Chapter 11

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The door finally creaked open and Jungkook sprang up. He tried wiping his tears before Taehyung could see. But, to late Taehyung noticed and it broke his heart. But that did nothing to his necklace. The necklace only broke from true heart break. Not from caring about your soul mate and feeling sad for them.

"Alright. I'm out. What could you possibly do to cheer me up?" Taehyung asked with a bit of impatience. He was happy that Jungkook was crying over him and worried about him. But he was still worried. He didn't know if the younger's acting skills were any good or not.

"When we were younger I remember I would kiss you on the cheek or hug you. Or I would even convince mom to get us ice cream. But we're older and you're hurting. The worst part is that I don't know why. So instead, how about we talk?" Jungkook suggested with a half smile. After a moment Taehyung nodded.

"Ok. Then come on in." Taehyung stepped aside to make room for Jungkook to enter.

"Alright it's already late and we have school tomorrow. So please, make it quick." Jungkook looked at the time. His parents had left at twelve o'clock. It was currently six o'clock.

"Alright then. What did I do that made you so upset? I don't like seeing you sad and honestly it broke my heart a little to know it was me who caused it. So please Taehyung. Tell me." Jungkook pleaded as another tear slid down his cheek.

Jungkook wasn't actually a person who cried very often. Actually, he never cried. His friends have never seen him cry and his parents haven't seen him cry in years. To Jungkook Taehyung was someone worth crying over.

"Fine! I don't know what you've been doing all these years. I don't know what you have become or how you really act now. And I'm scared! I'm so fucking scared that you'll realize just how worthless I am and break my heart even more. I'm scared to love you. I'm scared to be with you out of fear of being hurt." Jungkook sighed as he hugged the now upset but not crying, Taehyung. Tae actually hasn't cried much in years either.

"How can I prove to you that I'm telling you the truth?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung shrugged and sighed.

"I don't know. Who's your closest friend?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook looked a bit confused.

"Well if you want to talk to someone you know will tell you the truth. Talk to Jin. If you want to talk to one of my best friends go talk to Bam Bam." Jungkook suggested. Taehyung thought about it and nodded.

"Alright lets go." Taehyung gave no chance for Jungkook to talk and walked downstairs then out to his car. His mom and Yoongi had brought it earlier. Taehyung was to upset at Jungkook to come out and greet them. Jungkook then just followed Taehyung.

"Address?" Tae asked once they were in the car. They were going to talk to Jin first. They might not even need to go talk to Bam Bam.

Jungkook told him the address and they arrived rather quickly. They went up and knocked on the door. Taehyung put his ear up to the door. Before Jungkook could tell him that what's such a good idea. It was to late. Taehyung had heard something.

"Namjoon, go answer the door!" Came the shout of Jin.

"But I'm busy." Taehyung hardly heard it. Namjoon's voice was very deep.

"Go! We'll continue later." Jin argued. Namjoon groaned in complaint and finally fans to the door.

"What do you two want?" Namjoon asked clearly annoyed.

"Nice to see you too Namjoon." Jungkook grumbled.

"I need to speak to Jin." Taehyung spoke up and went inside without permission.

"Well come on in." Taehyung heard Namjoon say in annoyance. He just ignored and quickly found Jin.

"I need to talk to you." Tae could see Jungkook starting to come over from the corner of his eye.

"Alone." He added a bit more loudly. Jungkook got the message and stayed behind. Jin also got the message and lead them outside to the back porch. They sat down on the large swing.

"Ok I'm listening. What's up?" Jin asked as he turned toward Taehyung as best as possible.

"What's Jungkook Like? I actually knew him when we were kids. But I have no clue what he's like now." Jin seemed to be pondering the thought. He then gently smiled at Taehyung. Almost the way a mother would.

"What was he like when you two were younger?" Jin asked in return. Taehyungs eyes lit up a bit.

"He was much braver and stronger than me. I would get picked on and there he would be. Easily rescuing me. Almost like it was his job. He would always tell me how much he wanted to protect me when I would tell him he didn't have to do it. I would kiss his cheek when ever I felt he deserved it. He would have a huge grin and he slightly blushing. He was amazing. But I hadn't seen him in years. What's he like now?" Taehyung questioned the now wide eyed younger.

"Wow. He must of really cared about you. You really want to know what he's like now?" Jin asked him. Unsure if he should actually tell him.

"Yes." Taehyung stated with confidence.

"Alright then. I've only known him a few years. Not very long. But long enough to know his behavior. I will say how ever. That he used to have a girlfriend that he dated for one and a half years. But you know what?" Jin asked with some joy in his eyes that made Taehyung even more curious about the new Kookie.

"What?" Taehyung questioned excitedly.

"He never seemed happy. After they broke up, he came to me and told me that he never actually loved her. Since I had questioned him why he suddenly broke up with her. He said that there was this boy he could not for the life of him get over. He said he still loved him." Jin said with a bright twinkle in his eyes. Taehyung frowned a bit.

"What about his behavior?" Taehyung questioned with pure curiosity.

"He's done a few things he regrets Taehyung. But you also have to remember. He's only human. Just like you and me he makes mistakes. I don't know if he is like the person you used to know. But isn't there only one way to find out?" Jin asked with hope.

Taehyung seemed to ponder the idea for a while. 'Maybe he's right. But that doesn't mean I'm letting my guard down that easily. He won't be my boyfriend just yet. But we'll see.'

Back inside Jungkook had decided to ask Namjoon for advice.

"He's afraid I've changed! I still love him. I think. I don't know if he's changed either! What if he has?! Not to mention that if I hurt him. Yoongi will kill me. " Jungkook stressed.

"I'm going to say this quick since it's eight o'clock and we have school tomorrow. Calm down. Jin is talking to him. So, just hope for the best buddy." Jungkook sighed but nodded anyways.

Jungkook then went and raided Jin's fridge and found food. Turns out Namjoon was over at Jin's place with both of their parents knowledge. Their parents were actually business partners and had to go away on business for awhile. Namjoon insisted on staying at Jin's house to keep him company and all four parents easily agreed.

Taehyung and Jungkook soon left.

Little did anyone know. While Jungkook did release that little pull he feels inside. He released a curse right along with it. No one wanted to scare anyone about the necklaces. So everyone always kept the curse a secret.

The particular curse Jungkook had released was that if he didn't get together with Taehyung by the time he turned sixteen and got his necklace.

They would both die.

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