2.9: Into the North Once More

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A week later, Legolas and Wren left their cabin at the break of dawn, Wren's cloak was wrapped tightly around her shoulders. They walked wordlessly to the village, hand in hand. They traveled light, their packs fastened on their backs. Most of the village had turned out to see the rangers off, and their breath rose as a multitude of white puffs in the chilly morning air. All spoke in low voices, and the mood in the square was distinctly somber. Even the children knew that this foray held no small amount of danger.

Elladan and Elrohir were already present, their voices one of the few carrying cheerful tones as they bantered with a pair of teenage girls. The young women stood tall and dignified under the watchful eyes of their parents, but even so their dark eyes twinkled as they giggled at the Peredhil twins' jests. Legolas and Wren were only privy to the latter part of the conversation.

"Yes, when you consider all the wargs and trolls we may face, not to mention giant bats, it is indeed perilous ... however I eat bats for breakfast." Elladan was saying with unnecessary drama and a smile.  The girls' faces became a picture of horror.

"Giant bats!" Squealed one of the sisters.

"Breakfast!" Yelped the other.

"Perilous to be sure, my brother may not survive, being the lesser skilled of us both. But I will most definitely return. And all things considered, one of us is probably more than enough to go around." Elrohir said with a wicked grin.

The brothers both jointly and abruptly received an elbow in the ribs from Wren. "Careful, do not jest about death, others have ears..." She warned under her breath. The twins turned to see a few wide-eyed faces of the younger rangers hanging on their every word.

Elladan rapidly tried to recover some lost ground. "Have no fear, a few trolls and wargs are certainly no match for us. Certainly not since the prince of the Greenwood, one of the most skillful and deadly warriors in Middle Earth has joined us!" He gestured in Legolas's direction.

Legolas gave Elladan a wry smile and this seemed to placate some of the nerves of the young rangers and they busied themselves finishing their travel preparations.

The spot of merriment involving Elrond's sons faded into the background, as more and more of the rangers emerged from their homes. Not all would be going north on this expedition, but even those remaining behind seemed to be present in the gathering throng. Legolas exchanged a sideways glance with Strider. The Dúnedain were skilled woodsmen and brave fighters, but simply not the physical equivalent of elves. Whatever Legolas might feel about venturing into the lands of Angmar, these folk had even more cause for a small share of anxiety.

A door squeaked as it opened nearby, and Rodorin stepped out into the rising sunlight dressed to travel. His mother, Nerwen's sister in-law, appeared behind her son on the threshold, her patchwork shawl drawn nearly as tightly as her expression. Rodorin turned and bent to embrace his mother, and then he strode purposefully out to join the silent ranks of rangers where they stood mingling with their families.

Beringil was also there with his wife, the round-faced Enid. Although she was not by any stretch of the imagination, an attractive woman, Beringil stood speaking quietly to her with all the deference one might show a queen. He then took his young son from her arms, kissed him and then ruffled his hair as he handed the boy back to his wife. It was a tender moment featuring the gruff mortal, one that Legolas almost found himself surprised to witness.

"Legolas. Might I have a moment?"

Nerwen's firm voice was unmistakable, and Legolas turned to greet her with a nod. To be honest, he half-expected to find her standing there in the pale morning sunlight with a bow on her back, ready to depart with them. Instead the Dúnedain woman wore her usual dark gray kirtle and shawl, but in her hands she held a knife still in its sheath.

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