Chapter 27

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"I can't believe I'm a senior! I feel so old." Taehyung complained as they walked in on their first day of school. It was now late August.  Jungkook laughed at his boyfriends childishness.

"Taehyung! You're only seventeen." Jungkook chuckled.

Taehyung already made sure that they could still bring Hope with them and that they had the same classes with them. Once Taehyung had graduated High School. Jungkook would be the one to take Hope with him while he was a senior. Then he would join Taehyung at the same college. Where they would have the same schedule and sit next to each other so they would both have Hope.

True they don't actually have to go to college. But Taehyung still didn't tell Jungkook about how wealthy he really was. Besides it was best to get a normal job and not rely on money.

"Besides cheer up! Hoseok said he had some really good news." Jungkook spoke as they walked to their first class of the day.

When they walked in the teachers eyes instantly went wide. Hope was now a very large and beautiful wolf. But she was still a wolf. Taehyung passed the teacher the note. The teacher sighed but waved her hand telling them to go sit down.

"Alright. Before we begin I would like to talk about Hope." The class groaned in annoyance.

"What is this going to be? A counseling session?" One groaned in annoyance. The teacher simply shook her head.

"That's not what I'm talking about Young man. Mr.Jeon Jungguk And Mr. Min Taehyung? Will you two please come to the front and bring Hope with you?" She sighed in annoyance. Jungkook was a little taken aback since he was called by his birth name and not his nickname.

"Alright. Come on girl." Taehyung called as they walked to the front. Hope had been under their shared desk so no one even payed attention to her.

"This is Hope. Why don't you guys tell us something about her so that she doesn't kill any of us?" The teacher urged. Hope let out a light growl at the insult. Causing the teacher to jump a little in fear. The two communicated quietly. It was always Taehyung to talk about Hope. So this time it would be Jungkook.

"Alright I guess I will. I was kidnapped not to long ago. When I finally made it back. My boyfriend here. Got me this wolf. For protection. Taehyung came down to the school and told them. The principle herself agreed that we could take Hope to school. She is only nice to myself, Taehyung and our friends. If anyone else tries to come up to her she will not hesitate to growl and snap. So I suggest you stay away from us and stay away from our wolf. The last person who tried to get close to Hope. He was being mean to us and she didn't hesitate to snap at him. She barely got him but it was enough to send him to the hospital for sixteen stitches." Jungkook warned the class as he kneeled down to pet Hope. Everyone now looked terrified.

Lunch time rolled around and Hoseok came bounding in looking very happy.

"Hey Hope. What's up?" Taehyung questioned his happy friend. Hoseok started reaching out his hand to indicate something beside him. There was nothing there. Once he realized that he chuckled.

"Come on please don't be shy! They're my friends I'm sure they'll love you." He seemed to be urging someone.

You could hear a quiet sigh as someone stepped out from behind Hoseok.

It was a girl. She was wearing the same pendant. She sure didn't look Korean. She was pretty though. She had short dark hair and dark colored eyes with a small frame. She was also very pale. She didn't look like the girly girl type. She was wearing a hoodie with jeans and tennis shoes.

"I found my soul mate!" Hoseok squealed. We all squinted to see that she did indeed have the same pendant as Hoseok.

"You're not from around here are you?" Jungkook asked bluntly. Earning a slap on the arm from Taehyung.

"No I'm from Okinawa Japan. I'm also not full Japanese. I'm half Japanese and half American." She announced.

"So a Japanese-American?" Taehyung questioned this time. He earned himself a slap from Jungkook and a glare from the girl.

"No! I'm not! I'm a hafu!" She scolded.

"Ok before you go and scold us. What is your name?" Jimin questioned. She looked down in a bit of embarrassment.

"Rina." She answered quietly. They all nodded and proceeded to have lunch together.

That's everyone's soul mate. Everyone has found their soulmate. Except Taehyung. Since he's still having his doubts about it being Jungkook.

Now don't get him wrong. Of course he wants it to be Jungkook. But that was the problem. He was just so happy with Jungkook that seemed too good to be true.

The rest of the day passed. Taehyung drove him and Kook home like usual.

They got home and had an after school snack.

"We're supposed to get these signed by our parents. But I can't." Jungkook looked down sadly.

"Don't worry about it. I already took care of it. I told them about your situation. They said it was fine and that my parents could sign them and they would count it. So let's head over to my house." Jungkook nodded. They grabbed Hope and headed over to the Min house hold.

"Hey mom!" Taehyung greeted as he walked in. Frosty heard his voice and came bounding over. Frosty jumped up on Tae covering him in dog slobber.

"Missed you too Frosty. Now go play with Hope." Tae commanded as he pushed Frosty off him and wiped off the slobber.

"Hey Taehyung. Jungkook. What do you need?" She asked sweetly.

"We were wondering if you could sign these papers. With Jungkooks parents not being here. The school said it was alright if you signed them instead. He already filled them out. He now just needs a signature." Tae's mom looked a little startled. She hadn't heard of this news. She was just thinking that Taehyung stayed at Jungkooks House simply because he wanted too.

"Of course I'll sign them! I'll also do you one better. Jungkook your Birthday is coming to soon right?" She asked him.

"Yes ma'am." Jungkook answered.

"If you'll bring your family's box. I would love it if you would have your Birthday in our backyard. Your basically part of the family already! Being Taehyungs boyfriend and all." She chuckled as she smirked at the two blushing boys.

"Thank you so much Ms.Min!" Jungkook thanked as he hugged her.

"No problem." She responded.

'If these two aren't soul mates I'm going to slap someone.' Ms.Min thought as she continued to stare sweetly at the two boys.

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