Chapter 6

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For a week after the incident happened. Jungkook was trying to ignore Taehyung. Even going as far as to cancel the study times and would study on his own. Not as much fun at all. But he didn't care as long as he wasn't around Taehyung. He was just to worried about his feelings. He didn't understand them and that was what made it so hard.

Every time he would see Taehyung. He would get this sudden desire to go toward him and hold him close. The worst part was, he didn't even know it was his fault that he felt this way.

Normally Yoongi would be all over it and would be thrilled that Jungkook was keeping his distance. But not any more. Yoongi knew that the sooner the two fell for each other. The better. Taehyungs life depended on it.

Some people always thought it was very dramatic. Which it is. But it's been this way for as long as any one could remember. No one knows when the first necklace had appeared. All they knew. Was that if your soul mate rejects you. Nine times out of ten. Especially when you own a pendant. It kills you.

So, come Saturday. After Jungkook had ignored Taehyung for almost a week. Yoongi had enough of it. He went up to Jungkook and demanded he went over to his house.

"What? Why?" Jungkook asked his now scary looking friend. Yoongi's gaze only darkened.

"I have my reasons. You will not know about them until you come over. I am not asking you. I am telling you. You are coming over to my house and if you don't? I will personally drag you." Yoongi threatened. Jungkook frantically nodded.

Yoongi went on his phone and created a group chat consisting of Namjoon, Jin, Jimin and Hoseok. He asked them to meet him on the roof during lunch. Taehyung had another friend besides Jimin and Hoseok who went by the name of Taemin. As for Jungkook. He sat with his friend who everyone referred to as BamBam. The other friends didn't worry and agreed to meet up. Once they were all on the roof they sat down in a circle and pulled out their lunches.

"So, Yoongi? What's wrong?" Jimin worriedly questioned him. although he tried not to let it show. Ever since Jimin had gotten his necklace. He has had a funny feeling about Yoongi. He would always just brush it off though.

"I just found out who Taehyungs soul mate is." That got everyone's attention. Did I forget to mention that they had finally all become friends? It was just Taehyung and Jungkook who seemed to have a problem with each other. Everyone leaned closer to Yoongi and gasped.

"Who?!" Hoseok called out excitedly.

"It's Jungkook." All their eyes widened as they look kind of worried about that fact.

"Yeah I know. I'm worried too. I can see it on your faces. The fact is. If Jungkook and Taehyung don't fall for each other in the next two years. It will most likely cost Taehyungs life. At the very least it will turn both of them Ice cold. I thought that would be enough time! But it won't be if Jungkook keeps ignoring Taehyung. Like he has been doing all week!" Yoongi stressed. Jimin came over and slowly rubbed his hand on Yoongis shoulder to calm him down.

Instead of swatting him away like Jimin thought. Yoongi only sighed and seemed to have calmed down a little. He sat there for a few minutes just trying to get his breathing back to normal.

"Have you got a plan?" Jimin finally spoke up. Yoongi snapped out of it. Blushing slightly as he realized Jimins hand was on his shoulder. He tried to hide it by sitting up straighter. That got Jimin to let go.

"I do actually. We have a guest room in our house. We don't usually like to use it. But the lock on it is special. It only locks from the outside and the window on the inside doesn't open. It doesn't open because when me and Tae were little we super glued it shut for fun. No ones ever been able to unstick it. The door is strange because we broke it by accidentally hitting with a metal bat and then hitting again with a baseball. So that the lock on the inside no longer works. I'm planning to put them both in there and then locking the door. But I need you guys help." Everyone nodded their heads.

They knew their friends life was in danger and they immediately agreed to it. So now they just had to wait. Everyone was anxious until finally. The last bell rang. Luckily Jin had his last class with Jungkook. So without warning. He grabbed Jungkooks arm and dragged him to Yoongi. Namjoon and Jimin had already raced over to the house. While Hoseok's job was to get Taehyung into the room.

Yoongi took ahold of Jungkooks arm while Jin quietly followed behind them. A little ahead of them. But not to where they could see, Hoseok was walking with Tae. When they got to the houses. Hoseok waited with Taehyung in his room for the signal.

Yoongi eventually made it home with Jungkook. Before he could ask what Yoongi wanted. He was placed in the room. Quickly followed by Taehyung as Hoseok had pushed him inside. They quickly closed the door and locked it.

Namjoon's job was to set up microphones that are connected to ear pieces around the room where you couldn't find them even if you looked closely. Jimin's job was to set up cameras all around the room. Those you could recognize. But couldn't get down and are indestructible. Now they wait.

Meanwhile inside the room. The two boys just looked highly confused. They had their phones taken away right before getting shoved in the room.

"What the heck?" Taehyung finally spoke up.

Jungkook was internally panicking. The pull was getting stronger. He was trying his best to contain him self. But he was slowly loosing the internal battle. But he still fought the urge to pin Taehyung against the wall and kiss him senseless.

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