There is much more to be told of Legolas's and Wren's story over the next sixty-odd years... Stories that involve further adventures with the sons of Elrond, Aragorn, meeting a notable grey wizard and tracking and capturing a strange creature called Gollum. Then there are questions that will need to be answered such as, 'who was Wren's father?' and exactly 'why Wren was not a member of the fellowship?' (Tolkien forgot to mention her, obviously...) As well as tales to be regaled of the exploits of Oropher and Anthelísse, as they fought in the Great War of the Ring with their grandfather, Thranduil, holding off the dark forces in the North while their father and Isildur's heir battled Sauron's forces in the South.
But that dear reader is a story that has yet to be written by someone else's fair hand. My young family, including my own set of twins, is calling my name, often... And although this has been a most enjoyable adventure with you all, I feel that I must limit my time on Wattpad so as I am not guilty of their neglect! I will however be here as often as I can be, reading the many excellent stories you have all written, as well as editing my story occasionally and making some dedications to as many loyal readers as I can!
I say 'my' story but as always, much of the credit must go to TheGreenScholar (GS) who was responsible for creating the original masterpiece that my story totally piggybacked on. When I started this journey, all I had thin romantic plot - with dare I say it, some interesting and unquestionably, fascinating dialogue ... ;) But no other original characters and no idea how to weave a story and create a place, a picture and entire group of people. I stumbled across 'Starting Anew' written by GS after I had written all my key scenes between Wren and Legolas, and was at a loss of how to pull it all together. I was elated and frustrated at such a find! Elated because it was the first truly outstanding piece of Tolkien fanfiction I had come across (I have since found many more, you just have to look harder and in the right places!) And deflated, because until that point I had not found a story that was set directly after the hobbit among the Dúnedain, and now here it was in front of me, exactly the story I wanted to write, albeit no romance... There was a similar opening scene, hanging out with the Dúnedain, getting to know Strider, having Elladan and Elrohir show up etc. It was depressing, as I realized I could never draft something of this quality on my own, particularly after the GS's ideas were now entrenched my memory. But then I was inspired to collaborate with GS and possibly with her help, I might actually be able to draft a comprehensive story into being...
So with her kind permission, I gloriously and shamelessly (okay sometimes with a little shame...) I plagiarized GS's story... But I learnt so much in the process about how to craft a story - showing rather than telling, the art of subtlety and pace, how the intricate details are all required to create a picture. TheGreenScholar helped enormously by critiquing/shredding my first draft of PART 1 and fortunately stepped in to prevent Wren becoming an ill-fated Mary Sue! ;) Over time, my story had a will of its own and found its own way here and there, as I explored the characters of Wren & Legolas and their relationship. I am glad to say that on reflection, well over half the story is original, but it is book-ended largely by GS's work, with various editing and insertions from myself. The genius Angmar/Gundabad plot line is entirely hers, as well the return of the ring to Thranduil; as it all served to give my story more depth. Although I obviously threw in a wife and pair of cheeky twins for good measure!
In summary, please, PLEASE head on over to TheGreenScholar 's page to get your weekly diet of great Tolkien Fanfiction, particularly to read the story of Legolas's Mother, 'The Last elf Queen of Arda' as well at the 'Seeds of the White Tree' a continuation after the LOTR - you will not be disappointed!!!
This story was always about the feel-good factor and trying to repair the damage to my heart after Jackson's Hobbit and I hope I did that without creating too much additional damage to your own! It has been so thrilling and rewarding to generate emotions of anger, angst, annoyance and joy! For me, this has been so much fun and I have loved writing and reading and responding to your comments, its brought out my inner fangirl!!! (I believe that I may have been an original fangirl sometime about 2001, you can do the math!) But luckily, I met my own elf afterward (almost... he doesn't have pointy ears unfortunately) and I am truly grateful for etherist 's encouragement and patience in this process - he gave me the space to explore a long-dormant creative writing streak! ;)
But lastly I wanted to thank all of you, visible and those not so much, for reading, voting and commenting, it truly spurred me on and made this such rewarding experience. I am forever grateful for your support and excitement for my story. It's been a most awesome and epic journey!
Nîn velui a lalaith veren nalú en-agovaded vín.
p.s. May I just say how greatly improved my Elvish is since I started writing this! For those of you who aren't so fluent ... XD XD XD ... Sweet waters and light laughter until next we meet!

Unspoken ( A Legolas Love Story )
FanfictionAFTER the Battle of Five Armies, an elf prince journeys to the north of Middle Earth in search of the mysterious Strider. But to also escape the grief of a 'love unspoken' as well as the oppressive regime of his father, King Thranduil. There among t...