Chapter 15 : Beck's First Time

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WARNING: This chapter contains graphic sexual content. 

Being completely honest with himself, Henry had assumed that Beck would be too lost in pleasure to even care about the canine's own needs, but apparently had been very wrong and had doubted his mate's abilities yet again. He stayed silent, despite all of this, and just rested on his elbows, watching the feline-hybrid lick his lips and smirk at Henry before leaning forward and dragging his tongue along the tip of his length, making a shiver roll up the shorter male's spine as his toes dug into the couch when the brown-haired hybrid slid his rough tongue down his mate's length, all the way to the hardened knot at the end. "Fuck..." The curse slipped from Henry's mouth as he laid his head back on the couch's armrest. His knot was the most sensitive part of his member, apart from the tip and Beck seemed to figure this out almost immediately from the hellhound's reactions, purring deeply as he took both of his hands and proceeded to massage the knot as he simply licked the rest of him. Henry could feel everything from the surface of his tongue to the tips of his fingers to even the vibrations of the older male's purring. He never thought something could feel so blissful, but of course, it didn't stop there. Beck wished for him to feel as much pleasure and bliss that he has felt, which would be achieved by whatever means necessary. He had done this sort of thing in the past, so it wasn't anything new between Henry and him, but tonight, everything seemed so much more intimate and heavenly. They were taking their time being with each other and doing this type of thing. It was like they were discovering themselves all over again, in a certain sense that not many would really understand - but that was okay. Nobody, except the two of them, needed to understand any of this. The brown-haired male knew that he should stop thinking about silly things like this now and focus on his mate, so that was exactly what he did. He went back up to the tip of the shorter male's length and slipped it into his mouth, making Henry shift slightly in his seat as the feline-hybrid pushed his member into his mouth, sucking on the hot, reddened flesh now with a deepened purr still rumbling in his throat because of his enjoyment of this and to heighten the pleasure that the wolf-hybrid was now receiving. Henry's breaths came softened and quiet as he watched his mate pleasure him like this, it was a blissful sight before him now and he was tempted to do something. He lifted a hand and gently placed it in Beck's hair, brushing his fingers through the darkened locks. This made the older male look up at Henry as he did this, smiling and purring, but never pausing in his actions - not even once. The raven-haired male could already feel himself drawing closer to his end, the coil in his stomach making his skin crawl and a shiver of bliss slither up his back along his spine. His grip on the taller hybrid's hair tightened slightly, which Beck noticed and knew that he should kick it up another notch to bring Henry to his climax as he had done for him. With a heave, he shoved as much of the male's length into his mouth, sucking it at a harder, forceful pace that made the canine-hybrid gasp and grits his teeth together, a growl rumbling from him as he dug his other hand into the couch fabric. It did not take very long for that tight coil to finally snap.

Soon enough, Beck felt the warm, milky fluid gush into his mouth and he almost choked in the process of swallowing all of it, but despite that, he did not waste any of such as he gulped it all down as Henry regained his composure and came back from the pleasureful land that he was lost in for several long seconds of heaven that danced in his eyes. With a pop, the brown-haired male pulled off of him, licking his lips as a few stray drops of fluid would slip from the corners of his mouth. He sat up with a satisfied smirk on his face, glad to repay his lover with such pleasure. "I take it that you enjoyed that?" Beck said to Henry, who was still resting on the armrest of the couch with his eyes closed, regaining his energy and stamina. Henry did not reply to his mate for a long time, but Beck was patient, of course, for the entire time. "Without a doubt in my mind." The canine-hybrid muttered quietly as he gave a sigh and sat up slightly, a smirk now curling to his expression as he opened his eyes and looked at his lover with a darkened gaze, "I believe that it is time to prepare you for me now though." That made the smirk leave the older male's face almost immediately as he gave a slight nod, a bit of red coming to his face. Before he could even come up with a response to that, however, Henry was already pushing him onto his back on the couch once more without another word. He was a bit eager now, both of them were, after spending so much time messing around with foreplay. The two hybrids wanted the main course, but even with all his lust, the wolf-hybrid knew that there needed to be some preparation for this or it would be a painful experience for both of them tonight and he did not want that. In the back of his mind, he still could not believe that he was going through with this, after constantly telling himself that he shouldn't. Beck had gone forth and convinced him though, surprisingly, and was completely on board with this whole thing. He shook his head, once again, it was not smart to just sit around and think about things and let the tension become even more unbearable. Henry sat between Beck's legs, looking down at him for a moment before he lifted a hand and stuck a finger into his mouth, coating it with warm saliva. "I'm going to try and be as gentle as possible, I want you to know that." He mentioned to his mate as he withdrew his hand. Beck simply shook his head, thinking nothing of this, of course, and being carefree. "Don't worry about being gentle, Henry, I can take anything." He purred and the raven-haired male rolled his eyes. "Sure," Henry said, showing fake agreement before he wasted no more time to abruptly stick one finger into the male's entrance, taking Beck by surprise as he gave a gasp. It was an uncomfortable feeling at first and Henry knew that from his first time, but if Beck was so confident in wanting to get through it, he would grow used to the feeling like he had so long ago. Henry didn't want to do this because he hated to see any form of uncomfortable or pained feeling in his mate's expression, but he would do as Beck wished. He gave another sigh and rested his head on the older male's shoulder, nuzzling him gently. "You doing okay?" He murmured, making sure to be fluent with his actions before going to the next level. It was important for this to not be a terrible time for the males.

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