Chapter 19

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"Happy Birthday to you dear Jungkook! Happy Birthday to you!"

Its officially Jungkooks fifteenth Birthday. September first. Taehyung And Jungkook still weren't together. But they sure as hell acted like it.

They would get jealous if the other was to touchy with anyone else. They would occasionally hold hands. Even going as far as to sometimes kiss each other on the cheek.

Time was running out and quick. Still one more year. But so much could happen in just a year. Wouldn't you agree?

They were all currently leaving Jungkooks fifteenth Birthday. The whole while, Taehungs necklace glowed an even brighter golden. It was so subtle that no one would ever notice it if they didn't look close enough. Taehyung sure felt it though. Especially when he would look at the happy Birthday boy.

There are so many things about the necklaces that have been so called 'scientifically' proven.

The one that would stick out to many would be this: you won't always get who you want. It's actually rare that you do get the person you were hoping for. You won't always be happy with each other. You won't always get along. You'll wish the person was never your soul mate from time to time. Unfortunately some will never find their soulmate. Some are happy with that fact. But you'll know it's true. When you just look at the person and think how lucky you are to be in their life. You'll know it's true when they're all you want. That's when you'll know. That the necklace isn't so much of a curse as it is a gift.

"I'll see you later Taehyung! Wanna go to a movie after school?!" Jungkook called out to Taehyung as they were heading in the opposite direction to their classrooms.

"Sure! Sounds like a plan!" Taehyung called back with a wide smile. Many thought they were dating. Their friends knew it wouldn't be much longer until they were. Yoongi was planning his threat to Jungkook. But the two boys? They had absolutely no idea when they would actually get together.

School passed by painfully slow for the two boys. Finally the last bell rang. Jungkook and Taehyung hurriedly said bye to their friends and walked side by side to the nearby movie theater.

"What movie are we going to watch?" Taehyung asked in curiosity. Only to earn a smirk from Jungkook.

"You'll see when we get there." Jungkook said as he continued to smirk. Taehyung frowned a bit. Not sure what was going through the youngers mind. Although he was pretty certain that he didn't want to know.

When they entered the theater Taehyung had taken out his wallet. Jungkook insisted he would pay and after some argument. Taehyung ran right in the middle of the argument and over to the snacks. Just what Jungkook was hoping for. He quickly payed for the tickets before Taehyung would notice.

He hurried over to the snacks beside Taehyung and took some of the snacks and a drink out of his hand.

"I payed for the movie already. Just follow me." Jungkook urged as he started walking. Taehyung still wasn't sure but had no choice but to follow the younger.

Unfortunately for Taehyung. Jungkook distracted him with small talk so that he wouldn't look at the name of the movie right before entering the theater. Jungkook knew that if Taehyung had seen it. He would've never agreed to it.

They walked in the completely empty theater. The movie had been out for awhile. So anyone else who had wanted to go. Had already gone. Leaving the whole theater for just the two boys.
Which was good because Taehyung would be very loud very soon.

The movie eventually started and Taehyung eyes widened when he saw the title. It was a freaking horror movie! Taehyung hated horror movies! Jungkook didn't bring him to a horror movie to make Taehyung mad. He did it for a totally different reason.

Taehyung didn't want to protest seeing as he saw it as a late Birthday present for Jungkook. So he sat down while glaring slightly at Jungkook. Luckily it was a theater with many cushions. Only two people could sit on them at a time. Perfect for the two boys. Jungkook had sat down first. Taehyung following by plopping down right beside him.

The beginning of the movie was fine. Won't scary. It wasn't until the middle of the movie with a huge jump scare. That Taehyung finally turned and snuggled into Jungkooks chest. Trying to block out the movie.

Unfortunately for Taehyung and lucky for Jungkook. Taehyung had snuck a peak at the movie right when there was another major jump scare. Taehyung quickly averted his eyes and snuggled deeper into Jungkook. Resulting in Kook slightly laughing as he rubbed Taehyungs back in comfort.

"It's ok." Jungkook soothed. Or at least, he tried to.

"No it's not! Why would you take me to a scary movie?!" Taehyung screeched. But it was muffled by Jungkooks shirt.

"So, If you're mad at me. Then why are you snuggled against me? Why are you clinging to me just as tight as you can?" Jungkook questioned with a teasing tone.

"I'm trying to block out the movie." Taehyung mumbled in defense.

"Maybe I can help you with that." Jungkook smirked. Taehyung finally lifted his head to look at Jungkook.

"Hmm? How?" Taehyung challenged.

Jungkook instantly closed the distance between them by smashing their lips together. Out of shock. It took Taehyung a few minutes to respond. He eventually did and Jungkook slightly smirked into the kiss. Jungkook ran his tongue along Tae's bottom lip. Causing Tae to gasp quietly. Jungkook took this opportunity to shove his tongue inside Tae's mouth. Taehyung slightly moaned at the feeling.

With the movie now completely forgotten. Taehyung and Jungkook continued their make out session until the rolling credits. They had taken a few breaks to catch their breath. Glancing over at the movie. Knowing that the movie continued. Neither cared not one bit.

"Jungkook what are we?" Taehyung asked as they were still slightly panting and still inside the theater.

"I'm hoping I can answer that question very soon." There was a mysterious look in Jungkooks eyes.

Taehyung had decided he liked the look. He liked the smirk.

Taehyung finally realized that he truly loves everything about the younger.

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