Chapter 29

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When Daisy had finished reading the letter, she handed it to me with a teary-eyed smile. "It's for you, too." She said. I took the letter and walked to the side of the barn, away from the crowd. 

'Dear Daisy and Hayden

I want to apologize for everything. I hadn't been the best cousin in the world lately, and I never knew how much my addiction was effecting us as a family until the day I left. At first, I just took a cab to Raleigh, hoping that I could find a hotel for a few days. Then I realized that I wanted to buy a bottle of Jack more than I wanted a bed to stay in. So, that night I checked myself in to a nearby rehabilitation center. I've been here for about a month now, and I'm a month sober. It's not much but it's a start. 

Chase has been in touch with me for a few weeks and has been keeping me informed about Daisy and Bailey's health. I also understand that you're still throwing Daisy's baby shower, so I wanted to wish you congrats, Daisy and Jeff, and good luck. I'm very sorry that I can't be there with you, but I think it' best that  work on my problem before coming back. I hope you all can forgive my childish behavior and my terrible actions from my drinking. I love you girls so much, and I hope to hear from you, and see you soon. Tell Bailey I said hello. 

All the love in the world


I smiled down at the letter, overjoyed to finally get some kind of closure. She was safe, and she was getting better. My sister came back to my side and showed me something her hand.

"She sent this for Bailey." she says sweetly. Daisy holds out her hand to show me a tiny silver bracelet with a four charms on it. "There was a small note attached explaining the charms. The glasses are represent Billie-Mae, the daisy flower for me, the sunflower for Bailey, and the horse for you." she explains, pointing at each charm as she did. I smile at the tiny charm bracelet that i could barely fit around three of my fingers, and thought about Bailey wearing it everyday. Maybe we could get a bigger chain when she grew out of this one. 

"It's perfect. Our tiny family for a tiny girl." I say. 

"Thank you, Hayden. For everything." Daisy says, resting her hand on my elbow, looking me in the eyes. "I know that I haven't exactly been the best sister in a really long time, and I just hope you know that I'm eternally grateful for all you've done for me, and everything I know you'll do for Bailey." I give her a smile and feel my chest tighten. 

"Of course, Daisy." I say, waving away the tears that tempted from my eyes. "You're my sister. I'd do anything for you. Even if it means stepping up as the big sister sometimes." I joke. We giggle and wipe away the tiny tears that managed to escape. I reach out and hug my big sister like we should've hugged when she came home from college. 

"I hope she turns out like you." Daisy said, her chin resting on my shoulder. "Strong, beautiful, and hard working." She rubs my back as I squeeze her a little tighter. Daisy's friends call her name and motion for her to come over by them. "I love you, Little Sis." she says before retreating to her grinning friends. 

"Love you too, Big Sis." I say after she turns around. As soon as she leaves my side, I'm joined by my husband. His arm snaked around my waist and held me close to him. I rested my head against his chest as I peered at Daisy and her friends laughing and taking pictures. 

"You did amazing today, Darlin'." Chase tells me, kissing the top of my head. 

"Thank you." I say with a happy sigh. I looked all around at the set up and suddenly felt a familiar feeling. A month ago, I was curious about Chase's idea of having our own children someday. I wanted to ask him the night he came home, but something stopped me from asking. But now, the question was burning a whole in my brain, refusing to let me think about anything else. "Chase?" I asked. It was now or never. 

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