Chapter 21: No Keys { End }

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Jaebum swung his apartment door open to see a glaring Youngjae, his arms hugging two brown paper bags obviously filled with their takeout dinner. "Did you knock with your foot?" he asked stepping aside to let his boyfriend in. "Yes, but I wouldn't have to knock at all if you would just return my key," the younger griped as he placed the bags down on the counter. "Mina! Jinju! Youngjae-oppa brought dinner," JB yelled loudly, purposely ignoring his boyfriend's sour attitude.

He reached into one of the bags and pulled out 2 bento boxes, they decided to have Japanese tonight (Youngjae's treat). The two 8-year olds came bounding into the kitchen from Mina's room. "Oppa," She cheered happily as she wrapped her arms around Youngjae's waist, "Thanks for dinner." "Yea, thanks Youngjae-oppa," Jinju chimed in as she too waist-hugged the blonde. Youngjae grinned and patted the tops of their heads, "You're welcome ladies," he replied, "But you two are treating next time."

"Deal," Mina easily agreed as she accepted her food from her brother. Jinju tugged on her friend's arm, "Mina, don't make that promise," she mumbled worriedly, "We don't have any money." "Don't worry, Jinju, Youngjae-oppa was just kidding," JB promised as he handed her a bento box and disposable chopsticks as well.

Youngjae snorted as he dug around in the other brown paper bag, "That's what you think," he said. Jinju tossed her concerned innocent eyes back up at her best friend's brother, "But oppa, I don't have any money," she whined, "I'm just a little girl." Mina shook her head in disappointment, sometimes her friend could be so naïve.

JB rolled his eyes and pinched his boyfriend's neck, "Yah, stop messing with her before she starts crying," he ordered. Youngjae hissed in pain and glowered at his boyfriend again, "Fine," he mumbled before turning to the worried little girl, "I was just joking Jinju-ah. No need to worry," he assured her. She sighed her relief, "Thank god." "C'mon Jinju, let's go eat in my room, Youngjae-oppa looks angry," Mina warned before turning to head to her room.

"Please do your best to keep your rice off the floor this time," Jaebum called after the girls, it was a huge pain getting mushed up rice out of carpet. He turned to face his boyfriend to see that he was still glaring at him, "What?" he asked defensively. 'Like you don't already know,' Youngjae mentally accused, "My key?" he questioned. Jaebum pulled his sushi platter out of the other bag, "What about it?" he asked popping the lid to the small rectangular container.

"Am I ever going to get it back?" Youngjae asked in annoyance, he watched the elder drizzle the contents of a soy sauce packet over his sushi rolls. "No," Jaebum answered simply before popping a piece of the spider roll into his mouth. Youngjae was shocked, "No?" he echoed in disbelief. Jaebum nodded and nonchalantly answered, "That's what I said." He placed a chunk of pickled ginger on his next piece before knocking it back.

'You've got to be freaking kidding me,' Youngjae thought as he angrily stalked up to his boyfriend and shoved his hand into his pocket. "What the hell are you doing Youngjae?" Jaebum asked dropping his chopsticks onto the counter. He yanked the blonde's hand out of his pocket to see his fingers curled around his keys. "If you won't give me back my key then I'm taking yours away," Youngjae threatened waving the elder's keys as hostage.

"Youngjae," JB sighed out, "give me my keys back," he ordered reaching for his keys. Youngjae moved his hand away and took a step back, "Not until you give me mine back," he haggled as his back pressed into the cool refrigerator, 'This damn kitchen is too small.' "Maybe I don't want to just give you a key," Jaebum cryptically replied. He pressed his palms into the refrigerator on either side of the younger's head, trapping him there. Youngjae gave him a confused look, "What does that mean?" he asked as his brows knitted.

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