Chapter 22

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I had just finished fixing the horse fence on the edge of their pasture. Lately, some animal has been pushing it's way through the fence and kept bending it to the point where it eventually needed to be replaced. It was now mid January, and it was fifty degrees outside. One of my favorite things about North Carolina was how it almost never got cold. Even when the northern states were in the negatives, down here still sunny and perfect. 

The New Year was a great one. Chase's grandparents came over and we through a small party while we watched the local news channel for the countdown and Mrs. Taylor even made all kinds of sweets. Daisy celebrated by drinking one glass of wine and stuffing her face with cookies and homemade fried chicken. Billie-Mae drank so much she passed out before the ball dropped, and the Taylors and I casually drank and laughed and they told me stories about when they were teenagers. Turns out, Mrs. Taylor has a tattoo on her butt. 

It was now the middle of January, and I've been receiving more letters from Chase. He says that now that's it cooler over here, it's hotter over there. It still through me off on how everything was the opposite for us now. I was sleeping when he was awake, I was working when he was switching shifts. I was in winter, he was in summer. He was there, and I was here. Sahara was a fan of the cool winter air. His young legs would buck and run around the entire pasture whenever there was even a slight drop in temperature. The rest of the horses had taken to him nicely, and seem to being showing him the ropes. As soon as spring hit, I'd have to start breaking him so he'd be good around people and knew commands for riding. He came galloping over to me once he noticed I had stood up from the fence and started nudging my hand. I laugh at his call for attention and rub his head lovingly. He was already getting so big, his fur getting slightly darker and his muscles stronger. He was still too young for certain things, but he was healthy and quite beautiful. I have the vet coming in a few days for a check up and to check his DNA drawn since I was still clueless on how he was nothing like the other horses. 

I walked away from Sahara and made my way back inside, pulling my hood over my hat a little more as a gust of wind passed by. The warmth from inside greeted me and the sound of the T.V. playing filled the space. Daisy was sitting on an exercise ball, bouncing her hips in a circular rotation while holding her swollen belly. She was now almost seven months pregnant, and she has grown in size significantly. I tease her all the time about how the doctor lied to her about only having one baby, which usually ended in her getting mad and paranoid and constantly worrying if she really was pregnant with more than one baby. 

"So I think I decided on a name." Daisy says from the living room, her favorite reality show playing on the T.V.. 

"Oh really?" I ask. I notice the mail was tossed on the island and I started shuffling through it. Bill. Bill. Junk mail. Coupons. Pharmaceutical notice. 

"Yeah. I've been watching a lot of 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians',--" she begins.

"You don't say." I say dryly, raising an eyebrow at her as I shuffled through the mail. She ignored my sarcastic comment and kept going. 

"And I was thinking about giving the baby a unique name, you know, something that no one else is going to have." she says. I look up at her from the mail in my hands and give her a concerning look. The fact that the idea of a unique baby was inspired by cosmetically altered reality stars wasn't exactly a reassuring thing to hear. "What about. . .Glitter." she says, giving me a convinced smile. 

"Hell, no." I say immediately, tearing open the pharmacy letter. 

"What? Common, it's cute." Daisy argues. I turn my back to her as I toss the junk mail in the trash. 

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