Chapter 26

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Our lips didn't leave each other the entire ascend up the stairs or through my bedroom. Chase pushed the door closed behind him before spinning us so that he was pinning me against the door. His hands held into my waist tightly and pulled me impossibly close to him. It was like he couldn't get enough of me, but neither could I. I reached up and started undoing and unzipping his jacket, pulling it off his body as soon as it was loose enough. He bends down and lifts me up, his hands holding my bottom tightly. He pressed me to the door again for leverage and started kissing on my neck.

I let out a few satisfy sighs as his lips trail down to my collarbone, his hands moving up to my rib cage. He then holds my legs again and carries me over to my bed, carefully setting me down on the mattress. His body is then hovering over mine, his lips trailing back up my skin and to behind my ear, which makes me moan gratefully. My hands find his belt and loosen it so I can undo his draw string buttons on his pants. I then grab handfuls of his shirt and start pulling it off his torso. He sits up straight and grabs the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it across the room. His tones abs and chest radiated warmth in front of me. I let my hands run all along his body, finding all the familiar, and beautiful drips and ridges of his muscles. I fingers felt the metal of his dog tags, which never left his body.

I sat up so that we were both on our knees, his hands pulling closer to him. His hands make their way under my shirt, which I then immediately pull off and toss it to the side just as he did and resume kissing me. I don't know what came over me, but I was somehow able to turn us around so that I was now straddling him, his hands roaming my legs and back until he found my face again. Trails of fire blazed their way over my skin, and it was the greatest feeling ever. He then broke the kiss suddenly, and help my eyes with his.

"Hold on, let me just look you." he says sweetly. We're both panting slightly from the lack of breath, and his heart is pounding under my palm. "You're so damn beautiful." he says, rubbing his thumb over my cheek bone, just like he did when he told me he loved me on the back porch. "I missed you so much." is the last thing he says before attacking my lips with his again. A burst of want and lust gushed through my body. It's been so long since Chase and I have had any sort of physical contact, so I didn't plan on stopping this moment now. Chase was able to send butterflies through my stomach and fire over my skin at the same time. I was no longer worried about Daisy, Jeff, or Bailey. I was no longer tired or stressed. Right now, I was just thrilled that Chase was finally home, and I was finally able to kiss him and feel him.

After Chase managed to unlace and take off his boots and socks with lightning speed, I was able to slide his pants down and off. Chase's hands roamed my skin until he found my bra strap, which easily unlatched with one hand. His hands slide my bra straps down and off my arms, tossing my bra across the room to join the already growing pile of fabric. He flips us over once more and starts trailing his lips from my jaw, to my throat, then my chest. His lips linger around my breasts as I tangle my fingers in his chocolate locks, tugging on them slightly as he sends spikes of pleasure down my body. He then starts moving his lips down my body again, kissing every inch of skin from my stomach to my hips. When he reaches my underwear, he grabs a hold of it with his teeth and manages to slide them down to my knees. I feel so exposed and vulnerable with my entire body naked in front of him. This is only the second time for us, but it feels just as heart racing as the first.

He begins kissing my legs, then makes his way up my inner thigh which sends tingles up to my core and all the right places. I can feel the goosebumps on my skin appear, and he chuckles in satisfaction. I instinctively start to close my legs when I feel him getting closer to the middle, but he raises up a little to pull my underwear all the way off. He looks at me lustfully as he stands form the bed, his length bulging under his boxer briefs. He then pulls me closer to the edge of the bed by the backs of my calves, and smiles devilishly as he towers over me.

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