Chapter 8 : Vulgar Thoughts

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When the next morning finally came around, the canine-hybrid was awoken by the sound of crackling and the smell of sizzling bacon, which made his nose twitch as his eyes flickered open to be temporarily blinded by the light that came into the room through the window, however, it was not bright sunlight. From what he could see once his sight adjusted was the dull grey-hued clouds that covered the sky outside from this current view. He couldn't decide if this was a good thing or a bad thing, but Henry just decided to make the most of the day as he stretched out his arms and legs as he sat up in the warm, softened bed that he had apparently been sleeping in since last night. To be honest, the raven-haired hybrid had somewhat fallen asleep towards the end of when Beck was treating his wound and he didn't really remember anything after that. Nonetheless, his mind was brought elsewhere as the delicious smell of food came back to his senses as his gaze flickered over to Beck, who was currently making pancakes on a small pan over the stove, but the plate of crunchy bacon that sat on the counter was what really peaked his interest as he shifted into his feral form and slipped out of the bed without even saying a word, walking over to the tall male and sitting down beside him on the wooden floor. It didn't take Beck any time to notice the large dire wolf looking up at him with his tongue sticking out of his mouth slightly, which made him smile. "Good morning to you too, Henry." He said with a chuckle as he glanced at the plate of bacon, "Let me guess - you want something?" The canine-hybrid gave a small, yet eager nod of his head with shining eyes. It was no surprise finding out that Henry was a huge fan of food, of all types too. "Yes, please." He murmured, which made Beck nod and grab one of the pieces of bacon. He tossed it into the air in front of the canine and almost immediately, the hybrid leapt to his paws and jumped up to catch it, munching on it while licking his lips. He loved bacon - I mean, who doesn't? The canine, who was now rather satisfied with himself, nuzzled the male's leg and walked over to the fireplace, seeing that there was still some of the wood left over and burning. He breathed some hot flames into the place through his mouth and warmed up the area rather nicely before he gave a satisfied huff, turning around and leaping onto the couch. Henry then shifted back into his human form and sprawled himself on the couch with a huff. Now, what would have to be done? He didn't have to hunt right now, though he should get firewood - though deep down, he did not wish to go outside right now and just relax. That was probably what would make Beck most happy anyways, considering how worrisome he was last night over him going out before.

"Pssst, Henry, down here." An abrupt voice made the canine-hybrid break from his procrastinating thoughts to look to his left at the carpet in front of the fireplace, seeing the familiar figure of a one-eyed feline staring back at him with their tail lashing behind him. The raven-haired male's eyes widened in horror at this, but Conscience quickly put one of his paws to his mouth to make sure that Henry kept quiet. "I should probably let you know that you are the only one that can see and hear me, so if you plan on keeping your sanity around Beck, I do suggest that you keep silent or talk to me through your thoughts, understand?" Conscience explained and the canine-hybrid's furrowed in irritation, but he nodded, making the feline smile as he removed his paw from his face with a small chuckle. "What the hell are you doing in my house? I'm having breakfast with my mate." Henry thought directly at the feline, who leapt up onto the couch beside him to get a better view for talking with the canine. "Well, first of all, I came around because I thought I could help you out with your little problem where you are now trying to figure out what to do." Conscience said with a purr, "Secondly, are you sure that single piece of bacon was enough for breakfast? Because I see a much more delicious meal for a large, hungry wolf such as yourself right before our very eyes." With saying that, the black-furred feline jumped up onto the back of the couch and gestured with one paw. Henry sighed and poked his head over the couch, deciding to see what the cat meant by that, but when he realized that this stupid creature was gesturing to Beck, he forced himself not to growl. "You are insane if you actually consider me doing such as a thing like that." Henry thought, glaring at Conscience, who just smirked at him, showing no regrets within his single eye. "Come on now, bud, don't go and lie to yourself like that now. You know that deep down, you've always wanted to take a risk for once in your life." He sneered, looking over at the taller male for a second, "You know, I bet he's more vocal when in that position than you realize. Doesn't that sound like a wonderful way to start off the morning?" Henry laid back down on the couch, refusing to even think of this bullshit anymore. "Now, I know that I cannot force you to do anything, but just remember - what's the worst thing that could happen?" Conscience said before fading away and leaving the canine-hybrid alone with his thoughts on the couch as he stared up at the ceiling with an evident frown on his face. Damn that cat for putting such vulgar thoughts into his head, he had just woke up and now this was in his head? Henry didn't like this, not one bit, even if that 'Conscience' or whatever the hell he was called, sounded rather tempting with those words of his. The raven-haired male refused to let them get into his head. He just needed something to distract him for the time being. Something that could just get his mind off of all this stupidity.

In the next moment or so, Henry found himself standing up from his spot on the couch and walking over to the fridge, standing beside his mate as he searched through the cold compartment for something to drink to just ease all this stress on his mind right now. "You want me to make you any pancakes, Henry? There wasn't much to work with, but I don't mind sharing some of mine." Beck's voice uttered from beside him and Henry just shook his head. "Nah, I'm alright. I'm not that hungry this morning." He simply said and he swore that somewhere in his head, the mocking laughter of Conscience echoed from within his mind, making him grip the door of the fridge out of irritation, but the canine kept his cool through it like he almost always did. "More for me then, there's bacon if you change your appetite," Beck said with a smile as the hybrid settled on a bottle of diet soda before heading back to the warm couch after shutting the fridge door with the back of his foot. He sat back down with his chilled drink now in hand, which was strange considering that it was cold outside. Why would you want a cold drink with this kind of weather? Well, that was because Henry was growing very hot all over from his skin to his insides and he needed something to cool himself down. It was probably because of that cat's stupid comments. The canine-hybrid unscrewed the cap of the bottle and drank some of the liquid, relieved at the heavenly sensation. As Henry did this, out of the corner of his eye, he could still see the taller feline-hybrid eating the small plate of pancakes that he had made for himself at the small table in the kitchen, his back to the other male. He shouldn't let Conscience's words actually make sense in his head, but that one line - what's the worst thing that could happen? - went through his mind. Henry knew exactly what could go on if he proceeded to take dangerous risks, but he would not lie that there were times where he doubted his own abilities to stay the same creature that Beck had known for so long. Maybe he could get past these fears that he had, there were loopholes to this kind of this, weren't there? Or was he just thinking about this way too damn much? Probably, he did not know. Despite all this, Henry wondered if this would make both Beck and Conscience leave him alone more if he just attempted to take control by just a little bit, but not all the way. He forbid himself to go the whole way, but he could still show his mate a good time. However, now came the predicament of how to start something like this. There needed to be somewhat a sense of - what was the word? He didn't know. Henry just couldn't pounce like some feral beast, no matter how much Conscience wished for him to do. As Rebecca had always told him, it was better to do these things through trial-and-error, but not all the time. He decided to just take this one step at a time and see where it goes from there.

 What could possibly go wrong now? 

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