Chapter 27

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Chase and I were sitting in the parking lot of the hospital, his hand holding my thigh the entire time. Chase offered to drive to the hospital while I explained how to get there. During the time in the parking lot, we had decided that we were going to surprise Chase's grandparents about Chase being home. We devised a plan that I was just going to act like nothing happened, and after a few minutes I would bring up Chase into conversation, knowing that Mrs. Taylor would lecture me on having children of my own with her grandson. And that's when Chase would make his big appearance. I smiled at our secret plan, and the feelings of seeing Chase yesterday came flooding back. It was the greatest moment of my like, aside from the wedding, of course. 

"You ready?" I asked. He gave my leg a squeeze and leaned over to kiss my cheek. 

"I can't wait to see her face." Chase says, getting out of the driver's seat. We make our way across the parking lot over to the entrance, signing in and taking two visitor passes. In the elevator, I explain to Chase where to hide so no one sees him, and he agrees by taking my hand in his. 

"I'm so glad you're home." I say out loud. My husband squeezes my hand in his. 

"Oh, I know. You were very loud about it last night." he jokes. I slap his chest playfully and he laughs and grabs my wrist after making contact with his chest. Before I knew it, he was pinning me against the wall of the elevator and was staring deeply into my eyes. My heart began to race and my legs felt like wet noodles. "Careful, Darlin'. Don't want to get me all excited again, now." he says deeply. God, I missed his sexy deep voice, and the way his eye light up my world but darkened my bedroom at the same time. The elevator stopped and he backed away, but kept my hand firmly in his. I send Chase away to hide in his spot and make my way to my sister's room. 

Jeff was awake, and Daisy was sitting up in her bed, the sling from her ankle no longer in use. She was smiling from ear to ear, excited to finally see her little miracle. Mrs. Taylor rose from where she was sitting and made her way over to me with a smile in her face as well. She gave me a hug and patted my back comfortingly. For the first time in a long time, everything felt like it was falling in to place. 

"So that way this works is that since Bailey is so young, Mom and Dad are the only ones allowed to hold her and be in the room with her. Over time, more people will be allowed in, but still only the parents can hold her due to medical reasons that have to do with Bailey's immune system and mental development." the nurse says. We all nod in agreement and she helps Daisy into a wheel chair. I was taken by surprise when Jeff offered to push her to the nursery that Daisy would be visiting Bailey in. Thankfully, there was a window so we could see it all happen, and thankfully Chase was still able to hide without being seen. Daisy, the nurse, and Jeff all walked into the small room that had Bailey's incubator, a plush chair, and a matching bench. Bailey was still hooked to a few machines, but she was looking just the same as yesterday. 

The nurse mumbles something to Daisy as she opens the incubator and lifts Bailey very gentle. She was so small in the woman's hands, and looked even smaller when she was handed to my sister. Daisy had to hold her against her chest for the skin-to-skin bonding session between mother and baby, in order to form a maternal bond between the two. The look on Daisy's face shifted as she suddenly began to cry with a smile on her face. She was trying not to sob while holding her daughter, but the moment was so touching that it nearly brought tears to my eyes. Jeff had scooted closer to the two girls and was mouthing something to his daughter's closed eyes, and gentle grazing her tiny hand with his finger. 

"Chase would've loved to see this." I say, casually enough to not draw attention but to warn Chase who was hiding somewhere behind us. 

"Yes, he would've. I can't wait for the two of you to have your own children someday." she says. I turn to her and smile. 

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