Chapter 4 - Surprise

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Marc POV

*3 years ago. 1 month after twins first birthday.*

It's been almost 2 years since we met Sang and every moment has been nothing short of dream. She's been a shining star in all of our lives and I don't know honestly if we would survive without her now. We've talked to her about the Blackbourne team and our feelings about the situation should they ever come back and want her back. We like the Blackbourne team, always have, but if they tried to steal her and our babies away from us - they'd be in for one hell of a fight. Even Uncle, Phil and Erica are on our side about it. We also agreed that should they come back and she wants to let them back in her life, we'd be open to sharing her with them. We know she's capable of loving all of us. We just don't want to lose her. If letting them in, if they ever come back, is what will make her happy, we will back her up. 

When we had the talk with her, about our fears of her leaving us should they ever come back but also us accepting if she wanted them back in her life, she looked at us as if we were crazy.

"You're my family. I love you all so much. You were with me during the most difficult times and never once pushed me or threw me to the side because things got hard. I choose you everyday. If they ever did come back, I don't know what I'd do. I appreciate knowing you guys will back up whatever I do decide but know that you will NEVER be cast aside. If they came back and asked me to pick between the two teams, I'd choose you. They may be the boys biological fathers, and I'll never keep the twins from them, but that does not grant them access to my heart. Not ever. They lost that right when they walked out on me with nothing but a note. Please don't ever doubt what you all mean to me." She told us with tears in her eyes and we knew right then and there we had a partner for life. We had a love for life.

Now a few months after that conversation and a month after the boys first birthday, we are going to ask her to marry us. We just got out of a mission that was dangerous and while none of us want to leave the Academy, especially Sang, the guys and I decided that we want her to know just how real this relationship is. She deserves the world and we hope to give it to her. Uncle and Erica are watching the twins tonight. We all know they're dating even though they believe they're hiding it well. They aren't. They gave us their blessing and so did Phil. He gave us a strict warning that if we ever left her high and dry like the Blackbourne team did, he'd find us and make sure we were 6 feet under in unmarked graves. 

Sang doesn't know this but we've called in a few favors to get us a private flight out this afternoon to Orlando and then tonight we are going to ask her to marry us . It's a total surprise how but the favors it cost us will be well worth it.  We are having it recorded on Uncles request so he can see it and so the twins can see their daddies ask their mommy to spend together forever. 

Crawling to me, Roman looks up and starts smiling and opens his arms to me. 

"Up. Up da da." I chuckle. "Okay little man. Where is your brother? And how did you get out of your play pin?" I ask him walking back to the nursery.

"He escaped on me while I was packing their over night bags. Huh munchkin?" Sang sighs but lights up at Romans smile. 

"He's an escape artist. You know that Corey taught him how to open that gate. I don't know why we don't get a new one." I smile at her when she scrunches her nose. 

"I'm going to have to spank Corey for that one." I laugh. She means that quite literally. She goes around giving us ass spankings often. And not the fun kind. She says that she has to do it because she's out numbered and we need a little kick in the ass sometimes. I agree.

"Why do I need a spanking now!?" Corey comes in pouting slightly. I suppress a chuckle while putting Roman back in to the play pin to help Sang pack.

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