24: A Cage

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Wren did not keep her word to her mother. Indeed, she did not give the elf an opportunity to apologize. Though this was partly circumstantial, it was primarily due to her stubbornness and pride. In the couple of days subsequent to the ill-fated orc incident, Wren rarely left her cabin. Her body felt battered and her dignity was still wounded. On the rare occasion she did leave, she was aware of the eyes of brooding elf following her. It unfortunately served to increase her resentment towards him; although she also took some small pleasure in his unease. The few words that were exchanged between them, were cold and curt. She resolved to make him wait another couple of days, before offering Legolas an opportunity for reconciliation.

However, on the third day, Strider decided to take a large party of Rangers into the hills for several weeks to try to stem the tide of stray orcs and dark creatures. Wren, much to her chagrin, was not permitted to accompany them.

"Until your stitches have healed, you are not much use, Wren. I will not have them torn prematurely."

Wren had argued furiously about her capacity to serve as a scout. Strider had listened patiently at first, but eventually, he had quietened her with some stern words regarding her maturity and ability to respect orders; all which served to rankle her even further.

She had left Strider's house sullenly and was herself brooding, when the party of Rangers departed. A few of the older Rangers were left to take care of the village, as well as Rodorin. Wren went to talk to him, but he had no desire to dwell on past events. Her mother by all appearances, seemed distant and disappointed. Feeling isolated and alone, Wren waited.

As the first week passed, she presumed that she was waiting for all the Rangers to return, particular Strider. It was only by the second week, she concluded that she was in fact waiting for him...the elf prince, for Legolas.

By that time, her self-righteous anger had abated and she was left with regret regarding her actions; particularly her lack of resolution with Legolas. Strider's words to her at the time of the incident had finally cut through the clamor of her indignation and pride. It had become apparent to Wren, that a far more plausible reason for Legolas's initial reaction had been an overriding concern for her well being, rather than the need patronize or criticize her. However without the elf's presence to process and temper her change in heart, she reverted to feeling frustrated with herself and consequently resentful.

Throughout Wren's short life, she had prided herself in her skills and her abilities, but most of all her independence. She was fortunate that her mother had been able to recognize and foster that, and for that Wren loved her deeply. However for several years now, Wren had loved Strider and longed for him to love her in return. The independence she cherished, was in actual fact, no longer truly hers. It was now inextricably linked to another. It had made her feel like she was trapped.

Recently, although she had not consciously noticed it, some of that bondage had lifted. As Wren contemplated that particular thought and appreciated the truth in it, she floundered for the reasons behind it. She had a nagging thought that her new sense of freedom was due to the elf prince. She had certainly felt free on that particular day on the North Downs. It seemed like a lifetime ago, out on the plains and long into the night, she had felt completely at ease with Legolas and fully known by him.

She recognized that her feelings for Strider must have dramatically altered in recent months. It seemed that, he had perhaps, gradually diminished from the object of her ardent affection. And Instead retreated into the comfortable, yet brotherly figure, he had always endeavored to be. As Wren wrestled with the idea that her love for Strider had subsided, she was faced with the likelihood that it had been supplanted by something new.

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