Chapter 1

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I was driving down Bell Road in Daddy's old, red Ford pick-up truck. I was on my way home from the church after dropping off some stuff of Mama's that I had found, and figured the Ladies Group would like it. They ended up taking every box and spent an hour comforting me, thinking that I was still struggling to cope with the death of parents. They were sweet for it, but I've never been one to grieve for too long. Not even when our dog, Digger, had died. I don't know why I was like this, but I just felt awkward when people tried to comfort me. It just felt like the opposite of comforting and more like pity.

Mama and Daddy died in a car crash about two months ago. They were driving Mama's car home from grabbing dinner with some of their friends, and that's when some stupid ass seventeen year old swerved into them. He hit them so hard, the car flew off the road and rolled five times. Mama died on impact and Daddy bled out from what the doctor had told me and my sister. The seventeen year old ended up being smashed and was leaving a party when it happened. I though about how much I hoped he would suffer while he was in jail. I hope he suffered more than Daddy did as he sat there, upside-down, bleeding out next to his already dead wife. The funeral was nice, as nice as funerals can get at least. Mama always said that a funeral should be as nice as a birthday party because, like birthdays, you're celebrating the life a someone, whether they were alive or not. We played their favorite song to dance to and their favorite hymn
from church. Pastor Clyde spoke beautifully, and Daisy actually did a pretty good job with choosing the flowers and pictures. She said Mama and Daddy would've been proud of the work we put in to this. I had to agree with her, because it was what they both would have wanted.

I was coming to the drive way of the farm, and started to turn in to the gravel path that led to the house that Daddy's parents had built and gave to him and Mama as a wedding present. As I got closer to the house, I saw Daisy sitting there on the front step of the porch with her phone glued to her ear. her other had was flailing about and she had an annoyed and aggravated look on her face. She was probably fighting Jeff, her boyfriend from New York, again. Ever since Daisy had been home for the accident, her and Jeff would have at least two fights a week, and Daisy had been here for two months. She was leaving back for New York in three days, and honestly, I couldn't be happier. Don't get me wrong I loved my big sister and all, but she turned into a real spoiled brat after being in New York for a year.

She whined about everything, from the dirt on her new shoes to the fact that there was nothing to do anymore in Jameson. I don't know why she was complaining about all those things now, when they never bother when she still lived here. I don't know how much more whining of her's I could take! Even after she left to go back for her second year in New York, Mama said she doesn't remember raising such a monster.

I got out of the truck and walked towards the step that Daisy was sitting on. She was quiet for a moment but i could hear Jeff yelling on the other. I didn't understand what he was yelling about, but whatever it was really pissed him off.

"Did you eat yet?" I asked Daisy. Instead of a verbal answer, I was given her index finger shot in my face. Clearly she was too busy listening to her crybaby of a boyfriend to answer a simple yes or no question. I shook my head and continued to walk into the house. I kicked my boots off on the front porch so I didn't track any dirt on the floor. Even after she died, Mama would probably rise from her grave and come back to scorn me for bringing my dirty boots in her clean house. I tossed my bag on the chair as I passed the living room and walked straight to the kitchen. I turned on the sink faucet and started washing my hands as I stared out the large window that was above the sink. It overlooked our neighbors, the Taylor's. The Taylor's have been here as long as my family has been, if not a little longer. They one son that was my parents age, and from what they told us, he had a son himself with a girl he had met in Tennessee. No one has heard from him in years, and the mother of his son had passed away due to health complications after giving birth. They didn't really talk about their only grandson, and I wasn't all that concerned with him either. Besides, i have more important things to worry about.

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