Chapter 7 : Tender Loving Care

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Soon enough, the canine-hybrid had returned to the cabin that he had been relieved to see, his legs aching from the heavyweight that was on his shoulders. It was now very dark outside and colder than ever, which made the male hurry slightly to set down the carcass nearby against the cabin to be taken care of in the morning and prepared. However, right now, Henry was just ready to rest and take it easy after all that work. He had completely done what he could to block out all memory of what had just happened to him with Conscience. To Henry, the canine had just come home from killing a deer and nothing further had happened. This would be the wisest plan for him to take with feeling utterly insane right now. He shook his head as he shifted into his human form and made sure his catch was safely secured for the night before the canine-hybrid went around to the front of the cabin and to the front door, opening it with a lightened huff of exhaustion. "I'm finally home." Henry announced as he stepped inside, shutting the door behind him, " I caught a large deer, so we'll be eating well for the next few days." The older male, who had stayed on the couch the entire time while his mate was gone, was relieved that Henry had finally gotten home safely and without harm, or so he thought. He leaned back on the couch with a small smile resting on his expression. "I'm glad you're home and with a successful hunt too." Beck purred, trying to put their past conversation behind them so that they could just move on and have a happier time together, "Please tell that you'll actually stay around and take it easy now." The raven-haired male gave a small sigh and another roll of his eyes as he walked over to the couch and sat down in front of the fireplace to get warm. It felt heavenly after being outside for so long without even the warmth of his lover to get him all through it. Nonetheless, he was here now and wouldn't have to go out for awhile, but then he remembered something. "Oh, fuck. I forgot to get firewood." Henry growled and before he could get up, Beck grabbed his arm. "You are not going out there again at this hour, damnit. Do it tomorrow when it's warmer, please, for my sake and your own now." The smaller hybrid gave a low sigh, keeping himself from not getting angry again as he settled back down on the couch as he looked at the fire with a slight grumble coming from him. "Fine, tomorrow then." While he was satisfied that he got Henry to stay home where it was warm, he still felt like he was mad at him after everything, so Beck would do what he could to resolve this between them now. The male rested his hand on the canine-hybrid's knee as he scooted closer to him on the couch. "Please don't be mad at me like this, Henry, look at me." Beck urged him with a slight sadness showing in his eyes. "I'm not mad." Henry muttered under his breath before glancing at the taller male, seeing how serious Beck looked, which made the hybrid shake his head, "I'm not mad at you."

There was a softened silence between them and even though Beck did not fully believe him, he just wanted everything to be okay between them. The feline-hybrid felt a weird tension between them, which just made him feel strange all over, but he knew that it wasn't going to help itself by just sitting here and doing nothing. "You wanna cuddle?" Beck suggested, making the other male glance at him with a raise of an eyebrow. The brown-haired male just gave him a smile and gestured to himself, silently suggesting it again. There was another small thing about Henry and that was that he never, and I mean never in a million years, turned down snuggling with his love, no matter how stubborn he truly was. A defeated sigh slipped from the canine-hybrid's mouth as he leaned against Beck now, still not really looking at him, but the older hybrid would take it as acceptance. Wrapping his arms around the raven-haired male, Beck purred deeply as he nuzzled his mate, giving Henry the affection that he deserves for all his effort. "I am very proud of you, Henry, for your hunting today. I want you to know that." Beck mentioned to the canine-hybrid with the purr still evident in his tone, "I love you so much." The older male knew that the others at the manor didn't usually make his efforts recognized, now giving the canine a certain sense of disappointment. As his mate now, however, Beck would fix this and make sure Henry knew that he was appreciated by him without question. The young hybrid, however, was silent for a few long moments as they sat there, making the taller male worry ever so slightly about him, but soon enough, his worries were put away. "I love you too." He said with a softened yawn coming from him now before he turned his head to look at Beck now with the faintest hint of a smile forming on his face, but this was not what caught the older hybrid's attention right away. "Henry, did you know that you were bleeding?" The taller male immediately said with concern, seeing the cut on the canine-hybrid's forehead, dried blood was showing around it and the raven-haired male just shook his head in dismay at this. "Oh, it's nothing. That doe kicked me in the face when I went hunting, I'm fine, I promise." It certainly didn't look like nothing, no matter what his mate now said and Beck wouldn't just let this stay as is without any treatment. "You are not fine." He said with a huff, "And I'm going to make it all better or I wouldn't be a good mate, now would I?" Without even giving Henry a chance to retort, the older male stood up and picked up his mate, making the canine-hybrid instinctively wrap his arms around his neck and his legs around Beck's waist, making the brown-haired male smile as he carried him into the small kitchen of the cabin. Henry didn't say anything at this point and decided to just let Beck do what he wished now as he rested him on the counter, letting go of him as he went over to the fridge while the canine-hybrid sat there, his tail swishing behind him quietly as he watched the older male out of the corner of his eye. Beck seemed so determined to take care of him, even if it was some stupid little cut that didn't even hurt much.

As he sat there, Henry's mindset seemed to drift back to the last time that he sat on this counter, which was back when Beck and he still lived here many months ago. It was on the same exact day when Beck had told him that he had dropped out of college so that he could focus on their relationship without anything getting in their way. He started to have vivid memories of what happened that same night on this counter and he felt a wave of heated embarrassment brush over his face, shaking himself slightly to not get any more suggestive things lurking in his train of thought right now. Luckily for him, Beck returned to him with a small cloth and bottle of water before any of those thoughts would go further south. "You're lucky that it won't get any infection." Beck mentioned to his mate as he applied some of the cold water to the soft cloth, "Or that you didn't get any injuries worse than this." Henry rolled his eyes once more at his constant worrying and looked at the older male with his ears twitching. "Beck, I've hunted for years on my own and never gotten hurt - you don't need to be such a wet blanket." He said as the male gave another slight huff as he went forward and touched the canine's cut with the damp cloth, making Henry wince and shiver slightly. "It's cold.." The shorter hybrid murmured as Beck wiped away the dried blood on his skin with gentle strokes. "I know, but it'll clean the wound. There's a warm bed awaiting us after this, I promise, okay?" Beck said in an attempt to reassure his mate that had probably been out in the cold weather for far too long today and it would be his responsibility to make sure that he was taken care of now. Throughout this though, Henry just held onto the word 'us' when he said they would be going to bed after this. That's what he needed right now, to be honest, a nice warm bed with his mate to soothe the aching feeling within his muscles and bones. He was much too tired right now to participate in 'other activities' and he knew that Beck was the same way by the sleepy look within his emerald green-hued eyes as he treated the wound on his face without even saying anything now. Beck watched as Henry closed his eyes as he tended to the cut and wondered if he was going to fall asleep right there on the counter, but it did not matter - he would carry him to bed and make sure that he gets plenty of rest for tomorrow. Today, they had been through a whole storm of emotions and the brown-haired male could only hope that things would get better for them in the future. Beck didn't like arguing with Henry nor making him angry in any way, so for now, he would just have to be careful with what he said around the canine-hybrid and that would put him on the good side of him like it always had been before this. The good thing was that Henry seemed to have forgotten about all the bad tension between them by now and they had resulted back to how things had always been between them - quiet and blissful. As a few moments passed and the cut was clean, Beck made sure to grab a small band-aid from the medkit that they had in the cabin with them and gently put it over the hybrid's forehead. "There you go, all better and handsome as ever." The taller male said with a chuckle as Henry gave a small tired hum, not opening his eyes. It seemed like he was already in the process of slumber, without further ado, Beck picked up his mate and carried him to their shared bed with a quiet, loving purr coming from him now as he did this. He loved caring for his mate like this now. 

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