Chapter 28

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Today is the day of Daisy's baby shower. Daisy was released from the hospital a few days after she was admitted, and was on crutches until she got her walking boot for her ankle. Bailey might have already been born, but it was still my job as her sister to throw the baby shower. We sent out invites and a list of things she registered for, along with requests for food and gift cards. Daisy knew Billie-Mae and I were planning this before hand, and was very persistent about picking a theme. I thought that if it was a girl, the theme was pink. Apparently, Daisy wanted something more fun, and decided she wanted a floral/garden theme to it as well. 

Mrs. Taylor and I spent weeks making and buying decorations for the shower, along with wrapping and hiding our gifts from Daisy in the process. Chase was clueless with baby showers, so today I gave him the job of being there for moral support for Jeff, since he was just as clueless. Plus, being a room surrounded by a bunch of women that knew their story isn't exactly comforting.

We were having the shower at the Taylor's hay barn, since it was relatively spacious and perfect for the theme we were working with. The barn was already set up with the decorations and lighting from earlier this morning, and the food was all prepared and just had to be heated up. I woke up this morning to set up decorations, but when I finished I came back home to start heating up food and make the cookies and cupcakes. I was in a navy blue t-shirt and denim jeans that were too long on me, but were really comfy to wear. I had my hair pulled back but a few strands managed to escape and frame my flour covered cheeks. I had flour all over my arms and shirt, but I wasn't worried about it since I had to shower anyways. 

It was eleven in the morning when Chase came walking down the stairs in a navy blue t-shirt and dark jeans that hugged his body perfectly. His hair was tossed and his stubble present but sexy nonetheless. I looked up from the mixing bowl to stair at him, only for him to catch me and wink. I smile and blush before returning to the mixing bowl. 

"You look cute." I say to him as he reaches for a water bottle form the fridge. 

"Thank you, Darlin'." he says before taking a swig of his water. He eyes me up and down, and gives me a mischievous smile. He starts to slowly stride over to me. "I'm especially loving the flour-faced look." he says, standing behind me. His lips start kissing my neck, then my jaw, and eventually the entire left side of my face. "It's kinda hot." he whispers in my ear. I giggle as his lips tickle my ear and his hands roam to the front of my wait. 

"Chase, stop distracting me. I have work to do!" I say playfully. I nudge him off of me with shoulder and hip, blowing a stand of my hair out of my face since my hands were covered in cookie dough. "Did you remember to load our gifts in the truck so she doesn't see them?" I ask. 

"Did that while you were setting up. He says, popping a grape from the bowl beside me into his mouth. 

"What about the car seat?" I ask again. 

"Already installed in Gram's car. That was a lot easier than I thought it would be, too." he says jokingly. 

"Okay, what about--" I was cut off by Chases's lips silencing mine, and his hands holding my face. He pulls back and gives me a smile. 

"Relax, Hayden. Everything is gonna be fine." he assures me. I take a deep breath and keep rolling the dough into balls on the baking sheet. "When's Bailey allowed to come home from the NICU?" he asks, walking behind me to the sink for some thing. 

"Not exactly sure. Doctors' said that it all depends on her health. As soon as she's heavy and mature enough, she can come home. Daisy will have a nurse checking in on Bailey everyday for an hour since she's premature." I tell him. I wipe my hands on my jeans and slide the baking sheet of cookies into the over. The cupcakes were already frosted and everything, now I was just waiting for the cookies. I heard the sound of the front door being knocked on and Chase quickly walked over to answer it. 

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