Chapter 9 : A Tasty Breakfast

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WARNING: This chapter contains detailed sexual content.

The raven-haired male began this endeavor by giving himself a bit of liquid preparation by downing almost half the bottle of soda before setting back down on the side table that was beside the couch and then, after taking another glance at his mate, he proceeded to strip himself of his long sleeve black-colored shirt that had been keeping him all warm for the time being since they had arrived here, but with the fire roaring in front of Henry - it defeated its purpose in the long run of it all. He chucked the piece of clothing across the room, catching the attention of Beck, who looked over at the couch in confusion as he paused in the eating of his breakfast. The canine-hybrid's head popped up from the other side of the couch as the male simply smirked and crossed his arms over the furniture with his tail swishing behind him as he did so. "It seems that I've changed my mind about earlier." Henry simply stated with a twitch of his pointed ears as he tilted his head at the taller male, "Though I'm not very hungry for pancakes or bacon, could you come over here, please?" The sound of the fork in Beck's hand landing on the plate in front of him was an amusing sound to Henry, but he kept a straight face as Beck stood up from his chair and walked over to the hybrid, standing in front of him as Henry held the smirk on his face. "I thought you said no about-" Beck began and the canine-hybrid raised a hand to silence him. "I know what I said and I still mean it. I'm not going all the way, but I will be able to give you some relief, so just be happy that I'm willing to go this far." This made his mate nod slightly as the canine leaned back against the softened couch, tapping his chin in thought for a second or two, "Hmm... I could start this off in several different ways, but I suppose I should take the route that you want so badly." The raven-haired male was not used to doing this with Beck, especially where he was calling the shots, but to be honest, it felt kind of nice to have this kind of authority. He almost said something more but decided to give the feline a taste of his own medicine, which was sort of amusing, considering what he was going to do. Henry decided to start this off with a hint of teasing by spreading his legs apart, though they were still covered in his usual dark blue jeans, and gesturing to his lap with a smirk upon his face. "Take a seat, Beck, facing away from me if you would." He simply said, which made the older hybrid just raise an eyebrow before doing as he was told and turning his back to the canine, which did not seem like a wise idea, and gently sat down on the shorter hybrid's lap, slightly worried since he was a bit larger in size than Henry, but of course, the canine could care less about such things. Henry could overpower the feline-hybrid if he needed to. Without warning, as soon as Beck sat down on his lap, Henry abruptly grabbed the taller male by the waist as he turned them to go across the couch as Henry laid his head on one of the armrests of the furniture for a short moment before he pushed Beck's back abruptly forward, causing the brown-haired male to fly forward and collide with his face into the couch between Henry's legs. With that now being accomplished, the canine-hybrid sat up slightly, gripping the older male's pant legs with a little chuckle coming from him. This was fun for him now that the tension was broken.

Beck uttered a low groan as he brought himself up from the couch, his hands helping him with keeping this new position as he looked back at the canine-hybrid with a slight frown as he smirked back at him, baring his sharp canines with a suggestive glint in his olive green-hued eyes. "What the hell are you doing?" The feline-hybrid asked him as he noticed how the raven-haired male did not look at his face now but focused on having his hands skim up his clothed legs and over the curve of his butt, making a shiver run up Beck's spine. "What were you expecting, my dear mate? I'm giving you the exact treatment a sub deserves." He spoke with a little purr to his tone, "This is what you wanted, wasn't it? It's a shame that all this lovely preparation will be for nothing though." He faked a small pout, though deep down, he was genuinely disappointed that he couldn't go all the way, the canine-hybrid could not bring his own self to do so. Nonetheless, Henry continued once his hands reached the waistband of the other male's sweatpants, gripping the elastic and hooking his fingers around both the band of his pants and even his boxers underneath. Beck watched him out of the corner of his eye, knowing that he was right. He had asked for this, it had just caught him by surprise. Was this that side of Henry that Rebecca had always hinted to him about in the past? He wasn't sure, but before he could ponder about such things any longer, the feline-hybrid felt his pants and boxers being slipped off by the other hybrid, which made his face turn a bit of a reddened color since he had never been looked at in such a manner like this. Beck didn't know how to take it nor what to do right now, so used to being the one on top, well he was still on top, but it meant more than just position-wise. "I've waited for so long to see you like this." He heard the canine mutter from behind him and just as Beck was about to turn his head to glare at him, a pair of hands gripped his rear and he uttered a gasp of surprise as Henry licked his lips with a sense of accomplishment and dirty satisfaction. "W-Wait, I-" The feline-hybrid stuttered, but his words were caught in his throat as a moan escaped him as the raven-haired male drew his hot, rough tongue over his entrance with a slow, tantalizing stroke, savoring this moment as the older male shook above him, whimpering slightly. Never once in his entire life had he heard Beck make such noises like this and it made him smirk, hungering for more. Beck's hands dug into the couch as he breathed out breathless moans as the canine-hybrid licked him over and over again in a constant, more lustful manner that made the older hybrid struggle to even think, let alone speak right now. Henry was loving this, seeing this lifetime dom in such a breathless position, so Henry decided to take it up a notch by withdrawing one of his hands and reaching underneath the male, wrapping around his mate's throbbing length, pumping it up and down in a slow, yet rough motion that made Beck gasp out once again and Henry noticed how his hips bucked slightly into his motions. It was a sight that was addictive to him, like some sort of sick drug.

