Chapter 17 : Compromise

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The feline-hybrid was not sure about the length of time that he had fallen unconscious for, but he was abruptly awoken by something warm and wet touching his neck, a light sting of pain going through him that made his body stiffen from the abrupt sensation. After a moment or so, his body relaxed as his eyes opened slightly, greeted by the familiar darkened room that served as their bedroom in the small, warm cabin. It took him a few moments for all the memories that were not too far off of what transpired on this bed, which made him come to realize the soreness and aches that his whole form was feeling. From his arms and legs to his neck and behind, everything seemed to hurt slightly, but Beck was not surprised by this in the slightest because he knew that he had wanted this and urged for his mate to go through with it as well. Beck's emerald-hued eyes flickered up to the wolf-hybrid sitting beside him on their comfortable mattress. He was silent and would not look the taller male in the eye as he gently cleaned the bite wound on the brown-haired male's neck with a warm washcloth. It was a rather soothing feeling that made him feel better and begin to wonder about the wound - was it really bad or deep? Did he bleed a lot from it or was it somehow a clean process? All these different questions shifted through his mindset as he laid there with his mate in this almost peaceful silence in the darkness of the room. A gentle sigh came from Henry as he pulled away the washcloth and proceeded to pick up something off the side table next to the bed. Beck would come to realize, as the male did this, that it was merely just a white-colored bandage that the canine-hybrid applied over the bite on his neck. His touches were so gentle and caring, but still, after all this, Henry still did not speak anything, which concerned Beck. Had he done something wrong amongst all this? He really hoped not, but before he could think anymore furtherly about such, a few small drops of what felt like a liquid fell onto his bare skin. It pulled him away from these thoughts as he looked back up at the raven-haired male and noticed through the darkness of the room that he was - crying? Now that surprised him, of all the things that Henry would be doing right now. Beck opened his mouth to speak, but went silent once again when the wolf-hybrid stood up from the bed and grabbed a blanket from the end of the bed and gently rested it over his mate, making there that they were warm and comfortable before he brushed a hand through his hair and shook his head before walking away from him, wearing his boxers from earlier, as he went over to the couch and laid down. From where Beck was resting, the feline-hybrid swore that he heard Henry say something along the lines of "I'm sorry" but he could not be truly certain. All that he knew right now was that his mate was not laying with him in bed and that made him sit up in the bed, wincing at the pain in his neck as he hugged the soft blanket around himself, feeling a bit cold without the warmth of Henry against him right now. "Henry?" Beck said in a softened tone, which made the canine-hybrid's ears twitch from his spot on the couch as he sat up and looked at his mate from across the room. "Oh, hey there. You're awake." He said, his voice quiet, "How are you feeling? Do you want me to get anything?" The taller male blinked at the wolf-hybrid for a moment before giving a gentle smile. "I'm okay, but I would like you to come over here for cuddles." He said, holding his arms out slightly as an offer for such activities, but to his dismay, Henry did not move from his spot on the couch, his ears flattening against his head as he silently looked away from Beck now.

"No, I think it would be best if I stayed here for tonight. You should get some rest though." The canine-hybrid said, another sigh coming from him, "I've done enough mistakes on this night and I believe it's a fair punishment for me to sleep on the couch." This made Beck tilt his head to the side in confusion. "Punishment? But you did nothing wrong. Please, Henry, don't speak such nonsense and come over here." The feline-hybrid urged, but when Henry looked back over at him, Beck could see sadness within his expression. "Don't you understand? I bit you, Beck after I promised to protect you so long ago. You're hurt now and I was probably way too rough during that. I should learn to control myself more and I just... I'm sorry." There was raw emotion in his mate's tone and Beck could tell that he was very broken over this. The brown-haired male gave a sigh and chuckled, scooting to the edge of the bed. "Well, if you aren't going to come to bed, then I'll have to come to the couch." He simply declared, heaving himself up to his feet, but this was clearly a mistake as his legs felt like jello and he soon went forward, falling the ground with a light thud. "Goddamnit. I predicted this earlier." Beck grumbled as the canine-hybrid leaped off the couch and went over to him in a hurry. "For fuck sake, I told you to stay in be, Beck. You are going to get yourself hurt more than you already are." Henry whined as he helped his mate up and into a sitting position on the edge of the bed once more. "I'll promise not to move from the bed if you join me." The brown-haired male mentioned to him, looking at the smaller male with a smile, "Besides, I'll get cold and probably get sick without you warming me up." This made the canine-hybrid's ears twitch, knowing that he was being blackmailed until doing this, but before he could retort, Beck rested a hand on the side of his face ever so softly as he looked up at his mate. "I wanted this, Henry, I need you to understand that, okay?" He murmured, blinking at him through the darkness of the room, "Yes, you were rough and you bit me - but we both enjoyed it to its fullest." A small chuckle came from at that. "No pun intended, of course, but please don't feel guilty about this. I love you so much, more than any other creature in this universe and that will never change. I am honored to have your mark, to officially be the mate of Henry Jekyll Demoric." The smaller male didn't honestly know how to respond to these words, still feeling bad for causing pain to Beck. Of course, though, the feline-hybrid would not let him be this way for long, wrapping his arms around Henry's waist and pulling him forward, catching the younger hybrid by surprise as they both landed on the bed with a softened thud. "There, much better," Beck said with triumph as Henry just now rested his head against his mate's chest, feeling his smooth skin and listening to his gentle heartbeat. "I love you more." The canine-hybrid mumbled against his chest in a hushed tone, which made Beck smile and brush a gentle hand through Henry's raven-colored hair. He was very tempted to start up one of those corny things that couples did where they argued who loved each other the most and whatnot but to be honest, he just liked to be here with his mate in the peaceful space of this cabin. With a little shift of position, Beck managed to get the small blanket that was underneath him and proceed to rest it on the canine-hybrid as he laid on top of him. He liked having him so close to him, especially like this. A lightened sigh slipped from the brown-haired male as he rested there with the smaller hybrid with him now, nothing but the sound of their breathing and the wind howling from outside being the sounds that could be heard. That was until Henry gained the courage to say something. "Do you think, instead of me being the dominant one all the time.." He started, lifting his head to look at Beck, "We could perhaps share the role? We could take turns and just make it easier for both of us in the end." In hindsight, they both had this moment where they wondered why they hadn't thought of this before, but they decided to not dwell on the past now. "That sounds like a wonderful idea," Beck said in reply, purring slightly as he leaned forward and touched noses with Henry, making the younger male smile, his tail wagging slightly behind him. A few moments later, the two already found themselves drifting off to sleep in the warm embrace of each other. After all the stress and drama that seemed to come across these two lovers, it seems that they finally found peace within themselves and gained a happy compromise that would settle any disbute for the rest of their honeymoon. 

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