Chapter 19

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The nightmares had officially stopped. I no longer saw everyone I loved get murdered, no longer woke up in the middle of the night screaming and sweating, and I had told Chase about them in my last letter. When I got his response letter back, he wasn't worried or upset like I had thought he'd be. In fact, he was rather supportive and reassuring. He made me all these sweet promises and nothings, telling me that he's going to be fine. I just got another letter from him today, and have yet to open it. 

"Do we have any Clamato juice?" Daisy asks, walking down stairs. I turned around to look at her with a confused and disgusted face.

"Clamato juice? Daisy, you do realize you can't have margaritas when you're four months pregnant, right?" I tell her. She rolls her eyes at me opens the fridge in search of her clam-tomato margarita juice. 

"Well no shit. I'm really craving it for some reason. Like, I can smell it in my head and it sounds so good right now." She explains, not taking her eyes off of the contents of the fridge. "HA!" she says. She reaches back on the top shelf and pulls out a half full bottle of Clamato juice, the look of victory all over her face. 

"I wouldn't drink a lot of it, Daisy. You're not supposed to have a lot of seafood, and that has clam juice in it." I advise her, turning back around to the mail. 

"Don't worry, I'm only gonna have a sip. Just enough to satisfy my craving." She says. I turn and watch her twist off the cap and bring the bottle to her lips. She didn't even bother to get a glass for it. My face contorts in disgust as I watch her take a rather large sip of the pale red liquid, the smell of the clam juice making its way towards me. I make a gagging noise and turnaround soI don't to watch it. 

"You're aren't comin' anywhere near me now. You better brush your teeth when you're done, too." I tell her. She makes a satisfied noise before putting it back in the fridge. 

"Much better." she says, then walks back upstairs. I shake my head at my sister's gross pregnancy craving and take my new letter from Chase to the couch. I open it up and small rectangle shaped paper falls onto my lap. I pick up and turn it over to see it's a picture of Chase and all his buddies he's currently stationed out with. I smile when I see his handsome right int he middle. He's got both arms around two other guys, while two more guys stand behind them making funny faces. It was such a cute picture. I place it on the arm rest next to me and start reading the letter it came with. 

'Dear Hayden, 

I got your last letter, and you can tell Billie-Mae that no, she can't have my truck while I'm gone hahaha. I hope you're doing good, I hope the nightmares are gone for good. How's Daisy doing with the pregnancy? She getting any mood swings yet? The guys and I are finding it hard to entertain each other so don't be mad when I tell you we put bets on the gender of Daisy's baby. I know it's probably terrible, but we're bored out here! I bet that it was going to be a boy, and so did Greg, Kyle, and Franky. Cody is the only one that thinks it's gonna be a girl. Speaking of the guys, they're currently watching me write this letter to you and are making cat calls and kissing noises at me, calling me 'Love Boy' and 'Romeo'. I tell them about you all the time and showed them your pictures, and they all told me I better not piss you off because you 'look like you could kick my ass'. They all said they want to meet you some day, so I invited them over for dinner once we have all our legal stuff worked out. I figured you'd enjoy a picture since you haven't seen my ugly mug in a few months. Knowing the guys, they wouldn't let me take a picture without them being in it. They said you have to see all the options you missed out on when you married me hahaha. The guy on my right is Cody and the guy on my right is Franky. They're both from Virginia and went to basic together. The two idiots above me are Greg and Kyle, they're the biggest goofballs I ever met, but they're a lot smarter than you'd think. I hope to hear from you soon, Darling. We should be getting word about our leave time in a few days, hopefully. I promise, I'm coming home soon. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again, and be able to kiss you over and over again. I'll be home soon, Hayden. Take care of the girls. I love you so much, Darling. 

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