2.4: A Humble Abode and Aching Heart

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Legolas found himself astride a wooden beam several weeks later, hammering in iron nails. Winter had long since arrived, but unlike Daernon's bunions had predicted, it was an unusually mild one. Only a light dusting of snow currently covered the hard ground and tufts of dry brown grass still peered through. However the severe chill that was present in the air did not hinder Legolas, it only meant that as he worked, his breath was visible occasionally in faint plumes.

Following his last conversation with his father, Legolas had requested Strider's permission and assistance with an idea that he planned on implementing in the next two months. Strider was intrigued and gladly accompanied Legolas to a forest following his request, to the base of the large oak tree, whose branches stretched out wide around it.

Legolas had cleared his throat, before attempting to explain his reasons for being there. "Much as I have enjoyed staying with you or by myself in the tiny cabin at the edge of the village, I do not think my betrothed will be amenable in the long term, to either option."

Strider's eyes twinkled, as he said with a smile, "If you were looking for amenable, you should have probably pledged yourself to another!"

The ease and companionship he now felt with Strider, allowed Legolas to laugh easily in response, a reaction that only a year ago would have been unfamiliar for the elf. Strider's eyes had lit up as the elf began to elaborate, although Strider's experience enabled him advise Legolas and temper his enthusiasm appropriately. Thereafter Legolas rounded up some of his former students and few of the older rangers. Together they collected fallen trees and timber; for no elf can bring themselves to fell a tree and began to help Legolas's plans take shape. Rapid progress was made with willing hands and the absence of the heavy snow and howling winds that usually made themselves known at this time of year. And for the first time in his long life, Legolas began to enjoy using his hands to create something out of nothing. Strider and the other rangers were well-versed in carpentry, but they gladly shared their experience and knowledge with the elf.

Now, almost six weeks after his initial request, his project nearing completion, Legolas was working alongside Strider as the day drew to a close. The bitterly cold weather, that particular day, had sent the rest of the Dúnedain workforce home early for a hot dinner. Legolas hammered in yet another nail and then picked up a board, as he silently mulled over the future ahead of him that was soon to start, when Strider abruptly interrupted his thoughts.

"I understand that your father will not be attending your wedding..."

Legolas paused, as he held a board up to his eye, checking to see whether the visible crack at one end had propagated along the length of it. He knew that the heralded arrival of an elevenking had caused a great stir in the village and perhaps more so, when the king did not actually arrive. Moreover, his princely identity among the villagers which had largely remained unknown up to that point, was now common knowledge. He lamented this turn of events, as the now markedly differential behavior from some of the villagers irked him. Wren had assured him that it would soon pass and indeed he hoped it would, the relative anonymity he had enjoyed with the Dúnedain had been a source of surprising contentment.

"... And what might have you led to that conclusion." He said with a wry observation, after determining that the board was not fatally flawed.

"Need you ask ... a little bird told me."

"Ahhh yes... My father unfortunately made a particularity distressing impression on my wife to be." Legolas said as he laid the board, resentment and hostility evident in his voice.

"That he did. Is there no reasoning with him...?" Strider looked up at him as he sat on the beam across from Legolas, his legs dangling on either side, his hammer resting on his knee.

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