Chapter 31: Is tEdRoS sTilL a BaD bOi?

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  Tedros stepped inside his office, hair back in its usual hair gel filled waves. Face finally shaved with a buttoned up shirt.
"Agatha?" His hand dropped from his head, his wife still in the office from yesterday. He'd decided she must have gone to sleep in the babies rooms yesterday or something.
She looked up, the little bit of kohl eye liner she wore had melted down her red cheeks and eyes. Agatha's lips shook, before turning into a fine line as she stood up.
"I HATE YOU!" She yelled, for the second time in the more recent months.
"Wh-whats wrong, Aggie?" Tedros' eyes threatened to leak tears, what was going on? What did he do this time?
"You! Your whats wrong, Tedros!! A-and stop calling me that!" Agatha stood up, and turned her back facing the desk, her hands rummaged around a box she had taken from a closet.
"I dont get whats wrong?" They never thought, he knew that. I mean, they fought all the time but not like this. Arguing over what type of cereal to eat ( Omelettes for the kids and cereal for Tedros, Bacon for Agatha) versus.. Whatever this was.
"This! THIS TEDROS." She used his full name when she was mad, Agatha held up a bottle of rum. Tedros sighed, his hands pushing at his temples.
"Agatha, it was one drink.."
"Really?" She asked sarcastically before moving over to the other desk, Tedros pursed his lips. He knew he was in trouble now.
"Because the whoole drink cart from the Parlour seems to have moved up here. Minus the cart!" Agatha's voice rose with each word.
"Agatha, calm down.. You'll wake up Cindy and Stefan, not to mention Arthur! Do you really think he'll stay in his tutor lesson if we're yelling at each other like two-"
"You don't get to bring up the kids considering you have an extra one with an actual witch whose doing better in class then OUR princess!" Agatha threw her hands in the air.
Tedros was silent.
For once.
"Explain this.. These!" Agatha's hands motioned all around the desk of bottles. Tedros shook his head.
"Aggie I-"
"Don't Aggie me!"
"Agatha.. I was so stressed and everything has been just so awful and Tristan is just.. Everywhere and you are with the kids and now we have a kingdom wanting to kill Sophie again.."
"I want to kill her too" Agatha grumbled kicking the ground.
"Well do you understand?" Tedros asked, pushing his hands in his hair.
"No, I thought you would be smarter about this Tedros. You almost became your own dad." She whispered just loud enough, stepping away, still in her night gown from the night before when she had asked if he was coming to bed.
Tedros was the one left to cry in his office.
He glanced towards the drinks, stepping closer. It Easy..
Whoosh! The glass bottles clattered to the floor in shatters and liquid flooding on the wood floors.
Tedros let out a scream, childrens cries rattled the floor below him. Tedros crouched to the ground, placing his hands on his head and leaning into the mahogany desk.  

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