Chapter 6

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When we pulled up to Beau Jr.'s, Billie-Mae was the first to get out of the tuck. As I got out, I tossed my jacket in the back seat. Mama always said to bring a jacket just in case. Billie-Mae didn't want for us, and darted right into the barn. I laughed at her eagerness, glad that I suggested dancing tonight. 

"So what exactly is this place?" Chase said as we walk side-by-side to the front entrance. 

"Beau Jr.'s is like barn dancing meets night club meets bar. It probably the most fun place in Jameson. It's the first place people go into as soon as they turn eighteen, or if they can't wait they just get a fake I.D." I explain to him. He suddenly has a worried look on his face. "What's wrong, Marine?" I tease. 

"I don't know why I didn't say anything earlier. I don't know how to dance." he admits, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. I could tell that it really bothered him. I just smile and grab the hand on his neck. 

"That's why they call the moves out, silly." I tell him. I pull him into the barn and the sound of boots hitting the floor, laughter, and loud music of all kinds erupted before us. White lights and barn lights encased in Mason jars hung from the high ceiling. Rafters were covered in those little white Christmas lights, and a long bar was surrounded in the back behind the giant dance floor. Tables were scattered everywhere, and pads that were reserved up on the balcony were crowded with people in all kinds of clothing. 

"Wow." I hear Chase say, as he looks all around at the scene before him. 

"Crazy, ain't it?" I ask him. I find Billie-Mae within the throng of people scattered around. She had grabbed us a table, and she was standing there waiting to hit the dance floor. The table was shockingly close to the dance floor, which was always nice. 

"You girls go ahead and dance. I'll watch for a little so I can maybe learn a thing or two." Chase offers. 

"Are you sure?" I ask him. He nods and waves us off as I set my bag down next to him on the table. 

"Come on, Hayden! Our song is starting!" she screams as she pulls on my arm, dragging me to the dance floor. Just as "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" by Trace Adkins started playing, almost every women in the barn got on the dance floor. 

"Alright, ya'll know what to do to this song." the announcer laughs. Billie-Mae and I loved this song just because it was fun to dance to, and we were always told by other girls that was nice butts. As we followed to made up choreography by Beau Jr. himself, Chase watched with a smile on his face. I side stepped, hip swished, kicked, spun, and skipped like no one was watching me. I haven't been dancing in years. I'm surprised I even remembered the moves. The song ended and I hurriedly ran over to Chase, grabbing his hands and pulling him on the floor with us. 

"Hayden, I told you I didn't know how to dance." he says. I smiled and grabbed his shoulders as "5-1-5-0" by Dierks Bentley starts playing. 

"Don't worry, just watch my feet, and listen to the announcer." I tell him. I place next to me where there more room for errors to come. Chase keeps his eyes on my feet, and copies my every move as the announce tells us the moves. 

"Wow, this is actually pretty easy." Chase admits. I laugh as he's now able to dancing along with us without looking at my feet. We stomped, kicked, spun, changed directions, and shuffled all over the dance floor. I started getting sweaty from all the movement and body heat, but that was one of my favorite parts. That's how you know everyone is having fun, because no one leaves. They just dance. After another sing, Billie-Mae goes to the bar and orders some drinks, taking them back to our table to take a break. Meanwhile, Chase and I stay on the dance floor. The DJ started to mix up the music some more and then we got back into barn dancing music. He started doing ones that required partners this time. 

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