~February 20th 2015~

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Third Person POV

*2 1/2 years ago. 6 months after marriage proposal*

Raven, Axel, Kevin, Marc, Brandon and Corey find themselves in they were in a little over a year and a half ago. Becoming father's for the second time. They all decided that they would wait to get married until after the triplets were born and Sang had time to recover. While they can't wait to marry the love of their lives, they want her to have a dream wedding and they're willing to wait for that.

"Uncle, Sang is going to be pushing here soon. Bring the twins, Erica and Jessica to the hospital. She doesn't want you to miss this and has been asking about Roman and Riley." Axel says to Uncle while talking to him on the phone.

"Of course son. We'll be there in a half an hour. Is Phil already at the hospital?" Uncle asked Axel. Worried about the girl he's taken in as his own. She's tiny and she's about to give birth to 3 more babies. He truly believes she is the strongest woman he has ever met and he worries for everyday even though he knows she is so loved.

"Phil just got here. We will see you soon Uncle. Tell our babies we love them." Axel ends the call. He can't believe he's about to be a dad again. They've been so blessed with the twins and the family around them to help his family. He never thought that he would get to be a dad and a husband and now he's a daddy to 5 babies and a husband to a beautiful, strong hellcat.

"Hey dream-boat, can you get me some ice chips?" Sang pouts to Kevin. The guys chuckle at her term of endearment for him. Kevin knows he brought it on himself when he asked her if he was her dream-boat. The nickname stuck.

"Yea dollface, I can do that for you." Kevin kisses her and ducks out of the room to get his girl ice chips.

As time goes on the OB comes into Sang's private room and tells her it's time to push. Sang decided after birthing the twins she would have the epidural for this birth.

Once every one is in the room ready for the birth, they all take their respective positions. Uncle and Phil take the twins to the cafeteria. Erica and Jessica stand next to Sangs side. Axel and Kevin each hold a leg. Marc and Raven each hold a hand. Brandon sits behind her keeping her cool with damp cloths. And Corey records the birth. After each boy kisses her, it's time to push.

After 2 grueling hours of pushing, all three babies are born. But Sang is looking a little worse for wear.

The nurses whisk the triplets out of the room to run tests while the doctors try and take care of Sang.

"Sang! Lover girl! Please stay awake. Please stay with us." Brandon cries from behind her. While the the guys all come around to touch and comfort the woman they love.

"I'm okay lover boy. Just tired." She tells him while her eyes flutter closed.

"She's lost too much blood, everyone back up!" The doctor orders.

The boys break down watching the love of their life slowly fading.

"Take care of our babies, boys. I love you all." Sang whispers before her eyes shut. The boys and Erica and Jessica are kicked out and asked to wait in the private waiting room.

The wails of the boys could be heard through out the hospital. Raven throws his fist through a wall. Corey has curled into himself while Brandon tries to console his brother while keeping his own emotions at check. Kevin is pacing and cursing under his breath while Marc has shut himself down. Axel has gone to get Uncle, Phil and the twins. He knows he has to be strong for not only his brothers but also his sons. They're attached at the hip to Sang. If they figure out anything may be wrong, tantrums will be thrown.

"What's wrong?!" Uncle shouts when he sees Axel approaching with a grim look on his face. Axel flickers his eyes to the twins and gives a slight shake of his head. Uncle takes the hint and knows it's not to be discussed in front of the twins.

They take the twins back to Erica and Jessica so Phil and Uncle can be informed on the situation.

"What's going on?" Uncle asks once they are alone.

"Sang lost too much blood. They kicked us out before we could find anything else out. They triplets were immediately taken from the room to run tests on. None of us got to hold our babies!" Corey cried through thick tears.

"I'll get to the bottom of this!" Phil demanded while walking away. That may be his daughter but this is still his hospital and he'd find out just what the hell was happening with his baby girl and grandbabies.

"It'll be okay boys. That little bird in there is strong. Strongest woman I've ever met. You just have to be strong for your babies. They can't see their daddies break down now. They you and she needs you." Uncle lectures they men. It allows them the moment to regain themselves to stay strong for their family.

*2 hours later*

The doctor comes to speak to Sangs family. Seeing her men broken and barely holding on. When they notice the doctor they immediately stand, waiting for any news.

"She lost a lot of blood, we were able to get her a blood transfusion but she still hasn't woken up. We are monitoring her and you all should be able to go in and see her. Your triplets are fine, they were underweight but that isn't uncommon for triplets especially with a mom so small as Sang is. They're on some feeding tubes until Sang wakes and is able to breastfeed." They whole family breathes a sigh of relief.

"Doc, what did we have? It all happened so fast." Marc asked.

"2 boys and a girl. We know who the father's are as well if you'd like that information?"

"Sure, it doesn't really matter but it's always good to know for background medical history." Axel answers. He's just glad his babies and future wife are doing better.

"The first boy and oldest is Ravens. The second boy and middle is Kevins. And the youngest, the girl is actually technically a mystery. You see Brandon and Corey have the exact same DNA and since I assume you both have had relations with her, there is no real way to say who is exactly the father." The men start crying. They can't believe that they have more children. They're all so incredibly happy.

The doctor leads them to the private hospital room where their babies and love is.

After 2 weeks in the hospital getting Sang back up and around without help and getting the triplets at a better steady weight, the family was finally able to go home.

The men realized how much they need Sang and all she means to them. Sang discovered that she has more love in her heart for the men who picked her up off the ground and took care of her when no one else was there for her. They all love each other and the babies they will be raising are just symbols of that love.

The Triplets - 02/20/15
Anton Alexander Ravenstahl 5 lbs 11 oz.       2:34 pm
Noah Jacob Knight 5 lbs 6 oz.
Sophie Ava Henshaw 5 lbs 1 oz.

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