Chapter Two - Story's and Dogs

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I opened the door to my house and dropped my school bag on the floor. I took my earphones out and placed them on the landing before going up the stairs, "Gwen how was school?" my mum called out from the lounge.

Dammit. I thought she was at work, no wonder the door was open. Or at least hoping she was occupied, but I hardly ever got away with anything these days. I swear my mother had cameras all over the house, paranoid much I know. My dog, Athena, ran out the kitchen door and nearly slipped on the wood floor. "Wow girl take it easy." I said scratching her ears and giggling slightly, she was a bit clumsy but I still loved her. She turned around and I ended up being whacked in the legs with her tail, I sighed, silly dog.

Athena was a beautiful Labrador and I loved her to bits, she was always there for me. Whenever I was feeling depressed or was just having one of those sad moments she'd come in her tongue hanging out and demand attention, and I mean demand. It would take my mind off whatever was making me sad because she's such a ditsy dog, but who wouldn't love a ditsy dog? To be honest I was more of a dog person than a cat person. My mum was sitting on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn and was watching a movie on the TV, she must've gotten the afternoon off or something because she never did this. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it in my mouth, the salt exploded in my mouth and I nearly spat it out. "Careful, its salty." My mum warned, I glared at her and she smiled back. "How was school honey?" She then asked, probably trying to make conversation but it was hopeless, she still hasn't learnt how anti-social I was. I simply shrugged, no point in chatting when you don't want to,

"The usual."

"Care to elaborate."

"Oh you know, someone died, someone nearly died, someone shouted at their boyfriend, someone got shouted at by a miffed teacher, someone broke a leg." I explained rubbing Athena's tummy, she loved that more than life itself.

My mum rolled her eyes and went back to the TV, I took this momentary distraction to sneak out the room and run up the stairs, haha, Gwen the master ninja. I was quite lucky I didn't slip and bring the whole world down on top of me though. Phew. Athena came trundling up behind me and we both went into my bedroom. Athena jumped up onto my smallish bed and I sat in my desk chair, her brown eyes looked at me as I sighed heavily.

I spun the chair and looked at my various posters. The Avengers, Sherlock, Divergent, Much Ado About Nothing, the Addams Family and my huge the Hobbit poster. My entire wardrobe door was covered with pictures of various characters from the Hobbit, well what can I say? I'm obsessed. Like not normal obsession like a 'normal' teenage girl but obsession as in fights over fictional characters obsession, it's difficult to explain. My iPad was lying on my desk and I opened it up. Kt_love has updated Ravaonna a Legolas Love Story. The pop-up appeared and I squealed in delight, I had been waiting for this for ages. I loaded Wattpad and brought up the book. I propped my head on my hand and began to read.

"Well, that's it," I sighed, "I guess it is time to head back to Mirkwood to get Elemmire out of Erebor."

Athena wined loudly behind me and I swiveled the chair around. She was staring at me with her tongue hanging out her mouth. She wined again and pawed the bed. I rolled my eyes and threw her a treat. She ate it in one gulp and laid her head back on the bed. Dogs. I turned back to the iPad and closed Wattpad. Unfortunately, the end of my favourite Wattpad series would have to wait.

I got up off my chair and walked to my wardrobe, I opened the doors. My family wasn't the richest family but we were quite rich. When we first moved to Whimple we bought a small cottage, then we moved to a larger cottage on the outskirts of the town and finally we settled into this great house. I loved it here. I would wake up to the smell of the trees and the chirps from birds. Also the rooms weren't all that bad. My room was the second biggest in the house; my parents had the master bedroom. My brother didn't like big rooms. Although I chose this one because it had a walk in wardrobe, bonus! I ran my hand along the clothes; I didn't have that many clothes so the wardrobe looked quite empty. But that would soon change.

I decided on some nice black jeans, my Addams Family top and my Bude jumper. I grabbed my boots on the way out of the wardrobe and exited my room, Athena followed behind me. I took the stairs two at a time and grabbed my iPod from the landing. I told my mum I was going for a walk. I slipped my boots on and opened the back door. The smells of the wood hit my nose and I smiled. Athena pushed away past me and into the back yard. Well that's that then.

All the characters in this book are based on real life people but I have changed their names and personalities but these people in real life are AMAZINGLY FABULOUS. Except the guys I describe as 'idiots' or 'morons' or 'd*******s' and the people who sound like pricks. (In real life I freaking hate them) the first letter of their names are the same though. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to vote! thanks!

With Love! Lady_Greenleaf_ xxxxxxx

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