Sit Next To Me {Kōshi Sugawara Songfic}

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Come Over Here And Sit Next To Me

This was his very last chance. It was the second to last week of school and he still hadn't confessed his feelings to (Y/n) yet. He truly loved her. Her (e/c) eyes, her (h/c) locks, her everything was perfect to him. So, he decided he would would ask (Y/n) to lunch that afternoon. They could sit outside, on the grass, below the sunlight. He thought it was quite romantic. Suga was nervous. He had never liked a girl as much as her. They were in the same class, so asking would be easy. But confessing, would be the hard part.

"Hey, (Y/n)! Wanna eat lunch with me today?" The nervous boy asked. "Yeah sure, (bff name) is sick today so I'd be alone otherwise. Where do you wanna meet?" The cheery girl asks. "Outside of the class, then I'll show you where we are going. Does that sound good?" Suga asks, hoping for a positive reply. "Yeah! Sounds great!" (Y/n) says. Just as she finished her sentence, the bell rang to begin math class.

It became lunch time and Suga was as nervous as ever. He was excited as well. I mean, if she returned his feelings...that would be awesome! But then he remembered that she could reject him as well. But, being Suga, he kept his head high and hoped for the best.

"Hey Suga! Sorry I'm late, (friend name) dropped her stuff so, I wanted to help her. I hope I didn't keep you too long." The girl rambled. "That's quite alright. I wasn't waiting very long. Maybe a little over 5 minutes. You're such a nice person for helping (friend name) with her stuff." Suga told the girl as they headed to the special place outside.

Many people of many years were out there. But, he didn't care and neither did her. The two 3rd Years found a place to sit while eating. After a minute or less, (Y/n) started a conversation, so kill the silence. "What did you get on 5 for the science test?" She asks. "I got C, what did you get?" Suga asks. "I got A." She explains in a dissatisfying tone. She got a 76% on that test. She barely passed.

"Hey (Y/n), can I ask you a question?"

We can see where things go naturally

"Yeah. What's up?" (Y/n) wonders. "I was wondering..."

Just say the word and I'll part the sea

"Will you go out with me?" Suga asked with pure happiness in his voice. All his worries were gone because he remembered that if she rejected him, they'd probably still be friends. "Yes Suga, I'll go out with you." She says with a smile. Oh, he loved that smile more then anything.

Just come over here and sit next to me

Hello there dear Reader! This is chapter 1 Of the one-shot book. Next I plan on doing Kenma or Yamaguchi next. I hope you enjoyed this songfic. I've never done one so I'm pretty happy with it. Well, it's about time I go to sleep. I have morning basketball practice tomorrow, Rest In Peace me.

Rin Out!
Total Words- 530!

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