Chapter 7

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“Thanks for coming grocery shopping with me Youngjae-ah,” JB told his boyfriend as he grabbed a grocery cart from the front of the store. He tossed his jacket into the cart and steered it toward the food section. Youngjae shrugged nonchalantly and smiled, “It’s cool, I needed to do some shopping too; my tiny fridge is empty.”

He was actually really excited about shopping with his boyfriend, he wasn’t sure why though. Maybe it was because it was just the two of them tonight. Youngjae really loved Mina, which made him feel guilty for being excited about his alone time with Jaebum, but he craved the elder’s undivided attention. That was OK right? He wasn’t being selfish, it was perfectly logical.

Jaebum’s laughing broke the younger free of his thoughts, “Don’t you work in a convenience store?” he asked elbowing the younger. “So?” the younger shrugged again as they turned down the cereal aisle. Another smile tugged at his lips, Jaebum’s soft jab tickled his ribs a little.

“Don’t you get some sort of discount?” the elder asked grabbing a box of sugary cereal off the low shelf, ‘This crap will rot my monster’s teeth’ he thought to himself as he put it back. Youngjae chuckled, “Um no, I don’t get the discount privilege until my 6-month probation period is over,” he answered moving closer to the shelf to select his own cereal.

“Well that’s stupid,” Jaebum replied as he grabbed a healthier cereal for his sister and tossed it into the basket. “Tell me about it,” Youngjae mumbled while he scanned the nutrition label on the side of some off brand oat-based cereal. “You actually read the label?” Jaebum inquired, he leaned his elbow on his boyfriend’s shoulder and read along with him. He read the calories per serving, but that was about it. Youngjae was actually reading the entire label, was he dating a low-key health nut?

Youngjae put the box back and grabbed a different cereal box, “I’m trying to lose weight,” he justified with furrowed eyebrows.

Jaebum snatched the cereal box out of his boyfriend’s hands and tossed it back on the shelf, “Why’d you do that?” the younger whined. He attempted to grab the box again only to have his hand painfully swatted, “What the hell Jaebum-hyung?” he asked rubbing his reddening hand. He would try to grab the box again, but he was smart enough to know that Jaebum would smack his hand again.

“Why do you need to lose weight Youngjae?” the elder asked curiously. Youngjae dropped his shoulders and tugged on the hem of his shirt in embarrassment, “Because I’m getting chubby,” he mumbled. Jaebum grabbed the front of his boyfriend’s shirt and pulled him closer, “You don’t need to lose weight Youngjae,” he said before kissing him.

He pulled away, “You’re not getting chubby,” he assured, “You look fucking amazing OK?” Youngjae smiled and nodded, “OK,” he agreed before he pulled his boyfriend into another kiss. This was the first time Jaebum had complimented him like that, it was firm and sincere. He made Youngjae feel wanted; attractive.

“Alright, we need to stop this before I lay you out right here in the supermarket for all to see,” Jaebum said as his thumb found his boyfriend’s Adam’s apple. “That doesn’t sound like such a bad thing, Jaebum-hyung,” Youngjae said wrapping his hand around the elder’s wrist.

Jaebum laughed and pulled away, “Please don’t tempt me Youngjae-ah, I have absolutely no problems with public sex,” he easily said before making his way to the next aisle. “Neither do I," Youngjae smugly called out as he followed behind his laughing boyfriend. OK so maybe he wasn’t that outgoing, but he couldn’t stop himself from saying so; hopefully Jaebum wouldn’t take him seriously.

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