Strider sat uncomfortably in his tent, teeth gritted and beads of sweat appearing on his brow. He could not remember the last time he was in such agony. His foot was balanced on roll of bedding, while Elrohir took a moment to examine it, a concerned look displayed on the elf's face.
"Ai Estel, your foot is a mess. I can put a stint in and strap it, but you will not be able to walk on it for weeks, mellon nín."
Srider cursed softly to himself. It was considerably worse news than he had hoped for and the obvious course of action loomed in front of him like a dark foreboding cloud.
There was a movement at the front of tent, as a head of silver poked in and cleared their throat.
"Strider, you wanted to see us ..."
Strider sucked in his breath and raised his head to meet Legolas's eyes. "Yes Legolas, that I did. Please come in." The elf prince was followed silently by Wren, as they edged themselves into the tent.
"I'll fashion a stint and be back shortly."
Elrohir had clearly decided to make himself scarce.On his way out, Strider noticed that Elrohir gave Wren quick nudge in the ribs as he passed her by, and for that he received an irate glare.
Strider observed the scene before him. The tall fair elf, standing erect with his hands behind his back, although Strider could not help wonder if in fact the elf looked almost sheepish. This however was in stark contrast to the petite dark-haired ranger, her chin out and her gaze defiant.
"Is there anything either of you two would like to say...?" Strider began, with a sterner look on his face than he actually felt.
Wren immediately began to speak first, without looking at Legolas. "Well, I for one, remain confused as to why Legolas felt the need to toss me out the ravine, considering you lept back in seconds later."
"That was not really what I meant..." sighed Strider, "But since you mention it, I was frustrated that our arrows were making no discernible impact at the time. And, admittedly rather rashly, decided to do something about it." He glanced at his foot. "That however is not the matter in question..."
Strider turned his head towards the elf, "Legolas, as Wren clearly has not figured out it out yet... Why did you throw her out the ravine, where several trolls were trying to trample her to death?"
Legolas smiled and shook his head, "I was trying keep her safe and did what I thought necessary to remove her from an increasingly perilous situation. In fact, I was fully intent on exiting the ravine myself at the next opportune moment, until the instant that you decided to join me..." The elf cocked his head towards the Ranger captain and Strider was unable to discern if there was a twinkle in his eye.
Wren spluttered with indignation.
Then Legolas turned to Wren and said softly, "Meleth nín*, when I think of you coming to harm, I cannot breathe."
Wren was completely disarmed by the elf's words; her lips parted and her brown eyes wide as she looked at him.
Strider cleared his throat as he kneaded his brow. "And Wren, why did you decide to accompany Legolas on his foolhardy plan and argue with him for the duration of it...?"
But Strider realized at once his question was redundant, as Wren lowered her eyes. All three of them knew a response was not necessary so Strider sighed and continued.
"Legolas, your plan was impulsive and foolish, but to its credit it worked. It seems we only have one casualty... which could be argued, is entirely my own fault. In any event, the lack of casualties is nothing short of miraculous, considering we took on four large hill trolls."

Unspoken ( A Legolas Love Story )
FanfictionAFTER the Battle of Five Armies, an elf prince journeys to the north of Middle Earth in search of the mysterious Strider. But to also escape the grief of a 'love unspoken' as well as the oppressive regime of his father, King Thranduil. There among t...