As the canine-hybrid worked on the taller male without any mercy, Beck could feel himself becoming so lost in pleasure, drowned in ecstasy that he had never known before and it was all still so new to him, despite being with Henry for such a long time. He bowed his head as he panted out lustful moans of buzzed, blurred feelings that seemed to take him over right now and this even seemed to surprise the raven-haired male a little, by how easily submissive and broken down by the pleasure he was. Was it because he had never been submissive ever for even one time in his life or was it because of the certain actions he was doing? Henry did not know, nor did he pause long enough to even wonder about such things. Beck, however, while in his lustful state of mind noticed, with his head lowered, the enlarged bulge in the shorter hybrid's jeans and without even a second thought, went forward with his hands as he worked to unzip the tight restraints on the canine, who noticed this right away and gave a slight growl of warning, but Beck didn't even seem to hear him as he pulled down Henry's boxers and with no hesitation, the canine-hybrid's twitching, darkened red member sprung from the parting opening in his jeans, standing tall and proud before the feline-hybrid. Beck licked his lips, already salivating at the sight before him. Henry wouldn't lie when he said that it was the heavenly relief for him to be free from the tightness of his jeans, but he did not let this take hold of him and let him lose any control, however, soon enough, the raven-haired male was taken by surprise when something warm and wet went around his length, making him gasp out a moan-like sound in pure pleasure as Beck purred against his member, swirling his tongue around the canine's tip with a hungry, lustful look in his eyes. It took Henry a few seconds to regain himself, shaking his head as his toes curled against the couch as his mate tended to his erect length without any hesitation or break. Henry knew that he could do better though, knowing from his own personal experience when it came to getting to someone's weakened spots of pleasure. He closed his eyes and pressed his tongue against the male's entrance, making the feline groan slightly against his length, but Henry was not done there, shoving his tongue inside of him with a wet pop that made Beck's eyes widen as he uttered a muffled moan of pleasure and lust as the raven-haired male now quickened the pumping pace on Beck's length with a confident smirk, though he focused on his actions more than ever. Beck, however, like his mate, knew the pleasured points on him from personal experience, but for different reasons, of course. With his hands, he made sure to massage the hardened knot at the base of the canine-hybrid's length, making him groan against the taller male, but not break away. They were both fighting to bring each other to their ends and would do anything to achieve it, of course. These two were both predators, competitive creatures by nature, but also drunk on lust and pleasure of the moment now. It was no surprise, however, when Henry felt the release of the taller male come onto his hand that was securely fastened around his length and almost immediately after him, the canine-hybrid pulled away from his mate and uttered a loud moan as he released as well. Beck was ready for it though as the warm, creamy liquid filled his mouth as he forced himself to swallow it down and try not to spill even a single drop. There was still a mess of a climax all over the raven-haired male's stomach, but both of them did not really seem to care nor even take notice of such things as Beck pulled his mouth off of him and turned around before collapsing on Henry with an exhausted huff. Tired pants came from both of them as they were in the afterglow of their ecstasy highs. Henry wrapped his arms around Beck as the feline-hybrid purred deeply as the two mates closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep after that whole episode. It had all happened so fast without any warning for them, but were they complaining? Surely not.

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