Chapter 13 : A Second Chance

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"This was more challenging than I thought it would be.." Beck muttered under his breath as he tugged on the rope that was pulling along a small sled that was containing a pile of assorted sticks and chunks of wood that he had found within the forest around the cabin. The weight was rather heavy to pull along, but the feline-hybrid was able to handle it and partially thankful that he didn't carry any of it on his back or anything like that. Otherwise, he would probably be aching all over at this point. It was dark out after the sun had recently had dipped under the horizon and let the moon in the sky take over when bringing light to the brown-haired male's pathway back to the home that he and Henry shared together. Despite all this hard work that he had at the moment, Beck couldn't help but be rather thankful for the canine-hybrid letting him do this. He could tell by the look in his olive eyes that he did not want him to go out here on his own, but he had surprisingly let him go despite this raw emotion within his gaze. The tall male thought back to all the times before today that Henry had done all the hunting and the gathering for them when they had lived in this cabin, never letting him do any of the work whatsoever. At first, Beck had just let it happen because, well, it was how they had always been and Henry never really hunted anyways at first since they had just begun to live together. Since recently, the older male had begun to realize that jobs like this should be shared between them, things should be equal and that was why he always pressed his mate about helping - through the hellhound almost always got angry or just simply declined when Beck had offered to help him with these type of things in the past. Beck had a feeling, deep down, that Henry liked to do these things alone because it made him feel like he was in charge like that was the dominance that he had in their relationship, the one who brought food and warmth to them. He had to admit that this was the partial reason that Beck wanted Henry to take charge in their relationship more because he was overworking himself trying to do all the hunting and it was not healthy. Beck shook his head now, knowing that he shouldn't be thinking about this because Henry had sternly made it clear to drop the subject of him being in charge, which confused him, but he did not object. After that talk that he had with Hyde and Rebecca a long time ago, which was only several days prior, but it felt like a long time, he couldn't help but see his mate in a new light. When they first started showing feelings for each other, not once had Henry took charge, despite being the dominant one in his relationship with Rebecca long ago, to the feline-hybrid's knowledge. Sure, Hyde explained some things to Beck, but he still had questions that still remained unanswered after all this time and he couldn't help but wonder if they would ever be answered. The brown-haired male gave a sigh, a thin cloud of breath appearing in front of him now as he drew closer and closer to home. He just wanted Henry and him to be happy, that's all that he wanted, so maybe he should just leave things as they were before Beck crossed a line and Henry would actually get mad at him, worse than before. He wasn't scared of his mate, not one bit actually, but he was scared of losing him to things like this right now.

The feline-hybrid gave another sigh, though this time it was out of relief when he saw the wooden cabin ahead, which made him give a stronger heave of the sled as he went onwards at a faster pace, well, as much as he could manage. Beck hadn't worked out in a very long time, so he wasn't in the best of shape when it came to stuff like this. He was a skinny fella that couldn't do something as simple as one pull-up and that was painfully true, which made the small gym back at the manor seem like a good idea when he would be able to get the chance when they returned, but that was thankfully a long time from now. The feline-hybrid heaved himself and the pile of wood up to the door of the cabin, giving a huff as he stretched for a while, feeling stiffened slightly from being hunched over with that damned sled behind him. Without hesitation, he turned the doorknob and nudged the door open with his foot as he pulled the sled inside with him. "I'm home finally, Henry, without a single scratch on me." Beck announced as he finally officially arrived home, "This should last us about a week or so." As Beck spoke, he had been so focused on getting the sled through the door that he had not realized what was going on right away. When he eventually got the sled inside and closed the door again to keep out the chilling wind, the brown-haired male looked around the cabin with slight surprise at the tiny lit candles that were resting on the tables and shelves around the small house, giving a warm, relaxing and almost passionate glow to the scene. "Awesome, I can finally start a fire in the fireplace." Henry uttered, making Beck's gaze flicker over to the couch as the raven-haired male got up from the seat and went over to him with a small smile as he grabbed a few logs from the sled. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the canine-hybrid give him a slow once over with his olive green-hued eyes as he stood back up with several logs in his arms. "I'm fine, Henry. I promise." Beck assured him with a chuckle, realizing that his mate was making sure that he was free of even the slightest injury. The raven-haired hybrid just simply gave a huff and walked over to the fireplace with his bushy tail swishing behind him as he walked. Henry set the wood in the fireplace and soon enough, set the logs ablaze within the space. A warm, orange-hue bathed the room now, making the two hybrids feel warm and at ease. "So, if I may ask, what's the deal with all the candles?" Beck asked as he went over to the couch and sat down, relaxing on the softened furniture as the raven-haired male stood up from his spot in front of the fireplace and joined his mate beside him. He looked to the crackling fire and not at Beck when he began to speak. "I thought it would be a nice touch to start this night off right." Henry simply said, "I know that I haven't been that nice to you these last couple days and I'm sorry for that. I feel like I was too rough with you yesterday morning and I've decided to finally rack up the courage to sit down and talk to you about all this - no more hiding or secrets." The canine-hybrid turned his head to look at the taller male now with a serious look in his olive green eyes, "Why do you want me to be in charge so badly? Be the dominant one and all that nonsense. You've always been that in our relationship, why give that up now?" He asked him, leaning back.

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