Chapter 5 - The Big Day

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Uncle POV

*2 years ago. Christmas Day 2015*

My little bird is getting married today. I just can't believe everything she is been through and where she is now. She's so strong and a wonderful mother to my 4 nephews and 1 niece. I'm so incredibly proud she found happiness in the absence of the Blackbourne team. She deserves all the love her heart can hold. 

I'm waiting in one of the guest rooms with Erica, Phil and the children. We're all ready for today, in just one hour Phil will be walking the lovely bride down the aisle to marry the 6 men she loves and who I have come to think of as my sons as well. It wont be a big wedding, only Academy members and some of Sangs Academy hospital co-workers. 

A knock on our door rings through the chatter of the kids and Erica. I open up to see Sang standing there with a silk robe covering her but with her hair and make-up done to perfection. 

"Come in little bird, we can't have those men seeing you before the ceremony." I hustle her in. 

"Is everything okay sweetheart?" Erica asks as Riley and Roman rush to their mom. 

"Everything is perfect, I just needed to talk to Uncle quickly." I nod. She lowers herself to hug the twins. "Hi babies. Momma needs to talk to Uncle but I'll see you soon. You boys are gonna walk down the aisle to daddies right? Do you remember what we practiced?"

"Yes mommy. Walk slow to dada Ax and give him box" Roman answers with his sweet little 2 1/2 year old voice while pushing up his black frame glasses. 

"And then what?"

"And then we sit with gam gam Erica and the triplets." Riley finishes. God does he look just like his father. Sometimes my heart starts to hurt because North, Owen and the boys are missing out on this but a bigger part of me is so angry and disappointed in them. Those boys made promises they didn't keep and left her after everything they knew she went through in her home life. She feared for so long that they were going to leave her, it took her over a year to really believe in the promise that they wouldn't. Then another year later, those boys are gone at the first sight of trouble.

"That's right boys. I love you so much. Go hang out with triplets and grandma. It's almost time." She kisses them and then moves to kiss the triplets who are 10 months old.

"Okay Uncle, let's speak over here." She leads me to the bedroom attached to the small living room of our hotel suite. 

"What's going on little bird? You have me worried here. I'm an old man, you can't be scaring me like that." 

"Oh Uncle it's nothing bad. I'm so happy. I just have something to ask you. You know that Phil, dad, is walking me down the aisle and you and Erica are going to sit with the triplets before the twins come down the aisle and then sit with you. If you would though, I'd love for you and Phil to both walk me down the aisle. You've been just as much of a father to me as Phil and none of this could have been possible without you. You helped shaped who I've become and have loved me unconditionally when you  could have cast me aside when your boys left. It would mean the world to me if you'd join Phil in walking me down the aisle." She finishes trying to hold back tears. I've let mine flow freely. 

"Oh little bird. It would be an honor to walk you down the aisle. I've loved you like a daughter since the moment you walked into my life as a scared and abused 16 year old. Seeing your grow up to be not only a wonderful woman but an amazing mother and spectacular doctor, has filled me with so much pride and love. I'll walk you with Phil." We hug and she rushes off to finish getting ready to marry her men.

"Well Phil, looks like we both get to walk our little bird down the aisle." I beam at him and he smiles back. My phone rings and I quickly pick it up, thinking it's the diner.

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