as he pat the wolf pups head.

"Huh? Why for Monday?" Jungkook asked in clear confusion.

"Hope is coming to school with us! I already talked to the school. We now have the same classes and we sit beside each other in all of them. Hope can be very mean to anyone who is mean to us. She won't be mean to our friends though. I want us to be able to show off us being a couple. If anyone is mean to us about it she will protect us." Taehyung explained to a teary eyes Jungkook.

"Where did he go?" Jungkook suddenly asked. Earning a confused face form Taehyung.

"Who?" Taehyung asked.

"The boy who needed to be protected by me and then by his brother." Jungkook answered. Taehyung smiled.

"He's still right here. I'll always need you Jungkook." Taehyung assured as he walked over and hugged Jungkook. While Hope pranced around and yapped happily. The two boys giggled.

"Come here Hope." The wolf stopped and looked at the two boys in question.

"Yes you. Come here girl." Jungkook called again. Hope bounded over and started leaving slobbery kisses on both boys faces as they giggled at the wolf's actions.

"See? She's just like a puppy." Taehyung giggled as Jungkook agreed. While Hope wagged her tail in happiness.

They went to the store late Saturday and brought Hope with them. Seeing how she would react. For every glare or rude comment that was thrown at the two boys as they held hands. Was a deadly threatening growl from Hope. Who then looked at the two boys in worry. They would always pet her head and she would go back to happily walking. Until the next rude person would show.

Monday came and they were actually excited to see the schools reaction to Hope. Jungkook had actually grown very fond of the wolf pup. She would act like a puppy to them. But vicious to anyone who was mean to them.

They walked down the hall with Hope on the end of the leash that Taehyung was holding. Right when they were trying to get to class. Someone stopped them.

"Nice guard dog. Are you two dating or someting?" The person snickered. Neither boy knew his name.

"Yes." Jungkook growled. Sensing his anger. Hope started to growl and show her teeth.

"Oh so scary!" He snickered. Hope looked back at the two boys.

"You do realize this is a wolf right?" Taehyung questioned. The boy didn't drop his smug smirk as he looked at the couple.

"Seriously? Yeah right. Fags like you are probably just making it up." Jungkooks blood boiled.

"Go for it girl." Jungkook allowed. Hope jumped up on her two back legs and started growling and snapping at his hand that had come to close. She managed to actually get his arm. Causing it to bleed pretty badly. Even though she hardly bit it.

"We're going to be late for class. Come on baby. Come on Hope." Jungkook spoke as they continued walking. Leaving the injured boy behind who quickly rushed to the nurse.

They walked to class and was asked to come to the front of the room.

"Hello Jungkook. Welcome to my class. Boys why do you have an animal on school property?" The teacher questioned. Before Jungkook could speak. Taehyung handed over a note he was told to give to all of their teachers .

"Ok then. Welcome Hope. Go take your seats. I'll tell your seat mate to change seats Taehyung." They both thanked her and walked over to their seats.

"See? We'll be fine. I was worried too. That's why I got Hope and made sure we could have the same schedule." Taehyung grinned.

'I can't believe he did all this for me. I can't believe I have such a caring boyfriend. I'm so happy. I really couldn't be happier with this amazing boy.' Jungkook though in happiness as he stroked Hopes fur who wagged her tail softly in content.

The school quickly learned about Hope and the Taekook couple. Hope was fine with their friends after introducing her to them.

Yoongi And Jimin also came out and told them. Someone had actually over heard it and was starting to hate on the Yoonmin couple. But backed off as Hope started to growl. She got praised for it Of course.

Everything was fine. They could actually be happy together without worrying about hate.

Normally there wasn't hate. But there just were so few gay couples that the necklaces chose. There were stupid and closed minded people. Who didn't understand it and there for chose not to try and understand it. Instead they hated on it.

Now there wasn't much hate and heart break. Since most trusted the pendant. But there were still morons.

"You know. Your eyes kind of look like Hopes." Jungkook observed once they were back home.

Taehyung giggled and grinned at his boyfriend.

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