Chapter 16 : Full Alpha Mode

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WARNING: This chapter contains graphic sexual content.

"Ahh... Henry.." The brown-haired male panted in the middle of this as he rested a hand on his mate's shoulder, making the canine-hybrid slow down for a moment - had he gone too rough or something like he had feared? He blinked up at Beck, his ears flattening slightly with dismay. "I-I'm sorry, did I go too fast? Are you hurt?" He said concern in his tone as his heart raced slightly within his chest. Beck gave a small laugh and shook his head, pressing a small kiss to the wolf boy's nose. "No, no. Don't worry, you're doing fine." The older male assured Henry, which put his worries slightly to rest for the time being, "I just have an idea. Do you mind if I try something?" That seemed rather abrupt, considering the fact that they were right in the middle of intercourse, but of course, Henry grew curious and nodded, gently pulling out and sitting up on the couch, his tail wagging behind him like some faithful dog. Beck just smiled at this and sat up as well, patting his head as he stood up, almost falling at the sudden movement. "I have a feeling that I won't be walking right away after tonight." The taller hybrid said with a soft shake of his head as he walked across the room, "But it's completely worth it - for you." That made Henry's face feel hot as he watched his mate head over to the bed, collapse onto the covers for a moment and give a sigh of relaxation, which made the wolf-hybrid tilt his head in confusion, but he realized that Beck was just taking a slight breather before he stretched out his arms and laid on his stomach, as he sprawled across the bed, his legs dangling over the side as he lifted his head and looked back at the younger male with a smirk spread across his face. "Perhaps this position will suit you better." He simply purred, shifting his lips slightly in a suggestive manner that made Henry's mouth water, "Now are you just gonna sit there and gawk at me or are you going to mate, big boy?" Almost immediately, the raven-haired male scrambled off the couch and over to his mate, the hybrid's gaze darkening with lust now like some wild animal. Beck simply turned away, resting his head on his arms, relaxing on a comfy pillow as he let the small male take full control of this session. He was not, however, expecting to feel the warm, rough tongue of the wolf-hybrid skim over his entrance, making the feline-hybrid gasp slightly at the contact, but of course, it did not end there. Beck tensed up slightly as he felt a pair of hands go against his behind, groping the bare flesh as the licking continued. "Henry.. Ah, fuck.. Please.." Beck whimpered, becoming slightly needy for more than this, even though he already felt like he was in heaven now. With those words, Henry stopped his actions, ears twitching from atop his head as he withdrew his tongue and hands. "I never thought I would see you in such a submissive position." Henry murmured, his tone low as he pumped his length a few times with one hand and rested it on the curve of his mate's rear, making yet another whine come from the brown-haired male below him. It was music to his ears, which was probably something that he had already expressed beforehand, but he could care less right now. "You want me that badly, huh?" He teased as he placed his hands on the feline-hybrid's hips ever so softly before gripping the skin underneath his fingers, smirking still.

Beck uttered a quiet moan as the tip of the wolf-hybrids length was pressed against his entrance, making his hands dig into the pillow underneath him as if to hold on for his dear life as he prepared for everything that was about to happen. He was more excited than anything, his heart beating within his chest rather quickly. There was a slight pause, which made the older male let him guard down for a moment as he grew confused, but out of nowhere, Henry uttered a deepened growl and thrusted forward, nearly sheathing his length into his mate, which made Beck gasp as he was filled without warning. Immediately after that, the wolf-hybrid began to ram himself against him, his hands keeping a firm grip on the male's hips as his mouth parted to give out heated pants at this truly blissful feeling that was coursing through his veins. Beck gasped at this feeling - the feeling of being filled completely like this. Was this how it felt for his mate after all their sessions where he had been in control instead? Perhaps it was more intense for the feline-hybrid though, since Henry's member was rather bigger than his own. It was tight fit inside of his, no doubt, but Beck couldn't help but find pleasure through this. He could feel himself still rock hard between his own legs, precum leaking from the tip, most likely. Henry, on the other hand, was in absolute lust heaven right now. For months of their relationship, the wolf-hybrid could only dream of this fantasy come to life, but overall, not many thoughts went through his train of thought at the moment - too focused on his thrusts and the moaning male underneath him. "Harder, Henry... Harder, baby, please.." Beck whimpered from his position, catching Henry by surprise. He felt bad for thinking this, but to be brutally honest, Beck was a lot like his younger sister - always wanting more and becoming so vocal when they were at their peak of pleasure. It shouldn't have been that surprising to figure this out, but the raven-haired male was experiencing many new surprises on this night and he was far from complaining about it too. Obeying his mate's pleads, he repositioned himself on top of the brown-haired hybrid, resting his chest against Beck's back and resting his hands over the male's tightened fists that were full of bedsheets. "I'm glad to know that you are enjoying this.." Henry murmured against Beck's ear, his tail wagging once again as he gave a rough thrust of his hips, making the feline-hybrid moan out of raw pleasure, whimpering for more. It was like a dream come true for the younger male and he was expecting to wake up any minute now - this would be the kind of dream that he would have. To his luck however, Henry did not wake up because this was the real deal. Breathing in his mate's wonderful familiar scent, the canine-hybrid couldn't help himself from pressing his lips against Beck's neck, kissing the bare flesh and almost resulting in a light nibble. It all felt so good to both of them and they did not wish for it to end. This was more than just sex for the two males, as it has been said before. It was strengthening their bond, their immense love for one another. In a way, it was also giving Henry a clear head about many different things that had been bugging him so deeply. He always felt terrible for hiding things from Beck or just holding back when talking about how they felt. This was a way to make up for that, with intense passion and intimacy that would be apart of their lives for a very long time - or at least, Henry hoped so. The future ahead of them was truly and completely uncertain and even he knew that, but the best thing to do right now was enjoy this - the pleasure that he was sharing with Beck, the one he loved most in his whole life.

