Chapter 9

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When I woke up the next morning, I was laying on my stomach with my blankets pulled up to the middle of my back. I felt around the bed for Chase, but found a piece of paper instead. I opened my eyes and grabbed the small piece of paper that seemed to ripped away from a larger piece. It was a note from Chase. 


Sorry I couldn't stay. Had to get back to Gran's before she woke up and had a heart attack. I'll call you later today. Good morning. 


I smiled at his note and at the fact he was worried about his Grandmother for the same reason I would be. I got up and pulled some jeans and a t-shirt on before going downstairs. Surprisingly, Billie-Mae was already awake and at her computer with her coffee mug poised in her hand. She peered at me through her glasses, a smirk on the corner of her lips. 

"Good morning, Hayden." she said like she was professional secretary for a prestigious business office. She took a sip of her coffee, her eyes staying on me as I slowly walked passed her. 

"Good morning, Billie." I say inquisitively. I reached in the fridge for some orange juice, and when I closed the door Billie-Mae was resting on her elbow on the island. I gasped in surprise and dropped the carton of orange juice. "God dammit! Don't do that!" I say after she jump scared me. I didn't even hear her chair creak from her movements. 

"How was he?" she asks immediately, an eager look on her face. I looked at her confused. 

"What are you talking about?" I ask. 

"Oh don't play dumb. I know ya'll slept together last night. I heard someone moving around really early this morning and when I got up to see who it was, he was carefully walking out the door and he forgot to close your door. You were laying down without a shirt on the covers only covering your ass. So I move them up a bit and closed your door. Been awake ever since." she says. I feel my ears burning a hot red, as I slowly bend down to pick up the orange juice from the floor. She knew. I wonder if Mrs. Taylor will know?

"Oh." I say, moving to grab a glass from the dish strainer. "It was. . .nice." I try to say as smoothly as possible. When I looked up from my glass Billie-Mae was still smiling at me like she was waiting for more details. "What?!" I ask.

"Oh come on, Hayden. You ain't telling me that that hunk of perfection is 'nice' in bed. I know he had to have been better than that. Was he? Or was he really that bad? Did he have a weird fetish? Did it end too quickly?" Billie-Mae started shooting questions at me at rapid fire speed. 

"Okay, okay!" I say with a laugh. "It was . . .amazing. It was perfect. He asked me if I was sure I wanted to. He was sweet and sexy, a tease but submissive at the same time. It was perfect." I say, smiling at the ground as I thought about last night. I heard a joyful squeal from my cousin.

"Hayden Blair Alistair! Don't tell me ya'll. . ." she asked with raised eyebrows. "It wasn't just sex was it?" she asks again, drawing conclusions from the way I spoke. I shook my head from side to side. It wasn't just sex. 

"No. It wasn't." I say, smiling. 

"Oh, Hay." Billie-Mae came around the island and held my face in her hands. "I haven't seen this look on your face since we went to that Dierks Bentley concert. You just about drooled over him." she said. I gave a light giggle. "You eyes got that gleam in them, your cheeks are pink for once, and you smile whenever I even mention him." 

She was right. I never blushed at my cheeks, for whatever reason. Whenever I heard his name or event the mentioning of him, I couldn't help but smile. I never felt this way about a guy in my life. Part of me was scared, and wanted to deny these feelings. I kept thinking about all the down falls that would come with them. Him leaving, the possibility of losing our feelings, him getting injured or even killed. But then I thought about everything that made it amazing. He was a rare kind of man. He was brave, caring, a gentleman. He was strong and stood for what he believed in, and he was the kind of guy that cause girls to shoot you evil looks once they realize he's with someone. Granted, I wasn't officially with him, but I liked the thought of it. The idea of it. Lord knows I truly would love the physicality of it. 

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