Class Projects {Kenma Kozume}

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Ok. Before I start, this is inspired by a class project that I'm doing in my Texas History class. We have to create fake Facebook pages for Texas Historical Figures that we've learned about this semester. We have to make up interests, Favorite Hobbies, Favorite Movies and TV, and things like that. I'm doing Sam Houston and my friend is doing Santa Anna lol. But we were both being super ridiculous with it (and the teacher doesn't give 2 craps) so we were laughing really hard. For Favorite tv shows I put Teletubbies lol. But, it's pretty stupid but fun. So this so sorta inspired by that. And this didn't really a one-shot. It's just 2 best friends hanging out while doing a project. Anyways I had to explain that first and here the legit one-shot I made.

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"Kenma Kozume and (Y/n) (L/n)." Mr/Mrs/Miss/Coach (Teacher Name) announced. Me and Kenma were partnered for our History project. We are supposed to make a Facebook account for a person in history that we know about. They both have to somehow be related. "So, do you wanna come over to my house to work on it? My parents are out of town." Kenma says. "I don't mind." I reply. So, I was going to walk home with him and tell my mom during lunch/break.

I walked home with Kenma and we got our papers out. "So, who are you doing?" I ask the bi-haired boy. "I'm doing Santa Anna, what about you?" He asks the (h/c) haired girl. "I'm doing Sam Houston." I say. Each pair had to choose a village or state out of Japan. So, we picked Texas in the United States.

It was about 2 hours in and I was bored out of my mind. The project was pretty fun until, Kenma started playing his PSP and I had Snapchat notifications so I checked those. So, the boy has been playing his game and the girl has been updating her Snapchat and either of them were working on their project.

"Should we get back on track?" (Y/n) asks. It was Tuesday and the project was due on Thursday. Kenma has to skip practice today because of this project and he didn't want to miss a second day, so the boy nodded in agreement. Kenma's phone was going off, signaling a phone call. The contact was "Kuroo" so Kenma picked it up. Some noises of agreement and disagreement and some times he'd speak with rage in his voice. You didn't wanna pester him...yet.

Kenma finished his phone call and starting speaking. "I like you, will you date me?" He says bluntly. Wow, he got straight to the point. "Sure!" The girl says happily.

And that was the moment, when a great relationship started.

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Done! I hope this was good enough. I wrote this in class lol. I'm not done with my project. Also, I get out of school early tomorrow (December 20, 2017) and for Kageyama's Birthday, I'm going to create a one-shot for him. :)

Rin Out!
Total Words- 523!

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