Episodes {Kōshi Sugawara}

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I'm back from Pinterest Hell. Enjoy the Chapter!
(T/n)= Teachers Name.

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I didn't even come close to passing this test. That was 50% of my grade! I can't believe I'm so stupid. What's wrong with me. I was in the back of the class so, I dozed off because I wasn't feeling too well. After a while I just needed to leave. "(T/n), can I go to the nurse?" I ask politely. They nod and I gather my things and leave the classroom.

I'm a 3rd year at Karasuno High School and this has been happening since 2nd year of Middle School. My brother has been worrying about me and I've been worried about myself. It's just hard to think about everything at once. Keiji is so far away it's upsetting. Why does my brother have to live so far away?

I got to the bathroom and splash water on my face to make sure I was still conscious and aware. I checked my phone and it was 8 minutes until school ended. I thought I could go get my pills and come back to the bathroom. Which is exactly what I did.

"Ah. Akaashi (Y/n), are you here for your pills?" The nurse kindly asks. I nod and she gestures me to follow her. She takes 2 of the pills out of the bottle and gets me some water. I take the pills and see school is ending in 2 minutes so I just chill there until class officially gets out.

The bell rang and I said goodbye to the nurse and left. I saw my best friend, Suga, at the gate waiting for someone. "Hey." He says. "Hey. Who are you waiting for?" I ask nicely. "You actually. I don't have practice today I thought we could walk home together." He says with a smile on his face. I forgot on he doesn't have practice on Friday.

We walked in silence was until he broke it. "Are you ok?" He asks with concern. No, im not ok. I haven't been ok for a long time. I'm mentally exhausted. "Yeah, I'm just tired." I smile back. I direct my eyes back to my feet. I feel his burning stare and I don't like it but, it's fine. I've been hiding my emotions forever, he can't see though my mask. He can't see thought my act.

He takes a stop and I turn around. "This isn't your home. Why did you-" "I know your not ok." He says with a serious tone. "I'm fine! Really! I am!" I defend. It's impossible. No one has ever known that I was slowly breaking. "You act happy all the time and then, at night, behind closed doors, you cry yourself to sleep and you hurt yourself. I've been thinking for a while and I can now confirm that I'm right." He says.

I burst into tears and hug him. He's the only one that has seen past my fake smiles and happiness. "Let's go back to my house, my parents aren't home." The silver haired male says. You were kinda happy that you found someone that understands but, he knows now. What if he doesn't like you anymore? What if he tells the whole team? What if gossip starts? All these thought made you scared and worried for being so vulnerable.

You both got his home and you guys did homework and laughed, told jokes. Things like that made you think "at least you knew that you had a friend."

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Ugh. I hate this chapter because I don't really like how it turned out. I had a great idea in my mind and then I just went poof when I came to write it so, I'm sorry. 5:30am is such great timing. I have to get up in and hour to go to school and I barely got any sleep. Please kill me help me please 👌🏻

Morgan (Rin) Kozume Out!
Total Words: 666!

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