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Sang POV

*5 years ago. November 1st.*

My birthday was 3 weeks ago and I'm still floating on cloud 9 from it. I turned 18, officially moved in with my boys and if I do say so myself, I got some excellent sex that night. It was the first night all 9 of us were together. When I first proposed the idea of all of us together in one room, they exploded. They were adamant that they didn't feel that way about each other and they never wanted to see their brothers with their girlfriend. Once I explained that I didn't expect that of them, that i just wanted to bond us all together and it was such a big night for us that I didn't want to choose one or two to have sex with. That seemed to catch their attentions and well I got what I wanted. Yippee for me! 

We've been together officially a year but unofficially 2 years. Since the first weekend of my junior year. Now that we are graduated and I'm an official academy member and known as the Ghost Bird, we get more time together. Whether we are doing missions or just hanging out. It's been blissful. 

Volto dropped off the grid and I know it makes us all nervous but right now we can't focus on that all of the time. We have missions and I'm about to study through the Academy to become a Doctor. While our team already has Sean, he wants to step away from the hospital as often as he has been and focus on starting a clinic. It would take pressure off of him and the whole hospital staff if they knew someone else was ready to take over. 

I wake up refreshed and a little antsy. The bed is cold, the boys must have been up for awhile. I have a full day at the hospital and I hate being late. 

I shower quickly and throw my Disney Princess scrubs on. Victor bought them for me when I started at the hospital. I have one of every princess, the multiple princess one I'm wearing now, and a few with other Disney characters. Meanie said they were better fitting on me. 

I run down stairs after french braiding my hair back and see no one around. I start calling out names and see no one. I grab my keys by the door, North got me a sleek cherry red 2011 Camaro, my ID badge for the hospital, my phone and wallet. I head to the kitchen and see no one. I'm a little pissed no one woke me but I don't have time to dwell on it. I can chew their asses out later, after my 16 hour shift when I'm cranky. That'll teach 'em!

I grab a banana and my packed lunch, just before I run out the door I see a pink sheet of paper folded up with my name on. 

I grab it and begin to read, when my world falls apart. 


First let us say that we do love you and always will. We just can't continue this anymore. This is not at all your fault but we just are no longer able to continue this relationship. Please don't try and find us. We wish you all the best and happiness. We are sorry we had to do this. 

Love Always,

Owen, Dr. Sean, North Star, 52, Superman, Meanie, Honey, Your Prince, Your Forever

My whole world blows up and they leave me a fucking note! With their god damn nicknames!

Angry tears are falling and I know I'm sad but really I'm pissed off. Who the fuck did I kill in my past life that has caused such shitty things to happen to me. It took over a year to finally come around in believing myself and knowing my worth, even though I still struggle with it, and now these assholes try and ruin me worse than my step-monster could have ever done!

Before leaving I allow myself to cry. This will be the last and only time I cry over these bastards. 

45 minutes of straight tears and yelling and screaming. I pick myself up off the floor and call the only person I've ever had close to a father. 

"Hello little bird. Where are you? Did you sleep in?" Dr. Roberts answers. 

"Phil, I'm coming down to the hospital now. You need to be ready for me in your office. I have a few questions for you." I tell him, I know he knows something is wrong because of my strained voice.

"Little bird. What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"No Phil, I'm not. But I will be." I hang up before he can ask any more questions. I need to be okay. I know I will be. 

*15 Minutes Later*

I rush into the hospital and go straight to Phil's office. I've known him just as long as I've known the guys and clearly, right now, I trust him the most. 

"Little bird, what wrong?" He asks while guiding me into his office. I just hand him the letter and wait for him to read it. It doesn't take him long since the only wrote me a fucking paragraph to leave me! 


"I don't know Phil but by your reaction, I can gather you had no idea?"

"No fucking clue Sang. Give me a minute." He makes a few call, I tune him out because now I know if Phil doesn't know where they are then they aren't on assignment and they aren't with the academy. 

20 minutes later he turns back to me and tells me they've gone rogue. Or into hiding. But they aren't anywhere and have taken large sums of money from both the Blackbourne estate and Victors inheritance. Presumably to not be found and stay under the radar.

"The only reason, Sang, I can think that they left and went into hiding is because of Volto. We've never found him." Phil tell me. And while I though about that on the ride over here, what they've done is no excuse. 

"I don't give a shit why Phil. They were my family. They taught me family first and that family is a choice. Even if this had to do with Volto, they could have come to me and we could have figured this out as a family. Even if we had to go into hiding all together. There is no excuse. They left. They made a decision that not only affected us as a family but me as an individual. They all have each other and who do I have? NO ONE!" I rant off to Phil.

"Everything you said I agree with Sang, except you have me and Uncle and Erica and Jessica. I called them both and they each got letters as well. We will help you with whatever you need. Now I hate to do this but we have to talk Academy at some point. When do you want to do that? I can give you some time off, the house is paid off and I know you have your very own large checking/savings with one of you fake alias. You will be fine financially speaking." Phil tells me and suddenly I realize that while the guys were my family, I have so many more members now. My resolve strengthens and I feel a thousand times better.

"We can talk now Phil. But I want out of that house. Use it as a safe house, I don't care but I will not live there any more. Can you help me find an Academy place?"

"Actually that's what I was going to ask about. If you are sure, I think I have a solution for you and another problem I've been having. You can say no, but just hear me out." I nod.

"Yea, I'm open to it." I tell him, genuinely curious. While I'm sure it will be a process to get over this, I can't stop living. I have the Academy, and when your family doesn't take care of you - the Academy always will. 

"Okay. Give me a minute to make one more call and then we will meet in the conference room. Go let Nurse Helen that you'll be in Academy meetings all day."

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