Chapter 10 : Game Grumps

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It was uncertain to the canine-hybrid for how long that he had been asleep, but when he finally awoke on the softened couch, the first thing he was greeted with was the familiar wooden ceiling above him and the comforting scents of the cabin around him. There was also the strong smell of the afterglow of intimacy, which just felt blissful and warm to Henry's senses, but as he realized what had happened after he was slowly coming back to the present time, the raven-haired male realized the heavyweight of another on top of him with the comforting body heat of them pressed against his bare chest. Henry lifted his head slightly to peer at the taller male, who was seemed to still be peacefully sleeping with a gentle smile resting on his face. He felt so warm against him and it was a feeling that the hybrid loved, but he knew that it was wrong for what he had done. He had been so rough with him, without not even once thinking about how it was Beck's first time being in the submissive role. It made the raven-haired male feel a terrible ache inside of him and right now if his mate wasn't still on top of him, he probably would've left the cabin for a little while - just to clear his head and think about things. However, he did not have the heart to move enough to wake Beck and Henry would just have to accept the fact that what he had done was done. Although, it could've been a lot worse and Henry knew that, so he was glad that he still had that self-control within him to a point where he didn't go all the way and harm the one he loved so dearly. Henry did not understand why Beck wanted him to be in charge in their relationship so badly. Didn't he like it when he was the one in charge instead? Or was there something that he was missing about the whole scenario? The canine-hybrid didn't know what to think, but to be honest, he really did not wish to think about all of this right now. He gave a lightened sigh and rested one of his hands in his mate's hair as he directed his gaze back up to the ceiling. Henry wished that things would be able to be easier for him with things like this, but every time, they were just more confusing and frustrating. The most important right now though was that Beck seemed happy at the moment while he slept on top of him and that's what was the raven-haired male's top priority - his mate's happiness. Deep down, Henry knew that at times it did not always seem that way when he was in a stubborn mood or just irritated in general, but he could never stay mad for long, especially at the feline-hybrid that he cared for so dearly. The shorter male shook his ever so slightly and peered back down at the sleeping figure, a light smile resting on his own expression. It reminded him of something that he had read once, so without even much delay, the canine-hybrid went forward and pressed a small kiss to his forehead. He had read once that there was hidden meaning behind small acts such as this. It meant 'you are mine and I love you' without even any words being spoken. Unlike Beck, the raven-haired male could not sleep anymore, so as he laid there, he wondered what he could do right now. His olive green eyes searched around the tables near the couch and he spotted his phone and a pair of earbuds resting beside it, which gave him an excellent idea in order to pass the time right by now.

After a while, it was the brown-haired male's turn to wake up, but not only was he awoken to his own accord, but actually to the sound of muffled laughter. His emerald-hued eyes flickered open, sleepily dulled from after all that happened was still fresh in his memory, but a distant blur of bliss at the moment. It took Beck a few seconds to regain consciousness of reality around him as he was still half-asleep in such a comfortable position such as this one. The first thing to catch his eye, however, was the sight of the back of a phone. He recognized this to be the one that Henry owned and hardly used, to his knowledge. He shifted his head slightly to see his mate looking at the phone screen with his hand over his mouth and with small earbuds in his pointed ears as his eyes shone with happiness and amusement to whatever he was watching now. Beck wondered if he had actually ever seen Henry generally laugh through the entirety of their relationship because this was a sight that was, well, rather comforting for him to witness. Being able to see Henry laughing and having a good time, it made Beck simply smile and then grow even more curious about what he was actually doing. However, before he could investigate further, the canine-hybrid's gaze flickered over to his, noticing the taller male at the time just staring at him with a softened smile. Henry's face turned a lightened shade of red and he rested his phone down on his bare chest before yanking the earbuds out of his ears before focusing now on the present. "Hey there." He said, "I'm glad to finally see you awake, sleepy-head." Beck could tell that his mate was trying to just move on from that moment on his phone, but it still interested him. "Well, I do have the perfect pillow. I haven't slept this well in a very long time." He admitted with a light chuckle and then tilted his head, "What're you watching on your phone?" The feline-hybrid noticed the smaller male withdraw his phone slightly as he looked away from him with a reddened face. "Nothing to your concern, I just needed something to pass the time when I couldn't sleep." He simply said, but Beck decided to press forward. He scooted closer to Henry and rested his head on his chest while smiling up at him now with a slight rumbling purr coming from him now. "Aw, come on." The taller male urged him, "You never share your interests with me. I want to know what makes you smile." The other male just gave a small roll of his eyes and smiled down at his mate for a moment. "You make me smile and that's all that matters," Henry said and Beck poked his nose with one finger with a slight huff coming from him. "I mean besides me, you dork. I'm gonna keep bothering you until you tell me." And to emphasize this little threat, the taller male poked him once more in the nose, followed by several more pokes that made Henry glare at his mate as he did this. He could see an amused smirk slipping onto Beck's face because of this, knowing that it was working.

