Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning with a headache from all the crying that I had done yesterday. I didn't want to let what happened yesterday effect the way my day went today. I got up and did my usual routine with the animals and the crops. Today was the day of the fair, and I knew that Billie-Mae and Daisy were probably going to find a way to drag me along. There wasn't anything wrong with the fair, but I didn't feel like dealing with their pitiful looks after what happened yesterday with Chase. And I sure as hell didn't want to deal with Chase being apologetic and wishy washy the whole time. But I did promise to go, so I have to. 

"Are you wearing that to the fair?" Daisy asked. She was standing in my doorway wearing a baby blue cotton t-shirt and a pair of white shorts with yellow daisies all over them, her signature outfit. I was sitting on the edge on the edge of my bed, brushing my hair after blow drying it. I looked down at my my t-shirt and jeans. 

"What's wrong with this?" I asked, a little confused since I wear this every year. Daisy rolled her eyes and entered my room, go straight for my closet. She shuffled through shirts and jackets, clicking her tongue as she went. 

"Here, wear this." she tosses me a pair of my denim shorts, a white tank top, and my yellow button up shirt. "Wear your leather sandals with that and you're golden." She said, then left my room. But she stopped abruptly before she was fully out of my doorway. "Chase is leaving soon. You have to wear something that's going to make him remember what he's coming back home to, and yellow looks good on your tan skin." Her feet quickly descend down the stairs and I'm left alone with my new outfit. I sigh as I start to undo my jeans.

"Are you ready yet!?" Billie-Mae calls upstairs for me. I had just finished braiding my hair after I changed clothes. I quickly slipped on my sandals like my sister had said, and grabbed my little shoulder wallet before coming downstairs. Billie-Mae smiles at me in approval of my outfit. 

"Ready?" I ask. We drive to the fair in the pick-up truck with the windows down and Luke Bryant blasting from the radio. I really wish life was like a Luke Bryant song, simple, perfect, and deep. But unfortunately, he's got some sad songs too. We pull into town and find a parking spot across from where the ticket booth is. People that I've grown up with walking around hand in hand, laughing, smiling. Kids ran around with stuffed prizes and snack foods, older couples walked around smiling, holding hands like it was their first date all over again. After bought out wrist bands, we made out way into the fair grounds, the carnival music and screams from the passengers of the rides filled the air. 

I've always gone to the fair with my family, this was the first year that my parents weren't here with me and Daisy. I shake off the sad thought and try to get into the mood for the sake of Daisy and Billie-Mae. We stopped by a park bench that sat beside the gate for the Zero-Gravity chamber ride. 

"Alright, I'm going to one of those famous Lemonade-Ice Teas and a dog." Billie-Mae said. Before we could respond she was already sprinting for the line of the stand. I laughed at her excitement. 

"I think I'm going to just walk around for minute. The idea of riding anything is making me nauseous." Daisy said. I understood the thought and didn't criticize her since she was pregnant. Before I knew it, I was left all alone. With my cousin getting food in the longest line at the whole fair, and my sister wandering around to sooth her pregnancy symptoms, I just sat on the bench a little dumb founded that they dragged my ass all the way out here just so they could abandon me. 

Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes and I panic a little before I recognized the familiar smelling cologne. "Guess who." the voice said. I smile at the game he's playing and decide to go with it. 

"Is it. . . Blake Shelton?" I joke. 

"Guess again." he says with a little laughing. 

"Hmm. Is it. . . oh my gosh. . .it is Dolly Parton?" I tease. He laughs at my response and slowly lets his hands leave my eyes. 

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