Chapter 5 : The Hunt

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"What the fuck was he even thinking?" The canine thought to himself as he walked through the undergrowth now as his tail lashed behind him, "Did he even put any more thought into what he was saying just then?" He couldn't get over the fact of the conversation that he had just had with Beck in the cabin and it was ruining his concentration more than he liked to now admit, to be completely honest with himself. It had come from his mate so abruptly without any context whatsoever. The older male had always been the one in charge of their relationship, which the younger hybrid had no problem with. Of course, at first, it had been something that took awhile to get used to because he had been the dominant one in his relations with their leader, but that was different. To his knowledge, Beck had been the one in charge of all his past loves and had never once taken the role as the submissive one, so why was his taking this into a consideration now of all times? Henry growled at these burrowing thoughts that drove him away from his current task. He was supposed to be hunting right now, it was the quiet hybrid's job and responsibility. Nothing would come to change that either for him if he had anything to say about it. Despite this, however, the black-furred male found himself repeating the recent conversation that they had under an hour ago within his own silent thoughts. This shouldn't be bothering him as much as it was, but he just couldn't help it. Why had Beck said this to him so abruptly out of left field without any warning or hint whatsoever? Or had there been some sort of sign of this to come and he had just been too stubborn to notice? He wondered if this was happening because he had decided to propose before Beck and in his mate's mind, that was supposed to mean that Henry became the one in charge. That wasn't how it worked - or was it? He didn't know anything that deep when it came to marriage, he had just wanted to take their relationship to the next step and show Beck how much he cared. All these thoughts were making him rethink his life choices and he hated that when it happened. The raven-furred wolf just wanted to get through his life without many stresses, especially now of all times, while on his flipping honeymoon with his new mate. "Damn you, Beck Worthington." He thought as he drew to an abrupt halt in the frost-covered grass as he stared at his paws in silence.

For what seemed like a full minute without moving in any way, he just simply stood there. Henry needed to focus or this hunting trip would take longer than he said that it would and Henry hated to be out in the cold longer than he should have to be. The canine-hybrid shook his head and told himself to just relax and focus on the task that was at hand here, Henry could worry about his relationship troubles later when it was deemed an appropriate time. Right now, what was most important was that he needed to catch something in order to keep Beck and him well-fed for at least two days or so until he could rest up and hunt once again for the two of them. Never once did he consider that Beck could hunt, no, this was his job and only his. The thought of Beck out here by himself, out in the cold and dark, it made his teeth grind together in an uneasy fashion. A low exhale came from Henry now, which released a thin cloud of breath into the air in front of him as he stretched out his front paws and went into fully focused hunting mood. It was cold out, but that did not mean that there still wouldn't be traces of prey around in the forest. Hunting would be at its worst when the snow finally came around. He lifted his muzzle into the air, sniffing around the area that he now was in for a minute or so before he had to move onto another area when he did not find any trace of anything. The canine could only hope that he would find something, knowing that it would be a big disappointment and embarrassing thing for him to return to his mate without anything to offer them as food. As a wolf, it was traditional for them to hunt for their mate and bring them back food. Of course, it was often because the male bringing back prey for a female while she carried their pups, but their situation was very different. Despite that, Henry still liked doing things like this for his mate, even though Beck does not like him going out hunting alone at dangerous times like these, but he would handle himself, no matter what he said. After a while, the hellhound was relieved to have picked up the faint trail of a herd of deer, which were rather common at this time of the season. Of course, he had been expecting a rabbit or something much smaller, but he wasn't complaining one bit and immediately followed the tracks of the hoofed prey animals without any further thoughtful delay. It had been awhile since he hunted something like a deer, but it wasn't anything new to him. He made sure to be light on his paws and not make much noise, but also go at a reasonable pace. He was determined to go back to the warm cabin with something that would make all his hard work worthwhile in the end. Eventually, after a few minutes of tracking, he caught sight of the herd of deer grazing in a grassy clearing. There were several does with fawns at their sides with the occasional buck now and then, but Henry knew not to mess with a buck, especially with their deadly sharpened antlers.

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