Chapter 6: Parkbench Therapy

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Youngjae adjusted the wide brim of his black hat over his eyes, they'd picked the sunniest day of the week to take Mina to the park, and of course he forgot his sunglasses. This was his, Jaebum, and Mina's 3rd park date. He and Jaebum were taking a break from playing with Mina, neon yellow slides were not made for grown men. He'd almost gotten caught in the curve of the slide twice, and Jaebum did get caught once.

After Youngjae yanked him free, he grabbed the younger's hand and dragged him towards the benches. Youngjae managed to reroute them to the set of benches on the opposite. Unfortunately, he didn't realize the sun was beaming straight down on the bench until they sat down. He furrowed his brows when the sun still managed to find his face beneath his hat brim.

"If the sun is bothering you we can move Youngjae," Jaebum spoke up from his place beside the younger on the park bench.

He lifted his hand up and completely covered his boyfriend's eyes, "Is that better?" he impishly asked. Youngjae shoved the hand away, "No. Besides, I like this spot, it's my favorite bench in this park," he answered with a smile. "Why?" Jaebum asked curiously. The younger shrugged, "I like watching the kids play," he answered as he leaned back a little.

"I have to say, that sounds a little creepy," JB laughed out as he too leaned back. Youngjae glared at the elder, elbowed him in the side, mumbled out, "Whatever, I didn't mean it like that," and inched away. Jaebum laughed a little harder, placed his hand on the younger's thigh, and pulled him back over, "You know I'm just messing with you," he said moving his hand toward Youngjae's inner thigh.

Youngjae liked having Jaebum's hand there, it was dangerously close to being in an inappropriate place. If they weren't in a children's park, he definitely would've been bold enough to move his hand up a few inches. That hand gesture would've gone from PG to R-rated in a matter of seconds, but then again, that was how quickly Youngjae wanted all of Jaebum's small gestures to escalate.

But they weren't at that stage in their relationship yet, so Youngjae decided to ignore the hand for now and reply to the elder's comment instead, "A meal at a nice restaurant will make me believe you." "Didn't I just buy you lunch?" Jaebum questioned in a matter-of-fact tone. Youngjae shrugged and tossed his leg over his boyfriend's, "Not at a nice restaurant," he easily said.

He found he liked messing with Jaebum, he liked watching him get annoyed; it was cute. Jaebum cut his eyes at his boyfriend, "Mina and I will be eating leftovers, if you want to go to a nice restaurant then you'll have to go alone," he said as his hand found the younger's inner thigh again. "Or I can find a nice sugar daddy. With this smile I can find one pretty quickly, " Youngjae taunted before he gestured to his brilliant white smile.

He laughed at the blank face the elder gave him and he laughed harder when he was pulled into a light headlock. "Yah Choi Youngjae, you're not funny," Jaebum grumbled pressing his nose into his temple. He squeezed a little tighter when Youngjae kept laughing.

"Jaebum-oppa," a crying Mina came running towards them. "Mina what's wrong?" Jaebum asked his sister, worry etched into his face. He released his boyfriend and pulled his little sister closer to him. "There's a mean boy over there making fun of me," she told him through fresh tears. "What did he say?" Youngjae asked, he too, was very concerned.

"He called me a weirdo for having two daddies and when I told him that I don't have parents he started calling me an orphan. I told him to shut up, but he kept calling me an orphan. He kept pointing at me and saying, 'You're an orphan. You don't have a mom and a dad, that makes you an orphan,' " she explained while attempting to mimic the bully's tone.

Jaebum was on his feet in seconds, "Which one is he Mina, point him out," he angrily ordered, he was going to make that kid pay. No one was going to make fun of his sister. Before Mina could single the other kid out, Youngjae grabbed ahold of Jaebum's wrist and yanked him back down onto the bench, "Hyung, you can't beat up a kid," he said firmly.

JB snatched his hand away, "Why the hell not? He made my sister cry, that's what big brothers do," the elder justified, it all made perfect sense to him. "Hyung, he's a kid. Kids make fun of other kids, that's what they do. You can't beat him up because he made Mina cry," the younger scolded, "You also can't beat him up because he's a little boy and you will most definitely go to jail."

Jaebum narrowed his eyes at the younger, "Fine then, you handle it the responsible and legal way," he challenged. 'But if it doesn't work, then I'm going to step on that little brat,' he thought to himself and sat back to witness the conversation. "Fine," Youngjae accepted the challenge.

He grabbed the sniffling girl's hand and pulled her closer to him, "Mina don't let what that little jerk said get to you, he's probably having family problems of his own and he's just trying to make you feel as bad as he does," he told her.

"But he's right oppa, I don't have parents. I'm an orphan," she mumbled defeated. "You're not an orphan Mina. You don't live in an orphanage and you do have a parent," he said lifting her head up. "I do?" she asked in confusion.

Youngjae smiled and nodded, "Of course you do kid," he answered, "Who takes care of you? Who clothes and feeds you? And tucks you into bed at night? Who's there in the morning waking you up for school?" "Jaebum-oppa, but he's my brother. He's not my mommy or daddy," she answered, she was still very confused.

"True, but just because he isn't your eomma or appa doesn't mean he isn't a parent. Everything he does to take care of you makes him a parent. He does the same things any other eomma and appa does," Youngjae explained. Mina smiled at that, "He does, doesn't he?" she conceded with a nod.

Youngjae nodded in return, "Yea, so don't let that little boy, or anyone else, make you feel like you're lacking because you're just a little bit different. Besides, being a little different is good; who else can say they have a mom, dad, and big brother all wrapped up in one neat package? I know I can't," he said with a shrug.

Mina beamed up at Youngjae and threw her arms around his neck, "Thank you, Youngjae-oppa," she squealed in his ear. He hugged her back, "No problem kid," he told her patting her back. She released him and then pulled Jaebum into a hug as well, "I love you oppa," she told him, she squeezed him extra tight. She was very happy and lucky to have him in her life.

Jaebum grinned and shook her off, "Alright, alright, enough of this hugging crap," he said nudging her towards the jungle gym, "go play." Mina waved at the pair before she ran towards the slide, she was back in carefree-kid mode.

"You handled that very well Youngjae-ah," JB complimented, "Thank you for making my sister feel better about being parentless." Youngjae smiled triumphantly at Jaebum, "You're welcome. And I meant what I said; you are her parent, regardless of title." Jaebum shrugged " I guess so, and I also want you to know that I wouldn't have beat him up...that bad," he said through a smile of his own, "Just bad enough for him to understand to never mess with my sister again."

Youngjae tilted his head back and laughed, "Well it's a good thing you didn't beat him up, because I don't do conjugal visits," he joked. Jaebum threw his arm around the younger, "First of all, who says I would've gotten caught? I'm a very fast runner. And second, for conjugal visits we'd have to be married...or at the very least, having sex," he said laying his palm flat on the top of Youngjae's hat.

"Well if you play your cards right, one of those two things may happen sooner than you think," Youngjae retorted as he broke free of the loose grip. Jaebum fisted his hand in Youngjae's shirt and pulled him closer, "Don't tempt me Youngjae," he warned, "it's not nice." Youngjae grinned, "I'm not," he said shaking his head, "I've always wanted to get married."

Jaebum sucked his teeth and mushed the laughing Youngjae away from him. "Hey, I'm just messing with you," the younger said mimicking his boyfriend's voice. Jaebum rolled his eyes and left his cackling boyfriend to go play with his sister.

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