Chapter 6 : Conscience

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"Excuse me?" The raven-haired hybrid growled at the animal, his ears twitching in irritation, "First of all, I was not expecting prey to be talking to me out of the blue like that, so apologies for being a bit taken back by it. And secondly, how dare you to talk to me like you have any authority over me. This is a wolf you are talking to!" Something about what Henry said made the darkened creature utter a mocking laugh that only made the canine's temper rise, but before he could even retort once more, the smaller animal shook its head solemnly while now giving a low-toned sigh. "Oh, Henry, do you not remember me?" The creature mentioned with its tail flicking back and forth beside them, "I have more authority over you than you currently know, but that does not matter - I am here to help you and not harm you." Their words confused the wolf and he shook his head, not trusting them for a minute. "Bullshit! How do you know my name, huh? How could you possibly help me when I don't need any help? I don't know you and I could care less who you are. You aren't even worth my time anymore." Henry snarled and turned sharply away from this creature and began to walk away, but before he could get very far, the small dark-furred creature appeared in front of him, making him yelp yet again. "Don't you dare disrespect me, little man. Don't you dare derogate or deride me." They spoke now in a darker tone, "Now look me in the face and tell me if you don't recognize me." Henry shook his head, wondering how he had gotten himself into this situation just from going out for a simple hunt. He stood up and now peered at the creature, his eyes widening as the black-furred cat stared back at him with an eyepatch covering his right with a small smirk covering his expression. "No, you can't-" The canine-hybrid stammered and the cat laughed. "Oh, yes, I can. I'm you, Henry, back when you were actually respected by your peers and family. You ever wonder why you have that little voice in your head at times? Well, here I am!" The small feline said with a purr coming from him as he jumped to his paws, "To make matters easier, just call me Conscience, cause that is what I am to you." Henry could not believe that this was happening, no, this was just some stupid dream that he was having, right? Yes, that was it. "No, Henry, this is not some fucking dream." Conscience said with a hiss, snapping the wolf from his thoughts, "Give me a little more credit than that. Anyways, apologies for freaking you out earlier like that, but I am not one to play around when there is work to be done. I'm gonna be helping you out with your problems until you grow a pair of balls big enough to handle them on your own." The canine-hybrid did not know how to take this, but the cat stepped towards him and made the wolf back up and sit down in the grass out of surprise. "You see that? That's exactly why you aren't respected anymore, always so jumpy and scared of every little thing. Why? Why did you freak out when Ferretpaw gripped your tail or how you get so shaky when asking someone to a simple dance? I remember a time when Henry took shit from nobody. Tell me what happened."

This male sounded like a goddamn therapist to him, but Henry decided to humor him and go along with whatever the fuck was going on. "Oh, I don't really know. Maybe I got a little more heart and kindness in my soul?" He said with a slight shrug and that made Conscience's whiskers twitch as he immediately knew that the hybrid was not taking this seriously now. "Since you still do not believe me, I will answer that for you. You let Beck take advantage of you because of his dominant status that he has had his own life and you are afraid of losing him if you even attempt to make a move. You are afraid that if you show any sort of dominance towards anything that you will scare your loved ones away, when in reality, you are actually just slowly losing them by being this cowardly little bitch that you are being now." This made Henry growl at the smaller male, his tail lashing. "How dare you-" He began, but Conscience simply interrupted him yet again. "What? Call you a little bitch? Why not? It's not like you don't already think that you are one deep down. You are always wondering about how the others at the manor see you as the feminine one between Beck and you - well this is it. Don't you see, Henry? Don't you see that you have the access to take back your title of the Alpha within yourself right now?" Conscience said, looking up at Henry with a certain determined look in his eye, "You need to be in control of your own life again and they, especially Beck, are giving you that now as an opportunity. What's the worst thing that could happen? You aren't forcing anything on anyone, they are asking for you to be in charge. They miss you, Henry, the old confident you. Stop being so afraid of losing them and do something about it instead of running with your tail between your legs, man!" Henry frowned and shook his head. "No, that side of me is long gone and I would rather it stay gone where I had left it long ago." He muttered and Conscience nodded to this. "Understandable, but not true. You still have that side to you. Watch." The wolf raised an eyebrow at the small cat, who just sat back and looked at him. "Did you know that before Rebecca had chosen you to be the one to comfort Beck on that day in the bar, she had almost gone and chosen Ryuu to do it instead? Keep that image in your mind. Having that ghoul by his side instead of yours, holding hands, hugging, kissing, touching.." Every single word that the feline said was exhaled deeply at the end and it made Henry's claws dig into the ground, having that mental image leaked into his head as his lips peeled back into a snarl. "I'm surprised. That was a lot easier to obtain than I thought it would, but don't you see? You still have that dominant side inside-" "Shut up." The canine-hybrid snapped at the feline, making Conscience pause in his words, "Beck is with me and Ryuu is with Sebastian, so don't you ever fucking say that to me ever again. I'm sorry, but I have to go. I have a home to get back to and a mate to feed." With that now being said, Henry got up once again and stalked away from the feline, going over to the deer carcass and picking it up again on his back. "I'll let you go this time, Henry, because I know that you made a promise with Beck to be home soon, but don't think that our little conversation is over now! You cannot run from your problems. Remember to take chances!" The male said to him as he shook his head and walked away from the area without another word coming from him. This cat was insane and Henry refused to listen to anything that it said.

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