Chapter 16

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I wake up in the grass of my back yard to the sound of birds chirping. The air is humid and there's a slight fog that hugs the air. The sun is just barely up, making the sky a bright orange color. I turn my head around to see my cousin and sister asleep beside me, and also find that my head is pounding. I slowly sit up and rub my damp neck, and look at the two completely empty bottles of champagne and one empty wine bottle in the grass and our crushed solo cups with them. As I rub my fingers on my scalp, my hair gets caught on something on my hand. When I pull my hair away from it, my family's ring sat on my finger, sparkling in the early morning sun. I smile to myself as the memories of yesterday come rushing back. I'm married now. 

I stand up and start picking up our garbage from last night up and try not to wake the girls, which wasn't too hard considering Daisy has always been a heavy sleeper, and Billie-Mae will probably be asleep with her hangover for most of the day anyways. I walk inside to my much cooler house and head upstairs to shower off the sweat and dew from my skin. I take my time showering, decided that I was just going to take the day off today, not really having any motivation to anything productive. 

I walk into my room after my shower and immediately slip on a pair of shorts and an plain green t-shirt. I let my hair loose from my towel and let is sit on my shoulders after shaking it out. I go to grab my brush off of my dresser, when something shines in the sunlight out of the corner of my eye. I look at my bed where the glare came from and see something poking out from under my pillow. I reach for it and pull out a chain with a dog tag and an envelope with my name on it. I hold the dog tag in my hand and read an exact copy of Chase's dog tag info. I flip it over and find a message engraved on the back. 

'I'm coming back for you. --C'.

I held the dog tag tightly in my hand before slipping it around my neck with the silver pendant he gave me on the Ferris Wheel. I quickly tear open the envelop and unfold a hand written letter from Chase. 

'Dear Hayden,

I know you're not happy that I'm leaving, and I'm not either. I mean, it's hard leaving when you suddenly and finally fall in love with a woman who takes your breath away. I remember you being so interested in my dog tags the first night we spent together, so I went and got you a copy of them for yourself. Now you have a part of me while I'm gone. I have big plans for us when I come back home, but I can't tell you wait, yet. I do plan on writing to you every chance I get, and I expect some letters back so I don't get bored :). I know you'll be just fine with Billie-Mae and your sister, and I know Daisy is going to be a great Momma. I wish I could've stayed longer, but for now, I'll gladly take your hand writing over nothing. I'll be back soon, Darling, stay safe, stay happy, work hard, and try not to kill your sister. I'll be back before you know it. I love you. 


I smile at his sweet letter and grab a thumb tack to pin it to my wall, right above my bed. I walk down stairs only to meet up with two of the grouchiest, hung over girls in the world. 

"Don't say anything. Head hurts." Billie-Mae musters. I quietly laugh to myself and leave them to sulk in their beds while I take some pain killers and drink an entire bottle of water. I was just about to pour myself a bowl of cereal when I heard the horses sounding off from outside. Only this time, it sounded a little more concerning. I hurriedly pull on my boots and run outside to the stables. All the horses were out in the pasture, except for Lady. I go straight to her opened stable and see her lying on the ground. Horses never lie on the ground, and when they do there's usually something wrong with them. It's not healthy for a horse to just lie down, their naturally active animals. 

"Lady, what's the matter girl?" I say calmly. I squat to the ground and start stroking her nose and shoulders. "I really hope you're not sick." I say to myself. I rise and walk over to her feeder and grab some hay, hoping that she's just hungry. I bend down and hold it to her nose but she only sniffs it and takes a nibble. Her water was completely full and clean, almost like she was never even in here. I carefully walk around her and inspect her for any bad cuts or injuries but I can't seem to find any. I pull out my cell phone and dial my family's vet, Dr. Georgia.

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