This went on for what seemed like a long time, though in reality, it was probably just a few long minutes of thrusts and moans between them until it was ever so slowly rising towards the climax of this entire amazing session. Henry was basically had lost all form of reason and pure thought, engulfed in this pleasure and lust that clouded his brain as he continued to slam his hips against Beck, thrusting in and out of him at such a constant pace that made the feline-hybrid's body jerk slightly to meet his thrusts. Their breaths were deep and hot as they came from their mouths in blissful pants. "So tight.." The wolf-hybrid murmured against his mate's neck, never stopping his motions, "You're squeezing me so tightly, Beck... Fuck.. It feels so good..." His words were almost mere whispers as he struggled to even form full sentences at this point in time. Rumbling purrs came from the feline-hybrid as he felt himself crawling towards his release now with a throbbing length underneath him. "H-Henry... I'm so close..." He decided to whimper, "Please... I want all of you..." There did not need to be anymore context for the wolf-hybrid to immediately realize that his mate was asking for him to knot inside of him. The mere thought of that made him moan slightly as he slowed his thrusts slightly, not really focusing on speed anymore, but power as he pulled back and slammed against his mate. "You want me that bad, huh? You wanna feel my whole knot inside of you, Beck? Is that what you want so badly right now?" Like Hyde, Henry loved to tease and cause their partner to beg for more when it was this lustful within their sessions, "Let me hear you, hell, let the whole damn forest hear your pleads for me. It'll be easier for me to get the point across that you are mine." To emphasize, he got close to Beck's ear again. "You're mine." He growled, his tone deepened and the most dominant that Beck had ever heard from him. It was such a turn-on for him, although he was just beginning to figure this out right now. After urging the male to finally be the dom in their relationship, the brown-haired male had finally achieved such things and couldn't feel any more happy about it. "I'm yours.." He murmured, "All yours.." Henry gave a small huff at this and then a smirk grew across his expression as he withdrew one of his hands and slipped it down between Beck's legs, wrapping it around the male's throbbing length, making him utter a loud moan as he began to pump him up and down without mercy. If he was going to cum, so would his mate and Henry would make sure that was the case. As he did this, however, his gaze seemed to wander to Beck's exposed neck, seeing the naked skin and an urge surged within him - a powerful one at that to claim that was his. So powerful that a low growl came from him as he pressed his mouth against his mate's neck once more, skimming his tongue over the sensitive flesh. Even though the feline-hybrid did not say anything, he was hoping that Henry would go through with it - to mark him like a wolf would to his true mate. He wanted that more than anything in this world, being Henry's one and only. "Mine." The wolf-hybrid growled again, the single world leaving his mouth as he reeled back and gave a small pause before thrusting forward as hard as he could, pushing every single inch of himself inside of his mate and pushing forward again as he parted his jaws as a wet, loud pop-like sound was heard as Beck felt Henry knot inside of him, but before he could moan or do anything, a pair of sharpened jaws sank down into the side of his neck, making the male's eyes widen as both immense pleasure and stinging pain flooded through him. A silent moan-like scream seemed to come from the feline-hybrid as he finally felt himself release onto the bed sheets underneath him as his legs gave out from underneath him. Beck could feel a gushing warm fluid flowing through him as his mate came as well, his teeth still sunken deeply into the area where his shoulder and neck met, making no sound as exhaustion soon caught up to the older male and he felt himself actually black-out right there on the spot, softened exhausted breaths drifting from his parted jaws as his eyes shut and darkness surrounded him, taking over the hybrid.

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