Chapter 2

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"Come on Yoongi! Get up!" Taehyung shouted to his brother. The other groggily sat up and looked around. Ready to shout at the person who woke him. When he saw it was Tae, he relaxed. At first Yoongi would shout at Tae. But it didn't stop the older so Yoongi eventually stopped yelling at him.

"Alright I'm up. Now go finish getting ready!" That was their routine. Taehyung would wake up first and get dressed. Then wake up Yoongi and finish getting ready. Tae had figured he would give his brother a few extra minutes of sleep.

When they went downstairs. Yoongi smiled sadly at his brother 'why must our friends not get along? I want my big brother with me. So I can protect him. Maybe I can change that...' Tae snapped his fingers in front of the younger's face. Yoongi shook his head to clear his thoughts and gave his brother a reassuring smile. Tae smiled back and stood up to leave.

Yoongi followed right behind. In the afternoon they would go separate ways. But not in the morning. Because in the morning they would be as cheery and loud as possible to keep the other awake. Always worked.

When they arrived at school. Tae smiled sadly and was about to turn around. 'Should I? Fuck it yes I should.' Yoongi grabbed Taehyungs arm before he could walk off. Before Tae had any time to protest. He was being dragged off by his little brother.

"But my friends are that way!" Tae shouted.

"Yeah? Well, mine are this way. I'm sick of not being able to go anywhere near you to protect you better!" Yoongi yelled out frustrated.

It's been this way for years. After Tae chose to leave Kookie. Taehyung got really sad and Yoongi didn't like that at all. He would always be around his brother to cheer him up and as they got older. Yoongi would be the one to protect him. Instead of it being the other way around like their mother had thought. But she didn't mind as long as her boys were getting along.

"What?! No! You know they hate me." Taehyung whimpered in protest.

That's when Jimin showed up. After Taehyung not arriving at his usual time. He chose to go look for Tae himself. All he saw was one of the people he hated dragging his best friend. He didn't see a little brother dragging his big brother. Everyone in the school was oblivious to the fact they were brothers. Even the people Yoongi fought to protect Tae! Yoongi was about to change that.

"Where are you going with my best friend?!" Jimin shouted gaining the youngers attention.

"Wherever I want!" Yoongi retorted. That got Jimin mad.

"What gives you the right?!" Jimin shouted.

"Being his brother gives me a right!" Yoongi shouted back. That shut Jimin right up. Yoongi didn't care. All he cared was that the yelling had stopped. So he proceeded to drag Taehyung toward his friends. He eventually finally reached them and they all gasped when they saw who was now behind him. Slightly shaking in fear.

"You all know who this is right?" Yoongi asked them.

"What's he doing here?" Namjoon spat making Taehyung shake more.

"Calm down Tae. I don't care if they're my friends. You're family and if they hurt you they'll answer to me" Yoongi reassured. He thought he had said it low enough so no one could hear. He was wrong. One person did hear. The youngest of the group.

"What do you mean by family?" Jungkook suddenly growled. Yoongi shot him a look that shut him up but didn't stop him from glaring.

"He's my older brother." Yoongi said quietly. They all gasped again. Jin was the first to open his mouth. Yoongi shot him a look and Jin raised his hands in defense.

"I was going to say..." he glanced over at Namjoon. He was showing disproval. Jin frowned. 'Forget it. He's scared. If he was going to cause us harm he would of done it. I need to go and comfort him.' Thought Jin as he walked over to Tae.

"I was going to say. I'll give him a chance. No one who looks that scared can be as mean as they say. So, from now on. I'm your Eomma! No objections or I hurt you." Jin warned the others. They didn't agree with him. But they also knew they couldn't go against him.

"You can't just let him in like that!" They all turned to see that it was the youngest who said that. Taehyung clutched onto Yoongi's shoulders. Taehyung never liked being yelled at. It always scared him.

"Don't yell at him." Yoongi growled.

"And just why not?! Who said those rumors weren't true?!" Jungkook questioned in anger. Jungkook didn't like rumors nor did he spread them. He wanted to side with Jin. But he was to cautious and stubborn to allow himself to ever do that.

"W-what rumors?" Taehyung stuttered quietly. Yoongi was the only one to hear him and he sighed.

"There were rumors back in Middle School about you. That you had beaten the crap out of some people and put them in a hospital." Everyone's eyes widen except Yoongis as they watched the once frightened Taehyung. Become angry.

"What?" He growled. Yoongi didn't even bother to try and calm him down because he knew the whole story.

"Are you kidding me right now?! What the hell is your name?!" Taehyung yelled at Jungkook who looked slightly frightened.

"Jungkook." He had to put some effort in not letting his voice shake.

"Well then Jungkook. You know nothing about me. You hear?! So don't you dare go and believe some 'rumors'. What kind of fucking person go's that far as to hate me?! When the rumors aren't even true! I'm going to go and find my friends. Class starts in a minute anyway. I've wasted enough time here. " with that Taehyung spun on his heel and stomped off towards the direction of his class room.

Yoongi only sighed before turning to glare at the Maknae.

"Are you kidding me right now?! For most of my life. All I've done is to make sure he stays happy and doesn't get hurt. And right when I thought I could trust you guys. You go and do this?!" Yoongi's anger was mostly directed toward Jungkook.

"I'm sorry he was being a jerk. How can we all make it up to him." Jin asked the still fuming Yoongi.

"I'm still going to be pissed. But you can make it up to my brother by going to his 16 Birthday this Saturday." Yes Christmas had just passed. This was actually their first day back at Bangtan High from their Christmas break.

"Oh! He's getting his necklace?! I want to see what it looks like. I'll go! So will Namjoon. Right babe?" Jin said having a threatening tone. Namjoon visibly gulped before nodding his head.

"I'm not going." Jungkook spoke up. Yoongi stomped over and harshly punched his shoulder.

"You will go unless you want to deal with me." Yoongi growled. Jungkook groaner But finally agreed. They finally all went to class once the warning bell sounded.

"So Kim Taehyung. They say it's a rumor? Well then what is up with you?" Jungkook mumbled as he sat through his math lecture.

The youngest was good at hiding his emotions. He felt curious about Taehyung. Although he truly was cautious.

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