Chapter 5

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Jungkook gasped at the sight. Taehyungs eyes were glowing a faint golden. Jungkook immediately retracted his hand from Taehyungs pendant. The glowing stopped. But Taehyung collapsed. Not knowing what to do he did the first thing that came to his mind.

"Yoongi Hyung!" Jungkook called out. Yoongi came running very quickly. When he entered the room. He instantly went over to his brother. Then turned to glare at Jungkook.

"What did you do?!" Yoongi demanded. Once Jungkook had explained himself. Yoongi went pale.

'Don't tell me this brat. The one who hated Tae the most. Is his soul mate! I'll have to keep it from them as long as I can.' Yoongi thought to himself as he didn't respond . Only brought Tae to the ambulance which he had called minutes before. When they arrived Taehyung was still unconscious. That's when the doctor walked in.

"What happened?" He asked Yoongi. Their mother was actually at work and couldn't make it. Yoongi understood and swore to protect his brother. Just like he always has. So Yoongi told the doctor what happened.

"How old is the person who touched the necklace and what's his name?" The doctor questioned.

"Jungkook and he is fourteen." The doctors eyes widened.

"So that's his soul mate. Your soul mate is allowed to touch your necklace. But nothing can really break the necklace. Well accept rejection. Do they get along?" Yoongi sadly shook his head no. That's when the doctors face went pale.

"If Taehyung gets rejected. It will be painful for Jungkook. But because he doesn't have his necklace. It won't be nearly as bad as it will be for Taehyung. You have two years to make them get along and love each other. If not? Taehyung will most likely die and Jungkook will be cold as ice." The doctor exclaimed with urgency in his voice. Yoongi nodded his head.

"I am not going to let my brother die. When I was younger. My brother had fallen in love. But he put some crazy stuff in his own head. So he gave him up. It tore him to pieces and he cried for months. I have sworn to protect him ever since. I am going to keep it from him as long as I can." The doctor kindly smiled at Yoongi and left the two alone.

But they weren't alone for long when there was a knock on the door.

"Come on in!" Yoongi shouted.

The door opened. Revealing a very worried looking Jungkook. As soon as he saw Tae. He dashed over and frantically searched his face. Like he was searching for something.

"Пожалуйста, не пугай меня так. Пожалуйста, не оставляй меня." Jungkook spoke in Russian so that Yoongi wouldn't be able to understand him. He often did this around his Hyungs so they couldn't understand what he was saying.

(Translation: please don't scare me like that. Please don't leave me.)

Yoongi didn't question it. Not like Tae could understand it either.

"Why are you here?" Yoongi questioned the younger.

"I was worried. He fainted for no reason. I also didn't get shocked. Although I don't know why." Jungkook said in confusion.

'I know why. But you can't. Not yet anyway. Not until I know you're not going to hurt the one person I actually care about. The one person who I care what happens to them.' Yoongi thought. But obviously couldn't say it out loud. Yoongis only fear right now? Was if Jungkook figures it out before he fell in love with Taehyung.

"Thank you for coming Jungkook. But it's ok now. He's fine. He will wake up soon." Yoongi reassured him.

'His necklace just sent a nasty shock through his body because he wasn't supposed to know
you yet. You weren't supposed to be able to touch it yet.'

"Just don't do it again." 'Yet' Jungkook nodded his head in understanding.

Right when Jungkook was going to walk out. There was a blinding golden light that filled the room. When it was finally over. They looked over to see Taehyung sitting up in bed with his eyes closed. When he opened them...

..his eyes were glowing a golden color.

There were prophecies all around about the necklace. Thousands of scientific studies. One of them being this:

If you are to be so lucky as to meet your soul mate before one of you has gotten your pendant. Then be happy. If the person who doesn't have a pendant touches the other ones pendant. Especially if they know that it's a risk. Something or more than one, strange thing can happen to the person with the pendant. One of them? Glowing golden eyes.

Not many people knew about it. Yoongi knew about it because he had to do a report on it last year.

The next day Taehyung was release from the hospital. Jungkook had refused to leave the hospital the whole night. Eventually Yoongi had just given up.

By morning. Taehyungs eyes were still glowing and hasn't faded at all. Jungkook was curious while Yoongi was worried.

When they got home. Before Yoongi could do anything. Jungkook picked Tae up bridal style. Much to the complaining of both brothers. And brought him upstairs to his bed and set him down on the bed. Sitting right in front of him two seconds later.

"What?" Taehyung questioned after a minute of Jungkook still not looking away. Jungkook didn't answer. Only leaned closer to Taehyung. While Taehyungs weight was being supported by his elbows. He was leaning away from Jungkook.

" what are you doing?" Taehyung asked in a whisper.

"I-I really don't know. But I also don't want to stop." Jungkook sure had unlocked something powerful with the necklace. Instead of it dragging Taehyung toward Jungkook with how he felt. Like it would when he turned eighteen. It was doing the opposite and pulling Jungkook toward Taehyung like a magnet. Like a desire.

He kept on leaning closer and closer. Taehyung was so confused.

"Why are you doing this?" Taehyung asked louder. Jungkook finally leaned away and blinked hard. Then answered Taehyung. But not in a language he could understand.

" Мне кажется я в тебя влюбляюсь."

(Translation: I think I'm falling for you)

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