Chapter 15

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“JB, what the hell happened to you tonight?” Youngjae angrily yelled as he burst into his boyfriend’s apartment. Jaebum looked up from the leather-bound book he was reading, “What?” he asked the younger in confusion. ‘Seriously?’ Youngjae skeptically thought as he glared at his boyfriend. “I asked you to pick me up from the library tonight, remember?” he questioned fisting his hands at his hips.

Because the elder forgot, he had to bum a ride from a couple of guys he barely knew. Jaebum nodded as realization hit him, “Oh yea,” he semi-acknowledged before he went back to reading his book. ‘SERIOUSLY?’ Youngjae asked himself again, ‘Who is this guy?’ “Oh yea?” Youngjae incredulously echoed snatching the book from the elder’s hands, “that’s all you have to say? Oh yea?”

Jaebum shrugged nonchalantly and crossed his legs, “I forgot, what do you want me to say Youngjae?” he half-heartedly defended himself. Anything could’ve happened to Youngjae, why was JB acting like he didn’t care? “I want you to tell me what the hell happened to you tonight,” the younger demanded again, “Tell me why you broke another promise to me.” He tossed the book to floor and sat down on the coffee table facing his boyfriend, his dark eyes fixed in a strong glare.

JB sighed, as if he was annoyed, and answered, “I had to pick Mina up from Jinju’s house.”

“You had to?” Youngjae questioned with an unsure shake of his head, “I thought Jinyoung-hyung was supposed to pick Mina up. You arranged for hyung to pick her up specifically so you would be able to pick me up. Did something happen to him?” “No Jinyoungie’s fine, I just called and told him that I would pick her up instead,” JB revealed with another shrug. These constant uninterested shrugs were getting on Youngjae’s last nerve tonight, as was everything coming out of Jaebum’s mouth.

“And you couldn’t call me to tell me that?” Youngjae asked in disbelief. He lifted his thumb to his ear and his pinky to his lips in a makeshift phone, “Hey Youngjae, I decided to pick Mina up instead. Sorry, but do you think you can find another ride?” he dramatically mimicked his boyfriend’s phone voice. Jaebum bit his bottom lip and rubbed his hands together, his eyes dropping the younger’s gaze briefly. Youngjae hung up his hand-phone and sarcastically asked, “Doesn’t seem so hard, does it?”

Jaebum scooted to the edge of the couch and rested his palms on Youngjae’s knees, “Look Youngjae, I’m sorry I forgot to pick you up. I really am, but you made it back OK. Don’t you think you’re overreacting just a tiny bit?” It was amazing how quickly his apology had morphed into something so inconsiderate, like, it completely threw Youngjae to see his boyfriend acting so indifferent about breaking another promise to him. Was this recent habit honestly not a big deal to him?

The younger furiously shoved the elder’s hands away, “No, I don’t think I’m overreacting Jaebum, I think you’re underreacting. I mean, you’re being completely apathetic about standing me up.” he snapped back crossly. “I don’t understand what you mean by that,” JB admitted with a shake of his head. He leaned back into the couch and crossed his arms over his chest, he’d never looked so guarded.

“What I mean is that, lately, you’ve been flaking on me a lot; practically this entire month. Every time you promised me something you ended up not coming through for me; just like tonight. And every time you hollowly apologized; just like tonight. Not only have you been completely careless, but you’ve also been extremely standoffish and cold towards me. And whenever I ask you what’s wrong, you either say I’m imagining things or leave the room really quickly,” Youngjae ranted, he hopped to his feet and began to pace the length of the living room floor, “Like, just tell me if I’ve done something wrong.” He was so heated.

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