Chapter 21

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My alarm clock went off, it annoying beeping making me feel nothing but irritated. I didn't even remember why it was going off so early until I looked at the time. I woke up at four in the morning because Chase would be video chatting all of us today. I quickly slam the button to snooze the alarm and throw the covers off of me. I didn't worry about changing pants if Chase was only going to see the upper half of me, not to mention a lot of bodies would have to try and cram on to the screen, so I only through on a green t-shirt and pulled my hair up on top of my head in a messy bun. I didn't worry about make since I was more than likely going back to sleep after the call was over, so I rushed out of my room and started banging on the bedroom doors of my sister and my cousin. 

"ONE HOUR LADIES LET'S GO!" I shout, vigorously pounding my fists on the wooden doors. I hear Billie-Mae shout that she's up multiple times, and all I got from my sister was the sound of something solid hitting the door, like she had throw something at it. I rush downstairs and get the laptop ready, opening up Skype and make sure the connection was good. I hurry up and grab the house phone to call the Taylors. The phone didn't even finish ringing the first time when Mrs. Taylor picked up. 

"Good morning!" She says extra cheerfully. I smile to myself.

"Good morning! Are y'all ready?" I ask her. 

"We sure are. We're headed over there right now, see you soon." she says, then hangs up without saying goodbye. 

I see Billie-Mae coming down the stairs in a black zip-up hoodie and her hair pulled back, looking very tired. Finally, Daisy started making her way down the stairs, her pregnant belly very visible under her grey tanktop and white zip-up. They were both wearing sweatpants and I was wearing cotton shorts, while we all looked somewhat presentable on top. The door knocks and I ask Daisy to answer it. She gives me an irritated glare before turning back around to answer the door. She opens the door with a yawn. 

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Taylor." she yawns, her voice barely audible. The Taylors walk in with smiles on their faces, and both of the had the same idea as we did. They both kept on their pajama pants, Mr. Taylor sporting green and black plaid pants and Mrs. Taylor in pale purple pants with tiny white dots scattered all over. She wore dark pink long sleeve and had her hair pulled up in a neat bun, while her husband rocked a plain black t-shirt and his usual old hat. Mr. Taylor looked like he could fall back asleep any minute, while Mrs. Taylor was eagerly clapping her hands with a smile on her face. 

"Oh, I'm so excited!" she says. "Is everything ready to go?" she asks. 

"Sure is." I answer her. "I have the laptop all set up, Skype is opened up, and we're all awake. Only thing left to do is wait." I say. Everyone leads over to the kitchen table, where the laptop was sitting open with the screen facing where we would all be sitting. "Would anyone like something to drink? Sorry, I didn't think about making coffee, but I have water, juice. . ." I offer. 

"I'll take a Jack and Coke." Mr. Taylor says sleepily. Mrs. Taylor slaps his arm aggressively and gives him a stern look, which makes him smile and laugh. 

"You will have no such thing! Not at this hour at least." Mrs. Taylor scorns him. I give a small smile and pull some glasses down and start filling them with the sweet tea that was suggested by everyone. After I distribute the glasses, Mrs. Taylor stops me. "Hayden, where did you get that dog tag?" she asks curiously. I touched the cool metal plate with my finger and smile at her. 

"They're from Chase. He left it on my pillow with a letter before he left." I say. "It's a copy of his dog tags. I admired his back when we first met, and he got one for me as a little joke I guess." I say with a chuckle. I took my seat between Billie-Mae and Mrs. Taylor, who was smiling at me warmly. 

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