"Alright! For fuck sake, what is the matter with you?" The canine-hybrid exclaimed at him, which made the older male give a little fist pump in the air out of this success as he simply laughed at his mate's stubbornness. A long time ago, many of the creatures in the manor were weary and personally a bit scared of Henry's temper, but after knowing him for so long, Beck wasn't terrified of the raven-haired male at all, even when he pushed his buttons from time to time. "There are many things wrong about me, but I believe that's why we make such a great pair." The brown-haired male purred as he rolled over onto his back, next to Henry as he rested his head next to his mate, "Now show me what you were looking at, dingus." Henry gave a low sigh and rolled his eyes for a second time before proceeding to grab his phone once again. "You aren't much of an internet person with YouTube and such," Henry said to his mate as he turned on his phone yet again and showed him the screen, "Back when I first starting dating your sister, she introduced me to a YouTube channel called Game Grumps, where these two guys named Arin and Dan play video games and make hilarious commentary on them. I've watched them for years now and even binge-watched their whole Blood Bourne series with Rebecca sometime last year." As he explained these things, Beck just listened with a smile and interest sparkling within his eyes. His mate usually didn't talk about his interests and this was just very nice to him. He looked at the screen that showed the Game Grumps YouTube channel, scanning over the various videos on the main page. It was true that Beck did not usually watch things on YouTube, not because he didn't want to or anything, he had just been focusing on spending time with Henry and just the people he loved in general. To be completely honest, he couldn't remember the last time he had actually done something that interested just him. "Can we watch a few episodes of them together?" Beck asked him with a slight tilt of his head and the expression on Henry's face was priceless, showing both surprise and excitement all around with a certain light coming to his eyes, "I'd love to be able to laugh along with you and watch them with my mate. We need to do more stuff together like this." And Beck was being completely honest with that, he was interested about this, unlike some people, who fake their interest in what their loved ones enjoy. He was not like that at all and wished to learn more about these 'Game Grump' characters that his younger sister showed to Henry long ago. "You're serious? I mean, like, really serious about this?" Henry said, shock showing in his tone and the older male just smiled and nodded, "O-Okay! I'm currently watching their Endless Ocean 2 Blue World series at the moment, they recorded it about two years ago, but it's still a big favorite of mine and their commentary is on point with every episode." Hearing his mate talk so happily and with such excitement and joy made Beck more than happy to do this with him. "Then let's watch it and see if you can get a few laughs outta me with this." The brown-haired male said with a gentle purr as he snuggled up to Henry, resting his head against the raven-haired male's neck as he looked at the screen. Within Henry's mind, he still could not believe that Beck would actually show interest in something like this, knowing that he didn't really do anything that dealt with internet related things besides Twitter, but he was more than excited to have his mate watch Game Grumps with him, after having to watch it by himself for so long since Rebecca was always busy with Hyde or just taking care of running the manor and much else these days. Hopefully Beck would find them as amusing as he did and become a fan of them like he was. He could see them watching their videos on a regular basis and even getting their merch. 

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