The Halls of the Woodland Realm looked just as Tauriel remembered them, soaring ceilings and graceful causeways. Walking these familiar halls felt something of a homecoming. With a regretful sigh, she set her course along the twisting walkways toward the king's throne at the heart of the palace.
As she neared the throne, it appeared that Tauriel was not the only ambassador to be making their report to Thranduil today. A tall elf with dark hair and clad in gray robes was already standing before the throne, deep in heated conversation with the king. Lord Galvalon of Imladris, if Tauriel recalled correctly. That Noldorin elf had a penchant for antagonizing Thranduil during negotiations. Grimacing slightly to herself, Tauriel could not help but curse her luck at the likely foul mood of the King, that she would now be forced to deal with.
"Ambassador?" Thranduil's voice cut through the air, sharp as broken glass. Negotiations with Rivendell's representative must have concluded.
Looking down at the Silvan elf with an unreadable, imperious expression, Thranduil looked as he always had and likely always would until the ending of the world. Although, Tauriel could not help but wonder if she saw a flicker of emotion pass over Thranduil's face at the former Captain of the Guard's return to the Woodland Realm.
Only once had Tauriel ever seen what really lay behind that almost unnaturally smooth face. That had been on the steps of Ravenhill over the body of a dwarven prince, the elven king's raw emotion exposed plainly in his glassy eyes. There was no such vulnerability to the king now. Whatever had transpired on Ravenhill between Thranduil, Legolas and herself had long since been buried back down beneath the façade. Thranduil watched Tauriel like a carven statue.
"My lord." Tauriel bowed deeply, lowering her gaze to the stonework platform beneath her feet.
"I trust your time spent in Erebor and Dale has been productive, Ambassador?" Thranduil did not address her by name, as he might once have done.
"Yes, it has been." Straightening up, Tauriel looked the king unflinchingly in the eye. "Erebor has recently re-opened its marketplace, with plans to begin trade immediately. There is also talk of rebuilding Laketown, both to house residents and to serve as a trading hub. King Bard sends his regards, and wishes to enquire as to your interest in taking up a more formal commerce agreement with the city of Dale."
"And by extension, with Ironfoot in Erebor." It was a statement, not a question. Thranduil pronounced the name of the Lonely Mountain with dangerous smoothness.
Well, that had certainly taken Thranduil no time at all. And here Tauriel had been wondering just how to broach the trading offers she carried from both her host kings. Nodding shortly, she set her teeth. Negotiating it was then.
"The two kingdoms go hand-in-hand my lord, as they ever did before the coming of Smaug. With one being but a stone's throw from the other, King Dain and King Bard have laid plans to tie up much of their respective economies in one another. To ensure friendly relations between their peoples forevermore."
"We have no need of such alliances," Thranduil sounded disdainful. The forest provides us with all we are needful of, and as you can see anything we do not have, I prefer to trade with Imladris for." The king's eyes flickered to the Noldorin ambassador, who was already well on his way down the lattice of walkways from the throne. "At least I can have some degree of expectation that Elrond will conduct his business honorably."
"And has King Bard earned anything less, or King Dain?" Tauriel felt her temper rising as it had not since she had last resided in these halls. When Thranduil only stared coldly down at her, she continued. "Bard sent me with a message as well. He asked that you would remember how elves, men and dwarves allied together and fought for the good of all in the Battle of Five Armies. A common enemy united us, he said, and now he hopes that in times of peace our lands may remain united so."

Unspoken ( A Legolas Love Story )
FanfictionAFTER the Battle of Five Armies, an elf prince journeys to the north of Middle Earth in search of the mysterious Strider. But to also escape the grief of a 'love unspoken' as well as the oppressive regime of his father, King Thranduil. There among t...