Chapter 12: 6 Months

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“Ah, I am so glad you’re here Youngjae,” Jaebum happily greeted as he stepped aside to let his boyfriend into his apartment. Youngjae delivered a suspicious look to the elder, “Why?” he asked narrowing his eyes as he moved past him into the living room. Jaebum grinned and helped the younger take off his heavy book bag, “Why do you sound like that? Can’t a man just be happy to see his boyfriend?” he asked placing the bag out of the way behind the dark blue sofa.

Youngjae sighed apologetically and nodded, “I’m sorry hyung,” he said as he shouldered out of his denim jacket, “I’m just really tired and cranky. I had a ridiculous amount of homework due this afternoon. I was up all night finishing it.” He collapsed heavily onto the couch and ran fingers through his lifeless blond hair, he didn’t even care enough to fluff up his bangs today.

“Where’s Mina? She’s usually climbing all over me by now,” he wondered leaning back into the astoundingly soft cushions. They were going to come in handy for that spectacular nap he was about to take. “She is actually over at the neighbors’ having a movie night with their two kids,” he said sitting on the coffee table facing his boyfriend.

“Youngjae-ah, do you know what today is?” he queried with a smile. Youngjae sleepily rubbed his eyes and slowly mumbled out, “Friday?” “And?” the elder urged resting his elbows onto his knees to lean in closer to the exhausted teen.

Youngjae closed his eyes and rested his head on the back of the couch as he thought hard. What was the significance of today? It was too early for his birthday and way too late for JB’s. Not a major holiday…so that left…, “Our anniversary,” he exclaimed with a face-palm. He lifted his head up and looked at his boyfriend for confirmation.

Jaebum nodded, “That’s right, our 6 month anniversary,” he conceded patting his boyfriend’s knee, “You were the one who said it was important, the 6 month mark. How did you forget?”

Youngjae groaned and dropped his face into his hands, “I know, I’m so sorry,” he said regretfully, he folded forward and rested his forehead on one of Jaebum’s hands, “I’ve just been so swamped with school and work. I’m an awful boyfriend.” “You’re not an awful boyfriend, Youngjae,” Jaebum laughed out using his free hand to soothingly stroke the younger’s hair, “and I have a surprise for you to prove it.”

Youngjae straightened up to look at him in excitement, “A surprise? For me? Even though I forgot our anniversary?” he queried. “Yep, lucky for you, I didn’t forget,” Jaebum playfully jabbed standing up. “Come on, get up,” he ordered tugging on the younger’s gummy arm. Youngjae slowly rose to his feet asking, “What kind of surprise?”

Jaebum moved to stand behind him, “A good surprise,” was his witty reply as he locked his fingers over Youngjae’s inquisitive eyes. Youngjae grabbed his boyfriend’s wrists and tried to pull away his makeshift eye-mask, “I can’t see, JB,” he whined. Jaebum laughed in the student’s ear and tentatively pushed him forward, “That’s kind of the point of me covering your eyes, isn’t it Youngjae-ah? Trust hyung, just walk forward ‘til I tell you to stop,” he firmly instructed.

Youngjae dramatically waved his hands around in front of himself and slowly walked forward, “Fine, just don’t let me run into any walls, hyung,” he warned. “Shut up before I push you into a sharp corner,” JB impishly retorted.

Jaebum guided his boyfriend through the threshold of the room to their immediate right. He stopped him in the center of the small room, removed his hands, and said, “OK, open your eyes.” Youngjae opened his eyes and looked around. The bathroom looked very different today. Lots of various-sized lit candles were scattered all over the place: thick ones in the corners of the tub, a couple fat short ones on the counter, and a few of the miniature ones on the back of the toilet. The delicate illumination gave the bathroom a romantic ambiance he didn’t know rooms with toilets could have.

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